Etape du Dales 2007...

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Etape du Dales 2007...

Postby Brian Nolan » Fri May 25, 2007 11:32 pm

I had been looking forward to this event and dreading it in equal measure...Every now and then while I was riding in the rain in last weeks Dartmoor Classic, i had a nagging thought - what if its like this up in the Dales for this years Etape ? I could take the Dartmoor course in the rain but the thought of 9 tough climbs spread over 110miles compared to a few of them last week was too much to bear.. Plus last week we had been lucky that it was not windy. Last year's Etape du Dales had been a real shocker with strong winds on the moors and a lot of rain and flooding.
It was the hardest sportive (and the 1st one ) I done last year and I finished in 7hrs59, just scraping a Silver cert. This year I was hoping to go under 7hrs for a Gold one , I figured you could knock off half an hour for the weather ( if it was good ) , and half an hours improvement.. It wasn't to be.. I could not complain about the weather, it turned out to be a lovely day if a bit chilly early on although the wind did get quite strong later.
It was just that as soon as I got to the 1st climb- Fleetmoss, i realised that I was not climbing well ( not that I'm that quick anyway), and 2007 was going to be no easier than last year despite the sunshine. I had wanted to stay in a large group but soon found myself isolated or going along with just a few other riders. 700 riders sounds a lot ( think maybe 600+ took the start ) but when there spread all over the Dales you can still find yourself on your own or with just a couple of riders for company..
Anyway I got round ok - did not have to get off at all , just that it was still a real struggle and a tough route whatever the weather... Some of the descents are really good and the road down from Fleetmoss into Hawes is always hairy - last year i clocked 57 down there and got a bit of a weave on at one stage. This year no weave but only 1 mph quicker - just had to dab the brakes a bit - even though it is dead straight it is a bit scary...
The last hour was a bit disappointing as I realised I would not break 7hrs , I thought about getting off before the last climb and having a breather but i kept going ..

The organisation, marshalls , signage , radio cars, and feed zones were all superb - top marks, and the timing was great - as soon as you 'dibbed in' your transponder at the end , they printed out your split times and your certificate, plus you got a bottle and a free shirt !

I rolled into the finish in 7hrs 30 so did not make the gold standard ... ah well there is always next year ... I'LL BE BACK !

Brian Nolan
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Postby Andrew G » Sat May 26, 2007 9:13 am

Well regardless of weather it's still grim up north then Brian. :D

Well done, and good luck with all the others you no doubt have planned. I seem to recall you did a silly amount of these things last year, after Huw's job. :wink:
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Postby Brian Nolan » Sat May 26, 2007 9:46 pm

thanks Andrew, glad you are feeling better now . you missed a good club run today.. see you soon mate.
Brian Nolan
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Etape du Dales 2007

Postby Conor Cormican » Sun May 27, 2007 7:45 pm

During the week leading up to the event I was worried about the weather, the forecast was for heavy showers and high winds, I didn't want a repeat of last year. I need not have worried as on Sunday morning it was perfect, sun shining and little wind. We made an early start this year and with plenty of people around I was able to find a few companions for the day. The two Barrys from Bradford were in no hurry and I was glad of the company.

The first climb was Fleet Moss and with an immediate descent of 25% there is no turning back after that. Buttertubs was next with a long winding descent, the speeds on the descents were frightening and I was overtaken regularly. Another few hills and we were on the lunar landscape of Tan Hill at more or less the half way point. On the descent from there I got a front wheel puncture which was a little frightening as I was doing about 40mph at the time. I could not get the tyre off, two snapped tyre levers had me worried and I learned also that it not a good place to have problems because nobody is interested in offering assistance and stopping when they are going at speed. Luckly Graham from Kettlewell who was supporting his son stopped and gave me a lift to the next time control at Moorecock Inn where with assistance I managed to make the necessary repairs.

Immediately after we were faced with the toughest climb of the day, Coal Road. Starting at 22% and easing down to 17% it seems to go on forever with a few false summits, not what you want after cycling 70 miles. I managed to get to the top with one short stop to catch my breath. Next up was Ribblehead (18%) another tough one but again struggle up it and headed on to the final time control at Stainforth. The last climb was Silverdale and after that its all down hill and flat. I was very grateful to see the finish and checked in just inside the 10 hour mark only 2.5 hours slower than Brian.

This event improves every year and this one was the best yet. It was well signposted and marshalled with plenty of food and drinks at the checkpoints and at the finish we got our times and certificate very quickly plus a free T shirt and drink bottle. With the good weather it was great to see the Dales in all their glory but even so I am following Huw's example and not going back there again.

I do hope other club members will give it a try next year. It's a great event with a great sense of achievement on completing it.
Conor Cormican
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Postby Brian Nolan » Tue May 29, 2007 10:43 am

Nice write up Conor - I thought you had taken a vow of silence and wasn't going to do one !
thanks Sean...
Thing is , after you do these you come back noticeably stronger. After the long climbs oop North the run down to Charlwood feels as flat as a pancake although I did run out of steam going up Boxhill :oops: Thing is now that with 2 sportives coming up next month ( Polka Dot Challenge & the Dragon Ride ) i will have to keep the momentum going with some long rides every weekend. Glad I got out on Sat as the rest of the w/end was a real downer - and it was a rest day at the Giro yesterday :( so nothing good to watch either ...
Brian Nolan
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