Club Run 29th Dec

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Club Run 29th Dec

Postby Andrew G » Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:40 pm

Was a bit worried what would be in store today after battling in to a strong head wind on the way down to CSS.

In the end it was pretty much the perfect steady 18s. :D

The group was a great mix of good riders, everyone rotating smoothly as we rolled along with quick 2 minute rotations so nobody was left in the wind for too long. It worked a dream with everyone still looking good and working well right up to the cafe.

Nice to see Alan back from Peru, Ian and Jo back from the lurgy, and Jon H out on a CR - as planted and smooth on his bike as always.

Had to pop in to GBs for a couple of bits so came back the short way and had a good run back with David K and Adam tapping out a nice steady tempo on the front of the group. Had to spin a bit quick at times as the, now, tail wind shoved us along in places.
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Postby Nick » Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:57 pm

First time out for me in a very long time around 3 months.

Went out with the 16's as "That northen Lass" was in there :D so I knew I would have someone to talk to or at least listen no matter where I was in the group. :D this proved a great success for me as I was able to keep up and even had a very close coming together with ????????? (cant remember name) just as they was winding it up for the sprint, I came through at the very end with Jo in a very very close second. Unusaul for me not to lead out and enjoyed it even more. Captain monty done a splendid job in keeping us all in line, Congratulations to a possible new member John for his first and hopefully not last CR.

I shall endevour to be out more regular from now on :( (I hear some moan) need to get rid off the spare tyre I have accumilated over the past 3 months and xmas.

See you all soon.
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:10 pm

was up for a training ride today, the only others were paul and dan. paul didnt feel well, so then wanted to go with the 19s. not fancying a 2 man training group me and dan went with the 19s.

we were very diciplined and did not hijack the 19s as in times of yore.

by the time we got to the duel carriage way i think we had an average of 19.2 or something. we did a pretty good through and off. on the whole it was smooth, but sometimes a bit ruff round the edges when we got to round abouts.

as we neared the sprint dave kennett came to the front and ramped up the pace to start the lead out.

i looked back and saw adam was on my wheel, and i knew he would stick there if a went early, but i also knew i wouldnt beat him in the sprint, so either way i was racing for 2nd.

with a few corners to go i went for it, and sure enough adam was stuck to my wheel...i put my head down and gunned it as hard as i could at 35mph round the final bend, and sure enough adam popped round me to take the win, and i got a comfortable 2nd, after dropping the rest of the guys.

went back the box hill way, but i turned off at newdigate on my own to do a lap of the rusper circuit, to get some extra training in, as i had been given an easy ride to the cafe.

got home with 10 more miles than usual.

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Postby Gavin » Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:10 pm

Good ride today I was slow as it was first time back for a while.

Enjoyed it and racked up 50 miles. Looking to see more of all of you in 2008.
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Postby CaroleH » Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:12 pm

Club run - bloody knackered :shock: No more needs to be said except it serves me right for not going out on my bike for a month. I'll see it as punishment for being so lazy!!!!

Welcome back Nick - it's great to have my partner in crime back :D Guess we were too shattered to say our 'hellos' to the unsuspecting public.

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Re: Club Run 29th Dec

Postby Antloony » Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:29 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]
The group was a great mix of good riders, everyone rotating smoothly as we rolled along with quick 2 minute rotations so nobody was left in the wind for too long. It worked a dream with everyone still looking good and working well right up to the cafe.

I'll second that, it did work really well, hear we averaged 18.5 so a thumbs up to everyone in the 18's. I struggled a bit on a couple of the hills but put it down to far to much eating over the last 5 days and a little cough that seems to have found its way onto my chest now.

Bad luck to Andy who fell again this week on his way to Coulsden, hope your feeling ok geezer (though it didn't slow you up on the way back as you and Alex left me for dead :( )

ps hope Ive got the names right, Im hopless with....erm...yeah names, thats the one.
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Postby Ian A4size » Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:52 pm

My 2p worth...( now fully revitalized with a G+T)

After a few m(p)issed weekends- 2 with the lurgy and one in France, it was time to resume VC status.
I paid the duty on my liver at CSS, coughed a bit more for sympathy and then put my hand up with Andrew for an 18 "tin" ride.

A good idea from Monty to have all VC's present, to have a small meeting to sort out the groups afore the off.

It was nice to see alot of the regulars again after the enforced break- even chief ACC baliff Snoop, out demanding money with menace for his new Garmin 305.

Orft we jolly well go then, big Johnathon(sp) B led us out (the fool) into a headwind. Of course i was unaware of that, on the way out Joanna and I flew up the merstham drag- and she has been off the bike for 3 weeks.

Before we set off we had agreed to go for only 2 mins on the front, but some riders were only too happy to do more.
As a group i think we did fairly well, a few of us were suffering various degrees of illness/ liver failure etc.
I think we had about 14 in total, tho i was carrying a few friends,Gordon, Ron and James :wink:
Big Toby ( Mr 1800w) and young Alex- back from uni (he must be Dorian Grey)
Suffice to say the group stuck together and rotated to share the work.
I took the turn to Partridge along with Alan and Kenwood as i was feeling a bit knackered.
We hooked up with Paul H, who was also suffering after a dose of the "brads" at christmas
It was lovely in the cafe, quiet, refined- crikey you could almost have a conversation until rent-a-mob turned up!
I went back via Redhill with Jo, intending to take it easy- it soon got wound up to 21mph plus.
Far too much for us at this moment in time.
We were both fairly tired this afternoon.

Trebles all round!
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Postby jon avery » Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:32 pm

Well this was my first cub run for a while :cry: so decided to go with Alex and the 17s it was good to see John (not sure of surname but used to ride a yellow Coppe) on his brand new Steed! Also all the old faces Andrew, carol etc. I felt quite strong once we got going which suprised myself, and it was good to ride in a group again and get the cobwebs out. After the cafe the ride back was good i rode back with a good group which incuded a few faces i hadn't seen before including a guy in the Evans kit and another in a white shower proof top. I must make the effort to learn peoples names. Anyhow a good day and i am looking forward to Andrew's ride tomorrow :lol:
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