Sweet Jesus! Appologies if this post is a bit muddled but I just had occasion to go up to New Addington and back on a very big motorcycle and I'm still shaking
Despite working on SuperBike magazine I try my best never, EVER to ride one of these things on a British road but sometimes needs must.
If anyone heard a sonic boom about 30 minutes ago, that's because the only bike available was a BMW K1200 which knocks out a ridiculous 165bhp (and well over 160mph but I never went that fast, honestly officer). Designed for speed despite heavy loads (rotund German Burghers), the BMW must have thought it was xmas all over again when it realised all it had to carry as my paltry 65kg
My life expectancy on something like this is about 25 minutes but fortunately I was only on it for 18.
Now, as anyone who trains with a powermeter will be able to tell you, putting out the magical 745 watts is the equivelent of 1bhp - so in order to match the performance of the BMW when training, I'd have to put out a staggering 122925 watts
That's a little over the functional threshold power of most riders (though I suspect George, Paul, Sylv and Stu are collectivelly nearing that figure in any given training group ride)