CW's Spring Health & Fitness magazine

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CW's Spring Health & Fitness magazine

Postby huw williams » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:09 pm

It's that time again - another health and fitness magazine rears its head.
Shortly I'll put a call out for more willing Agreeables to take part in the kind of photoshoots which made Stu, Adam, The Shadow and Brian world famous riders :D

As its a Spring edition - we should be able to go out and do some sunny riding pics this time

In the meantime here's a request from Hammy for some more of your valuable input. So if you want your name in lights - post your answers here - the more the merrier

"After the huge help Addiscombe provided with last summer's health and fitness couuld you pitch the following questions to them? I'm going to get them on the CW forum also but to be honest for a smaller pool of viewers it was ACC that provided the best answers last time." - Hannah

The Questions

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?
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Postby Jon H » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:20 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
The first race of the year.

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?
Not a major issue, there's a couple of kilos to lose to get to my racing weight, but those will come off as I start riding more.

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
A flat dual carriageway with a convoy of HGVs doing 40mph. But then I am a tester.

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Porridge with golden syrup and a sliced banana on top.

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?
Yes, yes & yes. Keeps the legs heart and lungs ticking over if you can't get out on the roads and can't face a solo turbo session.
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Re: CW's Spring Health & Fitness magazine

Postby Grahame » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:30 pm

The Questions

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
Light enough late enough to commute the 30 country lane miles home safely.

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?
Yes. Yes, to be able to get up hills a bit faster and not look such a bloater in summer photos. To quote Billy Connolley "Eat less and move more."

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
Scenery and company. Hills that are longer with gravity on your side than against are good as well.

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Bowl of muesli if it's a morning ride or a bagel if later in the day

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?
Mostly supermarket, with some high street and a little bit of farm shop.

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?
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Postby Tamar » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:41 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
Sunshine, bluebells, burgeoning green leafiness.

Is your weight an issue for you?
You have to ask?? Do you want to be lighter and why? Duh! What are you doing to make that happen? Have not eaten chocolate yet today...although admittedly the afternoon looms long ahead of me. Started using stairs instead of lift to 5th floor. Have increased the amount of raw food in diet - bulking out on big crunchy salads.

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
Quiet roads and great scenery...preferably in combination with one of those glorious days when your feel invincible and fly along just revelling in the power of your legs.

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Bread and jam or banana or malt loaf or nutrigrain bar.

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?
Sainsburys, Lidl, Turkish Food Centre, Leather Lane Market.

Have you ever done a spinning class? Yes. Was it any good? No. Can it help bike riders? Only if you like being deafened and have some telepathic connection to enable you to understand the instructor. Personally I see no attraction: flashing lights, pounding music, idiotic instructor who instead of turning the music down so he could be heard, just screeched unintelligible instructions of some sort in competition with music. I tried to blank out the distractions and mimic his ridiculous jack-in-the-box up, down, up, down, up, down. He never settled to anything for more than about 10 seconds and I had little idea of what gear I was supposed to select as I couldn't hear him. Would have like to do some decent hard pedalling for a bit...but spent the whole session feeling increasingly interrupted as I tried to match his random movements. Not a satisfactory workout at all. Never again!
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Postby Amy » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:42 pm

The Questions

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
The way the countryside changes with that wonderful light green as trees put out new leaves

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?
Nope, just don't want to weigh more than Huw :P

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
Pretty much the same as Grahame though I don't have quite the same problem with gravity on hills just strength or rather, lack of (hope to improve this year)

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Breakfast :D cos I'd like it to be an all day ride.

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?
Supermarket :(

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?
Nope and you are not likely to get me on one of those :?
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Postby mlocke » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:55 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
The obvious things like better longer days and better weather (although I do like a crisp cold day, i'm not a fan of the wind and rain). Aside from environmental issues, the longer rides that everyone starts to do. I'm particularly looking forward to the first Brighton and back & Hilly 50 run

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?
I'm not too fussed about my weight. I eat whatever I want in whatever quantity I like. It never seems to fluctuate that much. My weight hovers around the 12 - 13 stone mark but I can feel the difference when it is at the lower end of the scale.

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
A route with a variety of challenges from long steady hills to short & sharp mixed with long fast descents. Also doing this in nice surroundings and good company add to the overall experience

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Thinking about the regular Addiscombe club run I always like a decent breakfast - usually a cereal & toast with some fruit (banana) & lots of coffee. If I dont have time for all this then usually I would take the nana

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?
I do 99% of my shopping in a supermarket. I do like farm shops and do occasionally try to shop at them. From this time of year onwards to christmas I have my veg growing in my garden which is all organically grown. Also I think the gardening I a good way to stretch and build core strength

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?
I did spinning twice a week for about a year at university. I refuse to believe that producing so much sweat and being in so much pain could not be benficial. I think it depends on the effort you put in and the trainer taking the class however.
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Postby Andrew G » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:03 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
Lighter, longer days, dry roads without so much debris on them, but number one is a bit of warmth on the pins and shedding all the extra clothes. The first ride in shorts and shortsleeve jersey is pure joy.
Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?
No, no, n/a.
What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
If it's not a TT or a crit where the view is either a small patch of tarmac or a rear wheel I'm desperately trying to hang on to, then variety - hills, descents :D, interesting twisty roads.
What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Bit tricky as I struggle with early breakfasts. Try for porridge or similar but if it's a very early start it could well end up being an energy bar. :?
Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?
Supermarket. No farm shops convenient and the highstreet only has supermarkets.
Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?
No. They probably help but I've no desire to sit on a static bike in a hot room with a sadist bellowing in my ear.
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Postby Paul on the Pearson » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:34 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
Longer days mean longer more enjoyable rides without having to leave too early to get the miles in before it gets dark. Also you feel more motivated to get out when the weathers better.

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
Familiarity. The route should have about three good hills in it , quiet roads and a bit of variety. If your out on your own a destination helps you stay motivated. I dont usually do a proper cake stop but its good to have a favourite spot to stop for a rest and an energy bar. For me thats the top of Kidds hill or the seafront at Brighton.

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Two slices of wholemeal toast with decenty jam, a handfull of nuts and dried fruit, a homemade flapjack, a cup of coffee and a herbal tea.

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?
Supermarket. Although I get bread from the proper bakers/deli in Archway after work.

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:33 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?

the warmer weather and bieng able to wear shorts. the road racing, the longer days, can ride after college

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?

no, i just eat sensible and ride lots!

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?

nice country lanes, lots of hills, absence of traffic, a nice village where i can stop for tea and cake.

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?

coco pops mixed with shreddies. after that, if im still hungary ill have a banana, and then maybe some cheese.

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?

supermarket and highstreet

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?

i have not, but im sure it would help bike riders get fitter.
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Postby -Adam- » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:36 pm

[quote="Stu Merckx Man"]i just eat sensible and ride lots!

Don't think all you can eat chinese quite cuts it as being healthy :P
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Postby Dombo » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:44 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
Longer days, blossom on trees.

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?
No, eat like a pig and remain at 10.5 stone.

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
Great scenery and hills, good company

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Tescos Finest flapjacks or banana

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?
Supermarket for stuff other than bread, meat, veg or fish. Butcher for meat, grocer for veg and fish van for fish. baker for bread. And if I ever need candles....

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?
Yes, 3x a week for 45 mins. A lot better than sitting on turbo trainer. Defo helps both my road and mtb riding. Occasional dirty looks however if you clear nostrils onto the floor :D
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:45 pm

[quote]Don't think all you can eat chinese quite cuts it as being healthy

its carbo loading adam, so i dont bonk :lol:
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Postby Will » Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:07 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?

Better weather than Winter! It's often a good temperature for lengthy rides where you can get some decent exercise and usually stay in a comfortable situation of being neither cold & wet (Winter) nor hot & bothered (Summer).

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?

Indirectly... When I had a healthcheck through work at the end of last year, they said I had high cholesterol... I've been trying to reduce it, and have done so by avoiding unnecessary fat. So I've pretty much cut out cheese (having previously been in the habit of ploughing through 1 or 2 blocks a week) and also cakes/biscuits that I would otherwise eat at work from boredom. Doing that has certainly had an effect on my weight (have lost about 3 to 4 kgs). Not sure about the cholesterol level though as I haven't had it checked again yet!

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?

Being primarily a mountain biker it's mostly about "interesting" trails, so routes with nice bits of singletracks, technical challenges, some hills (both up and down), etc. Cycling holidays are generally chosen for all of the above but also heavily influenced by scenery (e.g. mountains).

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?

Usually something like beans or scrambled eggs on toast. Occasionally muesli and toast.

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?

Supermarket in the high street.

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?

Yes. Yes. Definitely. I tend to go to spinning classes when I need to improve my fitness, e.g. to get the most out of a forthcoming cycling holiday or when I'm preparing for some racing (which I must admit I haven't done for a while). I like the fact you can get a quick & effective workout without spending the effort (and time) of having to find an open road, some hills, etc.. And I also like the fact you can regulate the amount of exercise you get - so get more or less out of it depending on how you're feeling.
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Postby Mike I » Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:07 pm

I can't believe CW is doing a spring supplement. I haven't opened the winter one yet :oops: . Never mind, here goes.

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?

Daffodils, lambs, the steady transition from winter tights through knee-warmers to shorts 8) .

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?

I would like to be lighter so I can get up hills more easily. But it's not an 'issue' so I probably won't do anything to make it happen.

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?

Quiet roads, good company and three or four hills (so there's a sense of achievement and in the vain hope that my non-cycling friends will say in slack-jawed admiration 'You ride up that?'). And a decent pub at the end.

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?

Quick - porridge, honey, sunflower seeds; quicker - muesli, honey, yoghurt; quickest - bananas and figs.

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?

Mmm, my wife is in charge of food; most of it comes from supermarkets and the local farmers' market.

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?

Have I ever done a what?
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Postby Snoop Doug » Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:27 pm

What do you most look forward to about Spring riding?
Warmer weather, no ice on the road, changes in the scenery, even the tooting miserable gits in their cars seem a little less....wintry

Is your weight an issue for you? Do you want to be lighter and why? What are you doing to make that happen?
You calling me fat? Try to watch what I eat, actually that's a lie. I pretty much eat and drink what I want then ride and walk it off 8)

What makes a great cycle route? Is it quiet roads, great scenery, hills or the absence of them? What does it for you?
I'm with Jon H on this, there's nothing quite like a flat dual carriageway with plenty of speeding traffic to keep you on yer toes.

What's your favourite quick pre-ride snack?
Banana and an espresso

Where do you shop? High street, supermarket or farm shop?
Try to source locally where possible. Grow a fair bit of my own fruit and veg. Bow to the inevitable occasionally and begrudgingly hand money over to the supermarket.

Have you ever done a spinning class? Was it any good? Can it help bike riders?
No but I must have a screw loose as I am a regular user of the turbo trainer.
Snoop Doug


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