what happened on the way to the cafe?

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what happened on the way to the cafe?

Postby Amy » Mon Aug 04, 2003 4:19 pm

I'm glad the guy who went down yesterday is, on the whole, OK. Hope we can get the b*st*rd who did it.

Well I now know that I can average 19mph at least for the 15mph route. I decided discretion was the better part of valour on my first ride with the 17mph group and turned off before Rusper. I would've liked to have stayed for the whole ride but I wanted to make it back in one piece. I think that it's not just the 15mph group needs to watch its speed but the other groups as well. (as per earlier discussion on the same problem) (not having a speedo, I never know what speed I'm doing!)

But at least I beat Phil Nash for the sprint for the Charlwood sign!! :D
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Postby Phil N » Mon Aug 04, 2003 4:59 pm

I'll keep my Bl**dy wits about me next week! I'll look over both shoulders before easing off at the gates!

Twas retribution for the wasp sting!!
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