After my less than sucessful attempt to kick the washing machine into my back garden two weeks ago resulting in a broken toe I went up to Ipswich yesterday to see Dr. Laser.
I had an appointment at the fracture clinic at St Georges in the morning and they said it would heal in 4 weeks and the Dr there was unimpressed when I enquired as to his opinion of "electromagnetic lasery thingamy jiggery pokery stuff"
Anyway I got up there and was straight away impressed by the number of signed photos around the waiting room from sports people ,mainly motocross, but also skiers, horseriders and some cyclists thanking the Good Doctor for his help and expressing their amazement at how quick their recovery from various crashes had been.
Dr.Laser recomended I had two 45 minute sessions with an hours break in between and the effects are awesome
I went in with quite a lot of pain and a dodgy limp and even after the first session I was almost walking normally ( well for me) .
At the end of the second session it felt no worse than a bruise, and by the time I got home I had hardly any pain
Dr.Laser has told me I will have no problem skiing and I can get back on the bike whenever I want.
I rode in to work today.
I would highly recommend this treatment