Traffic lights rephased

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Traffic lights rephased

Postby Sylv » Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:50 am

I thought I was imagining things! The pedestrian crossing lights are longer green for them I have noticed since a little while.

Traffic lights across London will be rephased to ease congestion on busy routes, Boris Johnson announced today.

The Mayor set out plans to change the sequences so they allow more cars through on every green light.

As a result, there would also be slightly longer waits at red lights but pedestrians would still have time to cross.

Mr Johnson told the London Assembly that the movewould also reduce carbon emissions, as vehicles would not be sitting in queues of traffic pumping out higher levels of pollution.

But green motoring groups said it would simply encourage even more cars on to London's roads.

The Mayor also came under pressure when it emerged he has delegated key planning powers to deputy mayor Ian Clements, an unelected official.

Mr Johnson has held talks with Transport for London officials who are exploring how "intelligent" technology could ease congestion.

He said: "I do want to make sure that traffic flows more smoothly in London. I think we can do that without any prejudice to the rights and needs of pedestrians or vulnerable road-users.

"I've discovered an appalling legacy of neglect of London's traffic lights and it turns out that, contrary to the so-called green credentials of the last admin, there are no fewer than 727 traffic lights that do not conform to Department for Transport guidelines.

"Poor pedestrians are now being forced to sprint across. I'm assured we can not only rectify the gross neglect of traffic lights but we can also allow cars to flow more smoothly through them."

Mr Johnson said he would press ahead with his pledge to bring in a new generation of Routemaster buses but admitted the plans were "aspirational".

However, much of the Mayor's first question time was dominated by questions-about openness and accountability-He was criticised for delegating his planning powers to Mr Clement, deputy mayor for government relations, rather than making the decisions himself.

Green Darren Johnson said the arrangement was "simply not appropriate and not democratic".

Mr Johnson insisted he was taking a "keen" interest in planning applications. "You will understand I have been in this job about two-and-half weeks and I haven't had time to get my head round every single planning application that comes on to my desk," he said.

"In so far as I have delegated planning to others to get on with the vital business of planning approvals, that does not mean for one moment that I have ceded authority."

His spokesman said later none of the 14 planning decisions made by Mr Clement had been controversial and in every instance he had backed the decisions of borough councils.

Mr Johnson came under fire from Labour for appointing "the great and good of the Conservative party" to sit on his forensic audit panel investigating the finances of the London Development Agency. Labour suggested there should be a cross-party panel.

The Mayor replied: "The objective there is not to launch any kind of witchhunt or seek any kind of scapegoat but to get to the bottom of the apprehension by Londoners that lots of money was being wasted."

Ken Livingstone today announced plans to introduce a 20mph speed limit across London.

He said the new restriction was aimed at further reducing road deaths and claimed that if Boris Johnson won the mayoral election on 1 May, the death toll would begin to rise again.

The Tory candidate has said he is opposed to a 20mph limit on London's residential streets.

Mr Livingstone told the annual conference for Roadpeace - the charity for road crash victims - that his road safety measures had led to a 40 per cent reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured on roads every year.

He said: "The presumption on London streets should be 20 miles an hour with very rare exceptions. Boris Johnson's policies are completely and diametrically opposed to mine.

"I confess we have rephased traffic lights and done the outrageous thing of giving pedestrians an extra two seconds to cross the road.

"Boris Johnson has said he will rephase traffic lights so traffic flows more smoothly but 'smoothly' is actually a euphemism for faster."

Research has shown that nine out of 10 pedestrians will be killed if hit by a car travelling at 40mph, but only one in 20 will die if hit at 20mph.

Mr Livingstone said more pedestrian crossings and longer green man crossings had meant 500 fewer children were hurt or killed on the roads each year since 2000.

He added that if Mr Johnson were to become mayor all his hard work would be ruined. "If we go into reverse we will go back to a much more dangerous city and a much more unpleasant one," he said. "There is a very real chance... more people could die on London's streets."

In response, Mr Johnson said: "Road deaths are a tragedy and not to be used as political tools. The Mayor's comments are an insult to those who have lost loved ones in this way.

"These claims are absurd and ridiculous. If there were ever a demonstration that this Mayor has had his day and lost the plot, this is it." ...
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Re: Traffic lights rephased

Postby Sylv » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:42 pm

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Re: Traffic lights rephased

Postby Andrew G » Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:22 pm

Think bendies are due to be phased out 2009/10. Be glad to see the back of the damn things. Good on the continent with wide boulevards but stupid and dangerous on London roads. Ludicrous to think they'd fit. Not just highly dangerous to cyclists like us but also pedestrians. When they turn on to London Bridge north of the river they have to nearly always cut across the edge of the pavement/central reservation, and the same on the other side when they are turning in to London Bridge Station.

Routemasters have to go due to Elf & Safety so he's launched a thingy(campaign/design challenge) for a replacement, a modern routemaster is what he's after from what I can gather - loveable etc etc. but also green (either non-polluting or very low polluting).

The best buses are the hydrogen ones they had a few of on test from Holland or Denmark I think, but I guess they are really expensive to buy aside from the issues of re-fuelling at hydrogen power stations.

....time for a lie down I think. :oops:
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