The AFLD press release

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The AFLD press release

Postby Robh » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:17 am ... DF2008.pdf

Googled (assisted by Systran):

Press Release Thursday, August 7, 2008
Review of checks carried out during the Tour de France 2008

The AFLD was for the first time in charge of the strategy of inspections to be carried out at of the Tour de France because of the inclusion of this competition timetable for the FFC. The strategy, implemented by the Director of the Agency controls, included carrying out random checks during the period of preparation riders, from the location information transmitted by the teams, and development of a policy of targeting and streamlined controls throughout the race.

Inspections during the preparation for the Tour de France:
31 riders tested during previous tests, including France championships (7);
30 riders were tested during training camps in TDF;
5 riders have been targeted at home;
4 riders were monitored in transit at Roissy.

Takings blood on all 180 riders on 3 and 4 July to Brest
These controls were designed to allow targeting later. The results of Tests carried out by the Lausanne laboratory have been handed over to riders, suggesting to some transmit their results to the doctor team because of a possible health risk. The results were also forwarded to the UCI to be integrated into the biological passport.

Controls on the french territory during the TDF
218 individual controls have been charged and gave rise to 298 samples.
These levies are distributed as follows:

Urine: 205
Blood: 71
Phanères [= Superficial body growths; i.e. hair, nails]: 22

Among these controls, 159 were carried out upon the arrival of stages, 20 in the evening an unexpectedly arrived at the hotel and 39 unexpectedly at a rest day at the hotel. Of these, 29 blood samples were intended to refine the initial target, completing the data from levies made in Brest.

Many cyclists controlled from the first stage
180 riders were involved, 145 have completed the race, 95 have been controlled at least one occasion, including 22 french, 18 Spanish, 9 German, 6 Italian and 6 Belgian.

Details of sampling and analysis
Takings urinary: 205
Blood Samples: 71
Phanères [Superficial body growths]: 22

Analyses specialized:
91 EPO tests
18 analyses IRMS

International cooperation
During his visit to Italy, the riders of the Tour have been vetted by the committee Italian National Olympic (CONI), in collaboration with the AFLD:

With the arrival of the 15th stage on July 20 in Prato Nevoso: 14 riders controlled + 6 arrival in the evening at the hotel.

During the rest day before the 16th stage to Cunéo (21/07): 35 controls unannounced at the hotel, divided into 18 blood tests and 17 urine tests.

The AFLD has also been used at different laboratories accredited to WADA, to carry out analyses for the detection of growth hormone or calculation of blood parameters (laboratory Lausanne), is to achieve the analyses of urine samples made by the Cuneo (laboratory Rome).

Results of analyses
76 of the 180 riders tested before the start of the Tour reported having a TUE.

The department analyses of the Agency has identified 22 results abnormal involving 13 riders:

14 detections of a glucocorticoid on 7 riders, with for 2 among them a TUE issued by the AFLD and 4 others issued a TUE by the UCI;

2 detections of a beta-2 agonist, concerning 2 riders for one an TUE issued by the UCI and the other 2 TUE issued respectively by the UCI and the AFLD;

2 detections of a stimulant, heptaminol (2 cases identical to the same rider, Fofonov);

4 detection of EPO on 3 riders (Beltran, Duenas, Ricco 2 times).
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