My Top 5 problems with commuting 1.Trains are packed like sardines 2. No one talks to each other on London Transport 3. Too expensive and doesn't take you door to door 4. Public transport unreliable for time 5. No excersise
My Top 5 reasons to commute on a Bicycle 1.Great training and milage 2.Feel free of hustle and bustle 3.I get 2 hours on my bike every day 4.get to work anywhere on time 5.not reliant on anything or one else
1, Red light jumpers 2, Cars squeezing past up the bus lane (then stopping so close to the kerb you cant get passed) 3, Drivers who overtake then turn left 4,The state of roads 5,Elephant & Castle roundabout
But no matter what I still prefer cycling to the dreaded Northern Line
1) Red light jumpers. 2) People who squeeze by and pull up in front of you and the lights, can't see when they change, and then pull away slowly and get in the way. 3) "Urban Warriors" - dreadful standard of riding, dangerous to all other road users. Would include couriers in this category and their no brake and / or no lights riding. Dangerous to all and gives the likes of me and you a bad name as well. 4) Buses (particularly bendy ones), not the vehicles as much as the way they are driven these days. 5) Road surface by Borough Market is shocking, rest of the route is okay.
1 - my jedi mind trick no longer seems to work 2 - can't this thing go any faster? 3 - how DARE there be someone already using the showers @ work 4 - damn I forgot to pack cake 5 - crikey, I really did forget to pack cake, I thought 4 was just a joke