Super Hilly Alternate CR - Now Sunday 18th January

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Super Hilly Alternate CR - Now Sunday 18th January

Postby Andrew G » Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:30 pm

[color=#0000BF][size=150]I now plan is to do this on Sunday 18th January, a perfect Annual Dinner hangover cure :twisted: .[/size]

I'll be doing my Grimpeurs Challenge route and those who want to join me are most welcome 8) . Not on a Saturday as an actual alternate CR but I wasn't sure when I'll get a Saturday free to do this with other Sunday things starting to happen soon.[/color]

I will warn you that it is a real leg breaker :twisted: and only suitable for strong 18s riders or above due to the difficulty of the terrain and keeping a steady pace thoughout. The pace may not seem that quick at the start but I intend to still be going at the same speed in the last couple of miles after all the hills, just a bit of a warning for those who in the past have charged along at the start and then blown up on the 7th or 8th hill of this type of ride :lol: . For those many faster than me you'll have to hold yourselves back :wink: .

Re-group at the top of each hill but other than that ride steady and no real waiting and checking, although if you want/need to turn back then I can point out a number of early turn off points.

Max group size about 12 and leave fairly prompt after a 9am meet. With a bit of luck that way lights won't be needed although you may want to strap some commuting ones on in case you need them for the last few miles home.

Ride Summary:

CSS to a GBs return = 100kms
11 hills
Cafe stop not until approx 80kms and after 9 of the hills so food needs to be brought with you.
Arrive back in Croydon is difficult to predict but I'd guess at 2-3ish (can anyone remember what time we got back last year? If so please post and then bear in mind it was June not January when guesstimating an ETA) depending on length of cafe stop, any hills which may have to be dropped due to conditions, and the weather itself.

1= St.James’ Road - Short but very steep (Wild Stab in Dark = 20%) and from practically a standing start.
2= Mitchley Hill - Nothing drastic, just a link hill (WSiD = 8-10%)
3= Slines Oak Road - Longish, quite steep (WSiD = 10-12% ramping up towards the end)
4= Chalkpit Lane - A b*****d. Fairly long, drags up for a little bit but gets very steep very quickly and just keeps going. (20%)
5= Titsey/White Hill - Bottom steep bit of Titsey and right on to White Hill, longish, steep (15-17% I think)
6= Toys Hill - Everyone must know this one, long, steep, nasty (18% I think and pretty constant gradient)
7= Polhill - quite a nice drag up, a good leg spinner (WSiD = 5%).
8= Old Hill - Short and you can charge up it (10%).
9= Shire Lane & Rookery Road - Imperceptible drag which kick up at the end, then short down and kick up again. (WSiD = 10% both bits but both short).
Café stop in Tatsfield at Reptile Zoo
10= Hesiers Hill - Steep but not that long, but long enough to hurt (WSiD = 15%).
11= Bug Hill - Not that bad and a doddle after the others :wink: .

The descent down to Chalkpit can be a bit sketchy so will need to be taken with care, the hill may have to be missed off the route if the preceding days weather mean the descent would be dangerous as I am not taking unnecessary risks at the start of the year.


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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby Antloony » Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:35 pm

Oh go on then, I'm up for this being as I seem to be getting better and better an going uphill. :D
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby mlocke » Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:05 pm

can do.

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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby huw williams » Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:47 am

I went around there last week and the conditions are good - even the descent down to Chalkpits is clearer than normal with no mud banks down the middle of the road (So clear in fact that I gave it plenty and almost got killed by two horses coming up at the midway point :shock:) My only suggestion would be to omit the climb up White Hill. It was really icy up there and the road surface is wrecked. Also It's a really tricky left turn on a steep downhill which when its wet is very nasty and it's a bit pointless as you can easily end up in the same place by riding through Limpsfield and on to Toys via Crockham. Just a suggestion, otherwise a fine and challenging route - I hope to be there
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby Sylv » Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:13 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]I'll be doing my Grimpeurs Challenge route as an alternate club run and those who want to join me are most welcome 8)

I might have to come again just to hear you pronounce "grimpeurs" Andrew :lol:
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:11 pm

I'll pronounce it like a Sarf Lunduner Sylv :D .

Thanks for the head's up Huw. I avoid the tight left hander (which I never like in any conditions) by getting to White Hill by going down Botley and right along Pilgrims Way and then right to do the bottom bit of Titsey as a lead in to White Lane - makes it even harder :twisted: . It's a lovely pointless little loop just to give you a hard hill and get you back to where you were a few minutes before, really makes people happy when they realise that :lol: . As it's completely tree covered though I will drop it if there is any threat of ice at all, I don't want to come off anymore than anyone else. After that it is down through Limpsfield Chart, Crockham to Four Elms and Toys - about the only rest your legs get.
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby Sylv » Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:05 pm

Can it be done on a mtb? Can it? Time will tell .. :roll:
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby Jon H » Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:51 pm

Polhill's a bit tame for that route isn't it; why not go up Sundridge Hill or Star Hill to Knockholt? :mrgreen:
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:46 pm

Depends how quickly you ride up Polhill Jon, treat it as an interval :wink: . We could do Star Hill though, hmmmm now there's a thought.
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby EdO » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:49 pm

Alternatively :wink: you can take a right at the lower part of polhill and head towards Shoreham. There's a nasty climb goes under the M25 and takes you back on to the A224. Redmans Lane near Eynsford is pretty nasty too :twisted: :twisted: but maybe too far East.
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby Andrew G » Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:11 pm

Eynsford is very nice but I'm not going there on this ride (it needs to be nice weather for a start so you can ride through the ford :) ). This route is all about staying local and just riding up hills with little rest in between. A sort of unofficial Reliability Trial - proper winter riding so I expect to see plenty of mudguards and a lack of plastic bikes, yeah that'll happen :roll: .

I go out towards Eynsford and the like on general rides. There's a real maze of lanes I've got in mind to have a ride around which will hopefully give a very nice and super quiet ride as it only uses small lanes. But that's for another day.
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:05 am

[quote]lack of plastic bikes

Thanks for the offer, but I can assure you (HILLS :shock: ) I will NOT be there :mrgreen:

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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - 10th January

Postby Andrew G » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:55 am

If you're doing the Novi Colli and the Marmotte you're going be doing some this year :lol: .

[quote="Andrew G"]This route is all about staying local and just riding up hills with little rest in between.

Actually that's a bit of a lie. Part of the reason for the route being what it is and the hills being those I've chosen is that it makes a nice loop with a variety of lanes, terrain, and types of hill (gradient and length). Otherwise it's boring and you may as well just do reps on Chalkpit if you just want a lot of tough climbing without the other important bits.
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - POSTPONED

Postby Andrew G » Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:52 pm


I'd been hoping the weather would break a bit during the week but it hasn't. Had a light dusting of snow the other day and as it's barely got above freezing since there are still patches of ice all over the place off main roads and under tree cover. It's due to stay at or around freezing 'til the end of the week (between -5 and -8 overnight according to Metcheck) so no chance of it improving enough to make it a safe route as it's nearly all quiet lanes and steep hills.

Our inside spy has informed me that the roads were still impassable today and they will not improve enough in time, certainly not for me to risk riding them and injuring myself for no reason at the start of the year.

Bit annoying as I was hoping to slip it in before the Reliability trials and a no can do next Saturday due to the freewheel competition. I'm MTBing this Sunday but might bounce the post for a Sunday ride the day after the Club dinner. If I can't do then it'll have to wait for me until the end of Feb for a Saturday ride, but don't let that stop you doing it yourself before then if you can follow the map.
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Re: Super Hilly Alternate CR - POSTPONED

Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:24 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]but might bounce the post for a Sunday ride the day after the Club dinner.

yeah right :lol: :lol:
Snoop Doug


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