Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

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Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Sylv » Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:03 pm

Sorry Dominic, but the first chaingang of 2009 actually happened this morning :lol:

After two weeks of doing nothing but eating and just a couple 1h runs, I promised myself to ease back into things going with the seconds group. Well, that worked - not. Paul said he'd put on 10kg, and Stu that he hadn't been on a bike for 1.5 weeks, so off we went with Ant, because of the risk of ice we took the chaingang route and then onto the dual carriageway all the way to Charlwood, extending the route so that it was (just) a bit longer than the usual one.

Today was really the Paul O' Hony show :lol: [img][/img] while us three had gotten weaker he'd gotten (10w) stronger and did about 60-70% of the work at a blistering pace (over 35km/h to the caf, never under 40km/h on the DC), and we shared the rest (eh Stu ??). Paul attacked hard on the rise just after the DC, I totally killed myself trying to get back onto him (new max of 191bpm, previously recorded 189!!), unfortunately the lights went red, otherwise we'd probably stayed clear of Stu and Ant.

I could sense that Stu wouldn't be a threat for the sprint today, but knew Ant would try to go for it, and as he'd not done nearly as much work as me (and Paul of course), was determined not to let it happen :) . So while he was at the front on the next rise, I gave Paul the signal for an attack, and went for it - I knew Paul would get it from me but didn't care :wink: . We got a good gap but I couldn't help Paul after he'd taken his turn, and to my surprise we were caught a bit later - good work by Stu and Ant. Ant later did go for the sprint followed by Paul, and managed to hold him back. Strangely Paul's av power was only 251w, and mine 248w :?:

Went back via Box Hill, was feeling not too bad but decided against racing up the hill, so let Paul annihilate the rest of our group. Got caught in a late fight with Stu though, in the end - surprise surprise - pipped by Andy. From then on I started bonking badly, could not even get to 200w and for the last few miles (with a slow front puncture) fortunately on my own was holding an awesome 100w :lol:. Great ride though, good to be back on a proper bike after trying to ride a Velov for the last few days! [img][/img]
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Andrew G » Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:37 pm

Went to CSS to hand over dinner cheques but decided against a CR as it was so cold and I've done enough miles in sub zero temperatures lately - My jaw felt frozen solid on the decent from Selsdon, not that it would stop me talking :roll: . Back home and 15 fixed miles on the clock :D .

Was a bit disappointed as I was hoping it would have been a bit warmer today as I fancied spinning my legs up a bit, so I stuck the TT bike on that hideous pile of scrap iron (aka turbo - had to be dusted off first) to see if after 3 months and the Christmas excess I could still bend over enough to the tri-bars. Surprisingly not too bad and had a reasonable workout including a few short one leg intervals. That's short as in only about 3 minutes on each side not as in the length of my legs.

Fun and games at Herne Hill tomorrow. Shall I bunny hop the hurdles hmmmmmmm, what do you recommend George.
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Jon H » Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:36 pm

Brrrrrr indeed.

Arrived at 9.10 and stood around for the best part of 20 minutes getting frozen. How about a collective New Year's Resolution to start the clubrun at the advestised time?

Anyway, started out with the 18s group, but didn't fancy risking the lanes today so carried on along the A23 when the group swung off right towards Reigate. Left onto the A25 - I'd forgotten how hilly this is - it was pretty tough on fixed. Got a good view of the air ambulance which had landed on the M23 just where the A25 crosses over, causing massive queues in both directions. Branched off the A25 at Sundridge, back home via Polhill and the A21. 46 miles and back home by 11.30 by which time the frostbite was just kicking in.
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby jon avery » Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:39 pm

Well it was my first clubrun since Mmmmmmmmmm? Anyway, went out with Monyty's group and a very good ride it was too! We went through Dorking and stopped at a very nice caff and then came home via Box Hill, i'll leave it to someone else to say the route, i just followed everyone else! Did just short of 60 miles, not sure of the average speed, stopped off at Evans on the way home and got a skull hat, god it was bloody freezing!! I have just spent 2 weeks cycling in Gran Canaria where the temp was 25 -27 everyday, so it was a bit of a wake up call this morning, but i soldiered on (Mr Green? :mrgreen: ) , but i was glad i did as i really did enjoy it, see you next week folks!!
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Antloony » Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:48 pm

[quote="Sylv"]Paul attacked hard on the rise just after the DC, I totally killed myself trying to get back onto him (new max of 191bpm, previously recorded 189!!), unfortunately the lights went red

Oh how my prayers were answered when I saw those lights change :D Paul was just a machine today, hust kept up a relentless pace, Sylv did a few good turns on the front, I think I managed about 3 or 4 :oops: Stu just sat at the back taking it all in his stride.... :lol:

[quote="Sylv"]I could sense that Stu wouldn't be a threat for the sprint today, but knew Ant would try to go for it, and as he'd not done nearly as much work as me (and Paul of course), was determined not to let it happen . So while he was at the front on the next rise, I gave Paul the signal for an attack, and went for it - I knew Paul would get it from me but didn't care . We got a good gap but I couldn't help Paul after he'd taken his turn, and to my surprise we were caught a bit later - good work by Stu and Ant. Ant later did go for the sprint followed by Paul, and managed to hold him back.

Thanks to a good hard effort by Stu we managed to close the gap leaving me with just enough energy for a sprint which was a bit of a lame victory after all the hard work Paul and Sylv had put in on the way down.

Really enjoyed the ride today, made a great change going the route we did, I'd be more than up for doing that again. Cheers guys :)

[quote="Andrew G"]Went to CSS to hand over dinner cheques but decided against a CR as it was so cold and I've done enough miles in sub zero temperatures lately - My jaw felt frozen solid on the decent from Selsdon, not that it would stop me talking :roll: . Back home and 15 fixed miles on the clock :D .

Ya girl, I've done over 250 miles this week in the cold....which on average is roughly 190 more than I do in the summer, work that one out then? :shock:
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby huw williams » Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:45 pm

Brave souls the lot of you :roll: Saw everyone heading back from Box Hill as I was driving out to the hilly 50 start and there were a lot of blue faces. By the time we got to Ryka's the weather was a more clement 4 degrees. Like the tropics compared to the start of the club run. 12 people turned out so not a bad group and though it was a Redhill CC promoted ride I'm happy to say there were more ACC riders in there than Redhill. Chloe, Kasper, Ben, two Pauls (Ingram and OnThePearson) and myself.

Pleased to say the hilly 50 course is in as good condition as i've seen it - hardly any mud banks in the middle of the road and you could nail it on most of the descents if you avoided the very infrequent icy patches. Hope it stays that way for the official event next month.

Nice steady start up the hairpins to Ranmore, 45mph descent back down to Dorking and another easy climb up the first half of Leith Hill. After a snapped chain in the group on the hill up to friday street, It was ACC to the rescue as Ben had a chain tool and he did the decent thing by going back to help. I took the quicker riders on the full route while others waited for the wounded bike and rider to repair and take the shorter route. At that point the gloves came off and we decided to have a bit of fun :evil: There's nothing like the hilly 50 course with the sun on your back for enjoying yourself - short, punchy climbs and technical descents test your power and your technique and the course is not long enough to force you into holding back too much.

The shorter steep climbs gave way to the longer drags up from Ewhurst and everybody's favorite, Whitedown. At that point casualties started appearing. There were dropped riders and the increasing consumption of any food that they could get their hands on suggested that some were one or two watts of effort short of a full scale blow up. This ride may only be 35 miles around but it's deceptively hard. So we tempered the pace back along Ranmore and through West Humble before a very amiable clog up box Hill to finish. Even this gentle pace saw a few riders gnawing the bar tape for extra nutrition and some lightweights didn't even attempt the climb, choosing instead the baby route along the A25 :twisted:

Anyway, all told 2hrs 15mins well spent on a warmer alternative to the club run.
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby djembi » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:58 pm

Nice run out if a little cold but still good fun :?
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:03 pm

i was pleased to get out today. i love the weather when its like this, and i love riding it. everything is so pretty, and i feel so hard!

i was suffering like a dog for the whole of the first half of the ride. ive lost a lot of fitness!! paul was megga strong today, it was pretty impressive. most of the time he was at the front i was gritting my teeth not to loose the wheel of the person in front.

several times i thought i was going to be dropped, as i would loose a couple of bike lengths, but i didnt want the shame, so i fought to stay on.

the hardest part of the ride there for me was when sylv and paul attacked before the sprint. this left ant in the lurch. i came round and offered him my wheel, determined to do something pro active today. i slowly realed them in, but ant lost patience and tried to sprint the gap....he nearly made it but didnt, i slowly caught up with him, and then offered my wheel to him, and then i single handedly bought back sylv and paul 8) . the effort seemed to awaken a bit of speed out of my legs, so i led out the sprint for the last mile and a half.

the ride back was very enjoyable, not too hard, but fast enough for the odd bit of leg burning. we got to box hill and i was feeling ok. paul jumped straight away and was not seen again until the top. i took to the front with rob, and we kept pace with each other all the way to the second hairpin. i took a little breather here, then hit the front again out the saddle. i wound the pace up to as hard as i could go, only about 15 mph, (a few months ago that was my normal speed up there). we started to loose people, so i put in a small dig and got a gap off the front. sylv came with me, but didnt want to do any work :roll: . just as we hit the last hairpin andy got onto us. sylv led it out, and i tried to sprint but my legs just didnt have it, and as sylv said andy beat us again.

good ride back, again paul was super strong.

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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Amy » Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:18 pm

[quote="Jon Hemming"]Brrrrrr indeed.

Arrived at 9.10 and stood around for the best part of 20 minutes getting frozen. How about a collective New Year's Resolution to start the clubrun at the advestised time?

At last! Somebody else has said it!! So that's meet at 9am and first group out at 9.10?

First ride since 17 December and the tail end of the most evil cold I have ever had :shock: so was aiming to take it easy which meant I had to wait till the very end - well, nearly. I'd found a few like-minded souls so as the last two groups were having difficulty sorting themselves out, I thought "sod it, I have got to get moving before I turn round and go home or else freeze to the spot". Enjoyable little run in the end: the other guys - Marky Mark, TimNick, Alan (Box Hill) and a triathlete called Steve - seemed happy with my choice of cafe and stuffed themselves with cake and in Mark's case, a kitkat as well :roll:
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Paul H » Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:28 pm

Obviously my Christmas was not as fun as others. Its all about consistency.

The dual Carriageway made a nice change.

Sylv - does your powertap average include zero power (coasting). Mine does.
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Dombo » Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:31 pm

Too cold for me so I dug out the mtb and went to Westcott for an 0830 start taking in Leith, Holmbury and Pitch Hills. Trails were in superb condition after the lack of rain and the severe cold kept the mud nice and hard. Coldharbour lived up to its name and the fruit cake at the Leith Tower has to be the best in Surrey, if not the world. After 10 miles or so I had lost all feeling in my left thumb which made front mech gear changing a random and sometimes startling occurrence. A frozen camelbak tube added mild dehydration to my growing list of ailments. All told a glorious day out in brilliant cold winter sunshine, a great start to the year :D
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Sylv » Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:33 pm

[quote="Paul H"]Sylv - does your powertap average include zero power (coasting). Mine does.

That's it, I didn't chose this option. The dowloaded data seems to do though (is yours different to what the computer read at the caf?), as it shows 225w av to the caf.
Still, assuming we've both put on as much weigh :roll: (more 1.5kg than 10) if we'd ridden equal turns at the front (and we know we didn't) my 225 should be over 268 for you. I think there is still something else different in our setups/hubs(?), either that or my 225 does not actually include coasting. Next time I'll change it to include it.
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Andrew G » Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:06 pm

Alright I'm a big girl's blouse then :roll: . Like I said I've done enough hours in sub-zero lately and have no problem with my choice as I normally just do the CR for fun. Like Jon H I'd have done the A25 today to keep up a reasonable speed and play it safe and having done it last week didn't fancy it again as it's not the most inspiring of roads - it is surprisingly lumpy isn't it Mr.H.
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Kasper » Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:16 pm

[quote]i was pleased to get out today. i love the weather when its like this, and i love riding it. everything is so pretty, and i feel so hard!

I'll echo that thought Stu, the weather was brilliant today once the morning frost had dissappeared and i think i made the right decision to leave the club run today and go out a bit later once the Sun had a chance to warm the temperature up a bit.

Thanks must got to Chloe for flagging this ride up on some thread I've since lost track of but really enjoyed today's midday ride. Unlike some lightweights who drove to the start at Box Hill I rode out seeing a couple of small groups of regular ACC riders on their way home from the club run. Taking the CHipstead Valley route out to Box was a popular route back it seems!!

Arriving at Ryka's cafe at the bottom of Box at almost dead on 12 I was greeted with the warming sight of a group of 10 or 11 cyclists huddled around their bikes. Once introductions were done and I'd been introduced to Kevin and Jon and Colin the ride was underway and we were off. Having ridden to the start of the ride i was already nicely warmed up and could not contain myself by blasting off the front up the first serious climb. The temperature certainly drops several centigrade when you are at the bottom of a climb especially one that has lots of tree cover as their is no way for the Sun to get through so I needed to warm up. QUICK. :twisted:

It turned out I was not the only one to feel this way as i was soon joined by Paul Ingram on his Specialised as we crested the first climb. Another rider who seemed very strong today apart from Huw our official guide once the chain snap had split the group, was Kevin who not met before but seemed to follow Huws wheel up and down the rises quite well.
As the number of climbs rose I slowly felt myself struggling to keep up with the lead group along some of the gentler drags. Recognising this as the onset of the dreaded "bonk" i slowy drifted back through the group until I was alone and being guided at every turn of the course by some kind gent with a beard, not sure of name. Anyway despite a couple of missed turns due to the mistaken feeling of being on a mountain bike my guide got us safely back to the bottom of Box and the warmth and security of a cup of tea and something to eat from Rykas. Thanks :D

All in all then a good days riding on the bike and bar the slightly shortened route a good warm up for next months event. Thankyou everyone who made the ride an enjoyable day out. :P
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Re: Clubrun 3rd Jan brrrrrrrr

Postby Paul H » Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:13 pm

[quote]That's it, I didn't chose this option. The dowloaded data seems to do though (is yours different to what the computer read at the caf?), as it shows 225w av to the caf.
Still, assuming we've both put on as much weigh :roll: (more 1.5kg than 10) if we'd ridden equal turns at the front (and we know we didn't) my 225 should be over 268 for you. I think there is still something else different in our setups/hubs(?), either that or my 225 does not actually include coasting. Next time I'll change it to include it.

I have a older "cheaper" model PT which doesnt have the coasting option. If I manually take the zeros off the download file, it gives me an average of 268w. Im 73kg at the moment but as the ride was reasonably flat, I dont think weight makes a lot of difference. According to Power Calc, 5kg would only cost another 4w at 23mph on the flat.
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