Big Thanks to the Club Run Team Mechanics!

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Big Thanks to the Club Run Team Mechanics!

Postby jeffmesie » Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:06 pm

Hi, all

I just want to say a big thank-you for all the help received when I smashed up my rear mech yesterday.

First to Peter who pushed me up the hills so I could freewheel down (with my weight not an easy task)

Then to John for lending me his chain tool.

And of course to all the wisecracking armchair mechanics without whom no repair job would be complete. :)

But most of all to Grahame - a man clearly not afraid to get his hands dirty - who wielded said chain-tool with skill and determination to enable me to pedal off towards a train station (my excuse is that the gear was a bit high for single -speed fun back up the hills)

I live on a hill and it is a point of pride never to walk up it no matter how tired | am. Of course this time I had to and who passes me by but a neighbour who clearly thought I was a bit of a wuss. :oops:

Anyway bike is now at GBs being mended. I was perhaps half hoping the mech hanger was irrepairable - so I'd 'reluctantly' have to get that Look 565 frame they have on sale there.

Even after several years as a member I am always impressed by degree the kindness and support provided by fellow Agreeables towards each other.

Hopefully I'll be out next week. See you soon
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Re: Big Thanks to the Club Run Team Mechanics!

Postby Grahame » Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:55 pm

No problem Jeff, I'm glad to be able to help, and bodge fans will be pleased to hear that the fix involved duct tape - only to hold the (now redundant) cable to the seat stay and out of harms way, but involved. I was just embarrassed that I didn't have a chain tool with me. If I'd have been on either of the other bikes I would use on the clubrun, there's one in the saddlepack, but not in the pack on this bike :oops: That has now been rectified.

Glad you got home safely. Two of us heard about your mishap as we were getting ready to leave the cafe and decided to retrace the outward route just incase you were stranded alone. We were mightily relieved to see you frewheeling down Russ Hill.
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