Poor man's power cranks

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Poor man's power cranks

Postby Daren L » Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:08 pm

Not having access to the vast international sponsorsip deals, I've trawled the net for powercranks on a budget. I've trialed them for about six weeks and have noticed marked results.
The best part of it is that they're free. Unfortunately free involves resting one leg whilst using the other one. On the plus side - they come with a lifetime gaurantee.
The following is an exercise plan for improving pedalling tecnique:

10min warm up
Left leg: 30sec, Right leg: 30sec, both legs: 30sec (repeat)
Right leg: 30sec, Left leg: 30sec, both legs: 30sec (repeat)
5min easy pedalling
Left leg: 45sec, Right leg: 45sec, both legs: 45sec (repeat)
Right leg: 45sec, Left leg: 45sec, both legs: 45sec (repeat)
5min easy pedalling
Right leg: 1min, Both legs: 1min, Left leg: 1min (repeat)
10min warm down.

Pedal stroke is much improved - dead spots are greatly reduced.
Easier to pedal at a greater cadence with reduced effort.
Feels easier to climb relatively gentle gradients whilst maintaining form and cadence.

I'm trying to do 2-3 sessions a week and it is only in the last week or two that I've really started to see the benifits.
Hope this is of help to other prospecxtive Ibbo's on a budget.
Daren L
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Posts: 44
Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:18 pm
Location: South Norwood

Postby Dan B » Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:15 pm

I did a rather short and painful one-leg drill that resembles the above MTB photo once in traffic in Streatham while taking Tony Blair's Third Way through the middle of stalled traffic. Hitting the bus was the best thing I could have done ... :shock:
Dan B
Posts: 138
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2003 11:55 am
Location: Sunny Croydon

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