CR 110409

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CR 110409

Postby Rob Q » Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:53 am

Woke up at 7am, looked out the window :( . Went back to bed :D . Woke up again at 10am :shock: . Hope you all had a good CR
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Re: CR 110409

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:02 pm

I turned up for my first club run since England last won the football word cup :oops: . I was on time :roll: :lol: . There were a handful of folk at the station at 9, can't normally be like that, surely not. I mean, we got a note reminding us of start times barely a month ago :evil: :twisted: . Personally I'm more in favour of complete anarchy than a half arsed attempt to set some direction and then not follow yer own instructions. So, after a lovely natter with a few mates I started to feel the cold and damp and headed off, on me tod, at 9.17. Now when I say anarchy, I mean hard core anarchy. Y'see 9.17 is one minute after the 19s are due to leave and 2 minutes before the 18s set off. There was no way I was gonna manage 18 and a bit mph average. D'you see what I did there. I broke the rules :shock: , well no one seemed to mind.

I then declared myself Chief Overlord of the C training group. I was elected unopposed and the feeling of power was awesome. I whizzed along to Reigate, getting caught by those renegades calling themselves the Training Group just as we entered town. We shared a few pleasantries, and tho I knew I could have the lot of 'em, I let 'em go. I was still feeling anarchic y'see.

On into the wilds of, well you know the route by now. I had a fantastic ride, digging in for some hard work at times and just enjoying myself, the scenery and the drizzle were nice too. I hit the caff with a 17.3mph average (do we have a departure time for 17.3 group??) and snarfed a bacon sarnie. Jon Avery and I then exchanged stories about food poisoning (him) and eatin fish 9 days after it's eat by date (me - more anarchy - I just can't help meself). Anyhoo, time was tickin on and four of us decided to head fer the hills.

We had a cool ride back through the lanes, at one point Adrian went so fast his computer exploded off his bike in pure admiration. I was feeling good so went for it at the golf course rise. I reckon I went up there better than a drug fuelled pro cycling monkey, must've been that 7.something % beer I had last night eh Alan :wink: Avery caught me at the top, grrr.

We had a quick regroup @ the church, a mere 30 sec separating us all. Off again, up and over Gatton Point and then the Merstham drag. I couldn't help myself and shot off the front. I burned my remaining matches (see I do read the race reports) and hoofed up the drag pretty sharpish. I hit what I reckoned to be the finish and backed off. That damn Cornish Pirate came past me again and I was fresh out of Swan Vestas.

Down into Coulsdon then a blast up the steep hill to Wallyville. I managed the home leg in 16.3 average which I was pretty happy with considering the terrain. HR maxed at 179, not bad for an auld get like me.

Great fun, I'm never leaving on time again :lol:

Snoop Doug

Re: CR 110409

Postby Antloony » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:09 pm

CR was good today, the bad weather we'd been promised stayed away :D

Really enjoyed my ride today with the 19's, took it easy as my knee's still a bit dodgy and I want to save my pain for when I race. Nice to catch up with a few folks on the way to and at the cafe. Had fun ripping the piddle out of young Stu :lol:

Ride back was good, pushed a little bit more after the Merstham drag just to see how I was feeling after a week away from the saddle and felt ok, Steve B kept me company untill I managed to get a great tow from a tractor and trailer.

Lets hope for a bit of sunshine next week though.
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Re: CR 110409

Postby Andrew G » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:44 pm

It's got white shorts hasn't it Sean :roll: :shock: .

Got up, had a Lemsip, did a couple of useful things, had lunch, currently enjoying another lemsip. No idea of my heart rate at any point during this but I did put out 1,300 watts at one point - doing the hoovering.

Grey and drizzly weather's a good thing as far as I'm concerned as I don't feel I'm missing out on Rye.
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Re: CR 110409

Postby Dombo » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:47 pm

Excellent CR. Initially put off by the weather but a couple of boiled eggs, some porridge, tea and chocky kwahsohs soon put me in the mood. Joined the 19s and managed to hang on, averaging 19.8 mph to the caff. Felt like 20, though, with the 0.2 lost while parking the bike. Good chat with Jon, Snoop, and Paul on the Pearson at the caff over an excellent bacon sarny, then back the standard route via Redhill. Ave speed at the end was 18.5 mph, so best ever.
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Re: CR 110409

Postby Andrew G » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:56 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan - 何祥"][quote="Andrew G"]It's got white shorts hasn't it Sean :roll: :shock: .

Not quite :D

Brown stripe up the back?
[quote="Dombo"]averaging 19.8 mph to the caff. Felt like 20, though,

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Re: CR 110409

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:58 pm

well i seem to be up there with keith and paul now, for the first time since september.

my 40 mile commute seems to have really given me some speed.

i was looking forward to today so i could see where my fitness level is, using Keith and Paul as my marker. also in the group was rob W and mareks mate.

keith hit the front as we left coulsdon south at a good pace, i soon warmed up and hit the front, where according to keith i wound it up to 28 mph, so i was feeling good.

we hoofed it over to the m23 junction where we lost mareks mate.

up the reigate steps and it was a 3 horse race after we dropped rob, but we waited at the top.

through the lanes it was very fast. keith paul and my self did most of the work with rob suffering a lot. with a few miles to go until rusper i was left on the front for a good few miles, and knew it was because paul planned to attack, but it never came, instead, unusually for the T group we behaved all the way to the hill after partridge, when keith opened up with a stinging attack, followed by a nasty counter attack by paul. what was encouraging was that i was not struggling too be up there with them.

we were all together again by the time we got to the hills before the T and OFF, where i wound up the pace to an amount that was devastating to keith and rob, but paul just managed to hold my wheel :wink:

good through an off, a fast one, and we soon dropped rob. keith was suffering also and started skipping turns because i was 'accelerating too hard' .... i took it as a compliment.

the sprint was won by keith. we had a good lead out by paul, and instigated it, but keith came round me with about 25m to go to win it.

good fast ride back over box hill, apart from a puncture which i fixed in record slow time (thanks paul and neil for coming back to me).

when we hit the bottom of boxhill paul got on the front (after sitting on my wheel all the way there as punishment for my puncture). he banged out a relentless 14-16 mph pace from the bottom. it was hard work holding his wheel, and i was in and out of the saddle to keep generating the power. unfortunately as we got near the last hairpin the elastic broke and i gently let go of his wheel, which left paul to take a well earned KOM.

good fast ride back to coulsdon, where something amazing happened... as we got to the small hill before the decent into chipstead and banstead i dropped paul, but i waited at the bottom, where we both hammered it again to coulsdon.

good ride today, and very encouraging to see my form progressing nicely.

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Re: CR 110409

Postby Keith » Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:13 pm

Only about 40 out on today's Club Run. What's up with the rest of you? It's only a bit of water. :roll:

Training Group was tough but fun with such a small group.

[quote="Stu Merckx Man"]good through an off, .... keith was suffering... because i was 'accelerating too hard' .... i took it as a compliment.

It wasn't. Good tactic if you're wanting to wear someone out :wink: , not so good if you're wanting to work as a team :roll: .

Happy to take the sprint from the younster. :D (aargh, sounding like an old man :oops: )
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Re: CR 110409

Postby Paul H » Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:10 pm

Blimey Stu did you get Adam to write up your report? Its about as accurate as Goebbels news bulletins as to how the war was going in 1944.

Quite pleased with my ride as ive been concentrating on running and swimming. keith and myself did most of the work at the front to Rusper with some soft pedal efforts by Stu which were quite nice for recovery. After a couple of miles of T&O along the dual carriageway I noticed Keith and Stu seemed to be suffering and both consistently missed turns all the way to the cafe. I was quite happy to tow the group as I just need to focus on relentless endurance as sprinting is not an issue for Triathlons. Averaged 278w to Charlwood (not inc zeros) not bad as Stu's turns really ate into the average.

On the way back to box hill, Stu did the last turn along the dual carriageway. In between the freewheeling, I noticed my PT said 80w so it was more like sub recovery pace. I didnt bother with tactics up box hill and just decided to lay down the watts (363w for 5 mins) and see if the nasty little weasel could keep up. I could hear loads of gear changing, panting, wheezing and what sounded like crying and we parted company somewhere along the last straight well before the hairpin.

Stu did manage to "drop" me when I took it easy on the tight corner before the hill at chipstead - well done Stu.

Stu was amusing us at the Cafe with some disturbing accounts of what he would do for his Auntie to get "double" presents.
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Re: CR 110409

Postby Sylv » Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:15 pm

Oh boy I am sad I missed the training group it looks like pure comedy :lol: But I am enjoying the reports excellent one Paul
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Re: CR 110409

Postby Marek » Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:27 pm

I am happy I stayed in bed, it sounds like you lot were monkeying around all morning. I got up a bit later and went for a ride with my brother and father in law on our mountain bikes. We averaged about 10 mph and it sounds like it was much better training than riding behind Stu.


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Re: CR 110409

Postby Toks » Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:53 pm

[quote="Paul H"][size=150]Blimey Stu did you get Adam to write up your report? Its about as accurate as Goebbels news bulletins as to how the war was going in 1944.[/size]

Quite pleased with my ride as ive been concentrating on running and swimming. keith and myself did most of the work at the front to Rusper with some soft pedal efforts by Stu which were quite nice for recovery. After a couple of miles of T&O along the dual carriageway I noticed Keith and Stu seemed to be suffering and both consistently missed turns all the way to the cafe. I was quite happy to tow the group as I just need to focus on relentless endurance as sprinting is not an issue for Triathlons. Averaged 278w to Charlwood (not inc zeros) not bad as Stu's turns really ate into the average.

On the way back to box hill, Stu did the last turn along the dual carriageway. In between the freewheeling, I noticed my PT said 80w so it was more like sub recovery pace. [size=150]I didnt bother with tactics up box hill and just decided to lay down the watts (363w for 5 mins) and see if the nasty little weasel could keep up. I could hear loads of gear changing, panting, wheezing and what sounded like crying [/size]and we parted company somewhere along the last straight well before the hairpin.

Stu did manage to "drop" me when I took it easy on the tight corner before the hill at chipstead - well done Stu.

Stu was amusing us at the Cafe with some disturbing accounts of what he would do for his Auntie to get "double" presents.
Easily the funniest training group report I've read this year :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: CR 110409

Postby jon avery » Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:48 am

What a differance a week makes! Last week i really struggled with the 18's, this week after a change or tyres (specialized tyres are crap) and a bowl of porridge in the morning, i was finding the going a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable, after leaving CSS i had been having a natter with someone who's name i cant remember who was riding a bianchi carbon xl, about how crap specialized tyres are , and how i'd changed to Michelin pro's, he assured me he hadn't had a punture since using them, then guess what happened 2 mins later? Yup he had a punture! It was good to see Adrian out after he has been doing his baby duties, and had a laugh with Dombo, paul (on the pearson) and cap'n snoop, good ride back, snoop is going well, hope you do well on yer TT mate, right i'm now off to do a few circuits of Richmond park, where is the sun? :(
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Re: CR 110409

Postby TimNick » Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:31 am

Rob.....sound like you let that duvet day just get the better of you (they'll be none of that London to Paris in Sept!)....can't unerstand why, I mean a remorsely grey drizzling day what could be better?! Now to me that must be just like living in Belgium (yum,, cycling, chocolate) so a thoroughly agreeable Easter CR, even if I did tke it easy (for my little leggies) by riding in the 16s. When we finally got going (by the way I think Snoop actually waited all of a nano-second before stating in almost Churchillian tones that he was off on his jack) nice ride out to caff which kinda hopefully gave John CZ a break from being on the front most of the time and helped me realise I have moved forward in my first 12mths back on the bike!

Quickish stop at t'caff and then back via Box know we all start off, the faster folk disappear soon enuff and then the glorious gruppeto on the way home....well punctures hit the faster boys and we make it up there first ...this'll be the one and only time it'll happen, but the victory is so sweet (I wish!). We pootle back the rest of the way and a stop at cafe nero for a cafeine thumping brew. Top riding by all!
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Re: CR 110409

Postby MJ_1993 » Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:38 pm

i went out with the 18s. except i never prepared myself for the fact that it seemed i was spent. believe or not stu and adam, it seemed to me i actually over-trained. lol. managed to stay with the slapdash 18 group till partridge. then i cheated. end of CR report. oh and we had a puncture.
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