Race Reports from non ACC'ers

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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby David.Hilbert » Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:03 am

Stuart Spies should write a book.
He writes in an incredibly evocative style that really captures the cut and thrust of racing. I read a report of his about a year ago and was mightily impressed.
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Toks » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:47 am

[quote="David.Hilbert"]Stuart Spies should write a book.
He writes in an incredibly evocative style that really captures the cut and thrust of racing. I read a report of his about a year ago and was mightily impressed.
Yeah Stuart's reports are hilarious. 8) Here's one for you David. How angry is this guy? He starts calling the competition Idiots even before the race starts :lol: http://vcmeudon.blogspot.com/2010/03/go ... erway.html
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby David.Hilbert » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:23 am

[quote="Toks"][quote="David.Hilbert"]Stuart Spies should write a book.
He writes in an incredibly evocative style that really captures the cut and thrust of racing. I read a report of his about a year ago and was mightily impressed.
Yeah Stuart's reports are hilarious. 8) Here's one for you David. How angry is this guy? He starts calling the competition Idiots even before the race starts :lol: http://vcmeudon.blogspot.com/2010/03/go ... erway.html

HAHAHA!...that's hilarious!!

[quote]On the start line I'm totally surrounded by pairs of legs sporting more hair than Susan Boyle's chin,
[quote]Cervelo frames are everywhere but few of them are able to circulate around the track without swerving off in random directions without notice.
:lol: :lol:
[quote]And there are Garmin-equipped handlebars all over the place - well I suppose route markers are usually lacking around this closed 2 mile clockwise loop that has no junctions or exit roads
[quote]Graham Wood's bike still refuses to corner correctly and he's grabbing for the brakes and loosing 20 meters each time the curve radius reduces below 400m. (Supertankers would have no problem though).

Practically every line is a classic !
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Sylv » Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:44 pm

Verrry good (both)
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Toks » Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:02 pm

Practically every line is a classic !
You're right there's some absolute corkers. :lol: He sums up most 3rd and 4th cat races so beautifully and succintly with this one sentence [quote][size=150]No one but no one is allowed to get more than 5 yds off the front before emergency chase services emerge from the pack to dowse any embers of excitement[/size].
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Marcus » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:49 pm

Excellent reporting.

Much better than his riding it seems.
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Toks » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:54 pm

A great TT report from Maria (no, not that one) a Red Hill cyclist
http://www.redhillcc.co.uk/news/article ... icleid=734
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Sylv » Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:34 pm

This is good too (KW)




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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby David.Hilbert » Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:52 pm

[quote="Toks"]A great TT report from Maria (no, not that one) a Red Hill cyclist
http://www.redhillcc.co.uk/news/article ... icleid=734

Toks, I'm a bit worried about you .
You seem to be tuned in to every single cycling web site in existence.
How do you find the time?
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:16 pm

he he - that vcmeudon one is quite funny. Shame you have to get past this bit of guff so early on:

[quote]The signing on clerk questions my status as a Surrey League member - Oh not again, I've been to just about every Surrey League race for the last 15 years, officiated at scores of them and handed over half my life's savings, yet I'm still nobody.

The "don't you know who I am?" thing grates every time. It doesn't become anyone. Nice job of encouraging other folk to give up their time to help out eh?

Shame - a funny write up seriously weakened by a crap attitude
Snoop Doug

Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Toks » Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:44 pm

How do you find the time?
On average I'm on websites sixty minutes each day. Every few days I probably check 10 different club websites and the same number of twitter feeds, blogs and mainstream websites; sometimes people send me links (Can't name my souces I'm afraid :wink: )I'm pretty ruthless though and if it hasn't got my attention in the first sentence I move on. Mainly I'm looking for training info and race reports. Despite all this I don't know a great deal about cycling. I know very little about pro riders bar the big names and british riders. I know nothing at all about bikes: repairing them or what components are best. How embarassing is this? The guy who built up my current bike asked what groupset I wanted on it and I said, "you choose", just in case I named one that was too cheap, too expensive or not cool. I do have a life though, I promise. :lol:
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Toks » Sat May 01, 2010 6:14 am

Kitsmead Lane Handicap 29.04.2010.
Lots of posts on the race from the Wheelers including a good write up on the win from Andy
http://www.kingstonwheelers.co.uk/kwccf ... ebf0#41603
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Toks » Sun May 02, 2010 9:49 pm

Beneden/Cranbrook 3/4's 2nd May 2010
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 17:34 Post subject: SERRL Benenden/Cranbrook, 3/4s - 02/05


The forecast for today had been pretty dire all week, so it was disappointing but not surprising to wake up to very dark skies, heavy rain and low temperatures.

Myself and Andy Lack were representing the Wheelers, and lined up with around 60 other riders also undeterred by the wet conditions. Many may have reconsidered this decision after riding the very sodden 100km of the race.

In the drive to the race, me and Andy had talked tactics; we'd hit them with about 30km to go with a strong move and hopefully get both of us in the break. Unfortunately I forgot all about this, and attacked after just 30km. I was cold, wet and getting impatient. I was also starting to feel pangs of regret as I realised the next 70km could be very painful indeed.

Fortunately I was joined by a chap from the Bigfoot team, and we started to work well and opened up a nice gap of around 45 seconds. A third rider (Dan Henchy from PBScience) bridged across, and we then set about extending the gap. At it's peak we had 2mins 40sec on the bunch.

Unfortunately, still with another 30km or so to ride, Bigfoot punctured and we were down to a breakaway duo. I was now unsure whether we could maintain our lead - it was starting to feel like a very long day in the saddle.

However intermittent time checks showed that the gap wasn't dwindling too quickly - on the last lap we were told 3 riders were chasing us but they were still a minute behind. But with only a few km still to race, we pressed on. I put in a little dig on one of the short climbs to test my legs and that of my companions - my legs felt rubbish, and he was still glued to my back wheel. So then coming into the final climb and the finish line I was sure I would be out sprinted. Leading things out through accident rather than design, I was just waiting for him to leap from behind and snatch victory. I was still thinking this as I crossed the line - no time for celebrations, just genuine surprise that I'd won.

A very big thanks to Andy Lack who single-handedly marshaled the bunch and marked any moves. He looked absolutely wrung-out by the finish, but had still managed a very respectable result on what was a very tough day.

An extremely long and cold ride back to HQ followed, where we were offered endless cups of tea to stop us shaking from the cold. It was difficult to hold the cups without spilling them we were shaking so much.

So now home and after thawing out thoroughly, I am now off to celebrate and get quite drunk.
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Toks » Wed May 05, 2010 11:12 pm

Crystal Palace May 4th. The inimitable Stuart Spies provides commentary

1 22 Daniel Santini Pearson Cycles E
2 11 Gareth Montgomerie Sigma RT E
3 4 Ian Paine London Dynamo 1
4 10 Bryan Taylor VC Londres E @ 16 secs
5 12 Ian Field Hargroves Cycles 2
6 6 James Waite Pearson Cycles 2
7 7 Stuart Spies London Dynamo 2
8 2 Mark Thompson Dulwich Paragon 2
9 9 Luke Wallis Pearson Cycles 2
10 15 Taylor Johnstone De Ver 2J
11 18 Matt Seaton Mosquito Bikes 1V
12 21 Mark Perry Dulwich Paragon 2
13 1 Bruce Mackie Lee Valley Youth CC 2

1 58 Alec Briggs Arctic RT 3J
2 29 Tao Geoghelanhart CC Hackney 4
3 56 Alex Peters CC Hackney YA
4 6 Rhys H CC Hackney 3
5 3 Nigel Ling Gemini BC 3
6 53 James Dunsbier London Dynamo 3
7 15 Harry Littlechild London Dynamo 3
8 23 Matthew Theobalds GC Gruppeto 3
9 24 Mike Cownley Norwood Paragon 3
10 32 Daniel Hynes London Dynamo 3

Nice! 'Cept whats going on in the thirds, 3 Hackney v 3 Dynamo and we...got done And Kenneway?

Our race started with a reasonable amount of trepidation given the presence of one Mr Ian Fields, the Belgian based cross pro and whathisface from Tony Gibbs new team...but come on its a locals race, you could be a no legged amoeba, if you know that circuit no ones a threat. (Yes I know Fields beat my ass but these are mere details )

Metaltek guy seem to call it a day about 4 laps in, technical maybe but it was down to the regulars pretty sharpish aside from Fields and me getting all excited everytime I saw him still racing. (Look he's a legend in my books, UCI World Cup races for breakfast, I can barely get around Herne Hill without popping a blood vessel)

Jim for Sigma got things going with Matt Seaton, a really healthy attack but it did need possibly one more rider, I felt a bit stoopid for yelling at a Sigma guy to 'turn your damn pedals' not quite registering Jim riding in...well Sigma kit, oops. The Pearsons guys seem pretty keen up the front and it was only a matter of time before the mighty Dan S made a move, had seen him in the park on Saturday and he said he'd been unwell....whatever, Mr Paine said pretty much the same thing, I know to never trust anyone who routinely kicks your head in!!

I held onto one attack at about the 10 to go that saw 4 of us run clear...for about 30secs, aaarg goddammit, HR through the ceiling, effort wasted 5,4,3,2,1 Aaaaand there goes Ian, and Santoni *shiiiiiiit* and a sigma lad BALLS! Relegated to making excuses. Well lets just remember there's a certain Hargroves Cycles chap who is probably finding this all rather amusing/strangely dare I say it tough (he's probably on a rest/pie eating week)? Pearsons moved to the front, Sigma moved up, I sulked (not because Ians up the road more because I get a clear vision from the cycling gods that says IAN WILL BE ATTACKING NOW, I REPEAT IAN WILL BE LEAVING YOU CLOWNS BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELT AND HOLD ON...and I cant!)

Our race slowed for the last five laps to laughable pace aside from one mightly annoying Toachim House kid, LATE BRAKING (grrrr) into the hairpin every lap and Dead mans(!)....ok now I know its gotta be done, I know its racing, fine, but equally appreciatte you are flicking the sulking hyhenas balls if you keep doing it only to lose the ONE frikkin place you snapped up the second we leave the corner?? Tense, I needed to think about the finish, there's only one wheel to follow these days for the run-in and thats Taylor, find his wheel, match his pace up the drag, engage warp...click click eyes bulging handlebar crushed F**K too hard...dribble across the line, unleash volley of Afrikaans insults at all who will listen (trees, shrubs etc), regain some composure and smile aaaaah lovely another good palace!

Big congrats to Alex for his first Palatial experience, you luved it innit?!
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Re: Race Reports from non ACC'ers

Postby Toks » Thu May 06, 2010 8:39 am

Surrey League Women's Team Report from The Bedford 2 Day
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