Why do zone training on the club run?????

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Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Marek » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:21 pm

Why bother at the weekend?

1. You will all have different heart rate zones so impossible to ride as a group

2. You will spike when you go up hills, is this really an issue?

3. Isn't it a bit unsociable, riding on your own why not just sit on a turbo or go and ride somewhere flat if the heart rate is so important?

4. Are you having as much fun as you would normally when riding in an average speed group?

Why don't you guys do your zone training during the week and then just sit in a slower speed average speed group at the weekend, if you go out of the zone on the hills then I am pretty damn sure it ain't going to have a major long term impact on your overall training goals if you cannot do any other zone training in the week.

Training to heart rate is not something that should be done in a group, so forget it and just stick with having fun.


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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:26 pm


It can be done spent 10 days in Marllorca doing this, just needs a dedicated group.

Why are they doing it? Because people are allowed to do what ever they want in this world and your entitled to your opinion as well.

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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:31 pm

Not so easy Sean?

Where did you struggle?

My own experience I had 99% total control of my HR in the 17s - SHOCK! When it dropped I upped the cadence, when it rosed on the flats I slowed down the cadence.

Just up Reigate steps I was LPB-5 rest of the route around LBP-20. Can be done...

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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:38 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan - 何祥"][quote="Robh"]Not so easy Sean?

Where did you struggle?

Why? I got really bored very quickly. I also kept thinking that this can't be right. LBP-20 as the max? Maybe as the average HR then it is achieveable, though that does beg the question...why bother. Anyway, it was interesting in a way as I found trying to control my breathing had real and dramatic effects on my HR. I also never once thought about Victoria Pendleton. Had that happened I might as well have pulled over and walked to the caff as my HR would never recover for at least 24 hours.

I ride @ LBP-20 for the whole ride, only a few occasions it goes above this but usually no more than LBP-5 when I'm up steep climbs.

I think you going to struggle and probably give up in a few weeks time. Why? Because your bored already!
Last edited by Robh on Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Marek » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:40 pm

Rob, a dedicated group with a similar heart rate zone which does not seem to the necessarily be the case with your guinea pigs.

Surely they don't need to control it going up the small hills on the club run, I would have thought if they could find a group that goes in the right sort of zone that they should stick with that as opposed to slowing off on the hills, isn't that taking it a bit too far. I would have thought that people are morel likely to give this type of training up if they can't ride in a group as they are slowing off on the hills.

And yes this is my opinion and you can do what you like.


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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:43 pm

[quote="Marek"]Rob, a dedicated group with a similar heart rate zone which does not seem to the necessarily be the case with your guinea pigs.

Surely they don't need to control it going up the small hills on the club run, I would have thought if they could find a group that goes in the right sort of zone that they should stick with that as opposed to slowing off on the hills, isn't that taking it a bit too far. I would have thought that people are morel likely to give this type of training up if they can't ride in a group as they are slowing off on the hills.

And yes this is my opinion and you can do what you like.



Too far? No just different...Like I said it was done in Mallorca with great success. The stronger rides were on the front and the less strong riders were behind everyone got their workout they wanted i na tightly formed group.

How these guys ride is up to them I just test...
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:45 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan - 何祥"][quote="Robh"]

I ride @ LBP-20 for the whole ride, only a few occasions it goes above this but usually no more than LBP-5 when I'm up steep climbs.

This is an average though, right?

Michelle was trying to avoid going over her LBP-20 at all. That can't be right. At the rate I'd have to have gone at I'd still be out on the CR.

I said earlier...I stick to LBP-20 the whole ride but that's my choice. Even downhill I'm hitting LBP-20, like I say my choice...
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:55 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan - 何祥"]At Coulsdon long before we all set off I was just chatting and I checked my HR, it said 90! How the heck could I be expected to not top 126? Anyway, as an average maybe something to aim for.

Stop chatting, less glucose to the brain lower HR... :D

Like I said your LBP is most likely skewed because you were not on top form last Saturday.
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:58 pm

FaCT lesson 1 - Make sure your having fun.
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Toks » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:07 pm


Why are they doing it? Because people are allowed to do what ever they want in this world and your entitled to your opinion as well.


[size=150]What an absolutely complete rubbish answer to Marek's well made points[/size]. :twisted:

Whether you like it or care to admit it quite a few riders, including a competitive 2nd cat, are all riding very slowly on your recommendation (and lets remember you're a non competitve cyclist who doesn't mind hanging around for a few years to finally see improvement :? ). I'm sure in Michelle's case she was riding at probably less than 70 % of her maximum. Quite a few sports scientists and Exercise Physiologisists have said that riding at less than 70% of your max is pretty ineffective. Now admittedly I don't know what training Michelle has done all week. Perhaps she's doing some moderately intensive stuff in which case thats fine; perhaps she's burnt out (I doubt it :D ),perhaps she just wants to ride slowly (i doubt it again); I'm sure she doesn't have 16-30 hours training time that might make the LBP 20 well be worth her while.

In another case I think Sean would like to do some winter racing and I know he doesnt have a lot of training time available so doing what he did this saturday was really a bit of a waste of time (sorry Sean). So I'm slighlty concerned that these guys aren't training appropriately for racing given time constraints etc. Again in Michelle's case unless she's doing some moderate intensity in the week she's gonna be seriously detraining. And all that base fitness is gonna go and it will take time to get build up again (kinda like going Skiing for a few weeks!). Finally when racing nobody is concerned about how you produce your power - structural , respiratal or cardiovascular or metabolically. Sorry dude having read your reply to Marek's query I had to take you to task :)
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:08 pm

YAWN..Toks, If you have a problem tell it to my face where were you Wednesday?

I have told you on more than one occasion I do not coach I test! Half of the riders who have been tested have a coach so take it up with them...
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Toks » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:13 pm

Yeah I know your so tired mate :cry: A great rebuttal, I'm sure the LBP crew are real proud. :D If you can't be bothered to trade blows with me at least have the dignity to respond to Marek's post. After all he's never challenged you before :D
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Robh » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:19 pm

Yeah I know your so tired mate :cry: A great rebuttal, I'm sure the LBP crew are real proud. :D If you can't be bothered to trade blows with me at least have the dignity to respond to Marek's post. After all he's never challenged you before :D

I don't have to answer the post? Is it directed to me? No...Juerg asked you a question this week did you reply? No. Did I point it out no...Am I bothered no...

You just dont like change Toks..Live with it's here to stay! :lol:


P.s Don't bother replying until you've responded to Juerg's post.
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Toks » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:19 pm

[quote="Robh"]YAWN..Toks, If you have a problem tell it to my face where were you Wednesday?

I have told you on more than one occasion I do not coach I test! Half of the riders who have been tested have a coach so take it up with them...
Oh please, you need to re-read your posts
Er...our recent differences are well known and I'm hardly being aggressive. :D Myself and Andrew have differing opinions on a few things and we rode for twenty minutes together and we were as amicable as ever. :D :D When I next see you I'll treat you just the same :D :D
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Re: Why do zone training on the club run?????

Postby Paul H » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:41 pm

As Rob said, everybody is entitled to do what they want. I go cycling to enjoy myself and the idea of keeping the same HR for the whole ride sounds so boring and sterile but if that floats your boat.

I cant see much butt kicking with this training on its own though. It will be whatever else they are doing that will do that.

My concern is that some people may think it is somehow destructive to go harder.

Juerg has a habit of not answering questions as well.

[quote]I have told you on more than one occasion I do not coach

You post your opinions (or somebody from FACT) on riders test results which sometimes are incorrect (confirmed by Juerg) along with recommended training zones. I would say this is a form of coaching.

[quote]You just dont like change Toks..Live with it's here to stay!

Fixed HR training has been around ever since HR Monitors were invented. Most of this FACT stuff seems based on East German training ideas of the 1970s.
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