[Message from Paul as he has limited forum access.]
He is just finishing putting together the helper allocation list for Saturday's Addiscombe road race promotion in Bletchingley, I'll post up those details when I get them but he says positions are flexible on the day so if you really want to stand next to someone in particular then that can probably be catered for.
2nd lead car driver request - If someone is driving to the race and is able to do this then please can you contact Paul. It's not a difficult job and involves driving round the course in front of the race without holding it up or knocking any of the racers off or running over the marshals.
If you can do this please email Paul the following to: paul dot tunnell at landg dot com
- Your Name
- Your DOB
- BC number
- Car Reg No
- Car make and model
Please be at the HQ at 12:30pm
This is when the village hall opens and will allow time to sort out all that is required, yellow bibs, flags, where to go etc. The race starts at 1:30pm.
The HQ is the village hall in Bletchingley which is [url=http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=RH1+4PA&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=19.59576,39.418945&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Redhill,+Surrey+RH1+4PA,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.239916,-0.103211&spn=0.010102,0.019248&z=16]here[/url]. If you click on satellite view you can see it to the left of the auctioneers, it has a fairly large car park behind it with an entry/exit road either side.
The race circuit is [url=http://bikeroutetoaster.com/Course.aspx?course=116498]this[/url] and is a tough one so expect to see a strung out race and lots of pain etched on faces .