Club Run:12th Dec

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Club Run:12th Dec

Postby Toks » Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:07 pm

Ok here we go then - just for Nick!...From what I remember Saturday was definitely not one for the fair-weathered cyclist; but for myself and the other ACC peeps it was business as usual - forty blokes doing forty odd miles, all decked out in full winter gear. I was in Monty?s group?s and it was a nicely disciplined affair; everyone doing regular turns on the front; cycling's very own squad rotation system. Who knows perhaps we could teach premiership football managers a thing or two. At CSS the departing temperature was approximately 5 degrees but by the time we hit the lanes beyond Redhill it was a degree above to zero. In all senses of the word, we we're 'chilliin'. Not quite as much as Kevin though; he was having a miserable old time stuck by the roadside fixing punctures - not easy to do when you've got frozen digits.

As we approached Charlwood Monty sacrificied himself in true Captain style and led us out for for the sprint. There's something almost primeval in chasing down a lone cyclist and in no time at all a dozen agreeables we're blasting past Monty and on to Charlwood sign. A slight momentary indecision cost me dearly; before you could say 'where's Ajay? I was well and truly boxed in. Nevertheless I did get an armchair view of the winner snaking his way through the bunch. Yes indeed, doing his best Robbie Mac impression, Yohan secured his first Charlwood sprint win.

Later after the cafe and final pitstop a certain 2nd-cat-wanna-be launched a little 'catch me if you can' number on the ACC masses who were being paced back to London by Mike on his fixie. 1/2 a mile later, and I (2nd cat wanna be) was finally reeled in, mostly due to some good work from Cyclo Man, and Natty hat wearer, Huw Williams. Once we we're all back together I set about riding a hard tempo up the drag; many accepted the calling but only five made the final selection.

No other ACC member has climbed more hills than Huw Williams this year so I wasn't too suprised to find him sitting comfortably on my wheel as we surged up the drag. Rumours that he was smoking a pipe up the drag have yet to be confirmed 8) 8) . Only one person in the back-to-CSS-first group was smiling. In fact, not only were they smiling but this person was positively cajoling me into keeping the pace high. Naturally I obliged and we continued to cruise back to CSS touching speeds that would have four-wheeled types encuring 3 points on their licences. So who was playing Johan Bruneel then? Well it wasn't any of the blokes: Huw, Yohan or Steve. It was... Jackie Morgan-Smith of course!. :D Now what we're cycling weekly saying last week about this sport being a man's Man's World :) :) ... Happy Christmas and a Happy New year to you and yours Guys..... May all your cycling goals come true. As long as they don't involve beating me of course. Toks Adesanya :) :) :)
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Postby Toks » Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:16 pm

Oops! as you've probably realised i've got the date wrong, it should be, Sat Dec 10th. I think I consumed too much alcohol at last nights Christmas Party. My head was still hurting when I wrote this earlier on today! :roll:
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Postby Andrew G » Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:55 pm

Great write up. Thanks for the push in the lanes before the cafe, I needed it.

I had a bad day with my legs refusing to co-operate with my brain, and hit a rough patch. Not too much changed after the cafe. I slipped back on the early drags and was just about managing to get back on at the pit stop. Slipped straight out the back again when you flew off the front (can I have some of those Campag legs of yours for Christmas :D ) and rode steady pace back knowing I wasn't likely to see the rest of you for a while.

Words of warning :!: :

Slippery roads / leaves - Conor's wheel slipped from under him and he fell. Fortunately he seemed okay bar the normal aches and pains from a fall. Hope you're okay and see you on the CR.

Drunks in S Croydon - When I was coming back through South Croydon a drunk who was weaving by the kerb made a final late decision to step out in front of me. Fortunately I'd seen him and had slowed right down to about 5-10mph by the time I hit him. No harm done, he was too anethatised, and I just toppled sideways. (He got up and continued over the road to the pub). 24hr drinking in Croydon, what a great idea.

By the way I was with Conor at the time - It really wasn't our day.

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Postby Andrew G » Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:18 pm

Make sure you are all wrapped up this week, looks like it might be a tad chilly. Windchill -5 :shock:

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Postby Yohan » Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:41 pm

Toks...I think your christmas present should be a regular write up column in tha top cycling mags! ..people pay good money to hear cycling sound so dramatic an fun to read! :D
..but of course I enjoy the bit about my sprint win..always happy to take advantage of unfortunate circumstances for def got a little congested.
Good ride overall, and great ride back, as you said Jackie rode an awesome stretch. on the roads, quite dicey at times, my rear wheel spun out on the same stretch that Connor went down, be careful everyone on this w.ends CR......I got 3 chrstmas parties to enjoy, so I doubt I'll be able to stay up on two legs, let alone 2 dount I'll make it 8)
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Postby Toks » Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:15 am

Thanks for reminding me guys; there were indeed a few dicey moments on the ride. I hope Conor's ok. There's nothing like a bruised hip to remind you how vulnerable we all our.
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Postby Conor Cormican » Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:06 am

Thanks for your concerns and thanks to all who came to my assistance after the fall. I was quite shaken up but managed to return home thinking I would be ok, however, when I dismounted I found that I could not put any weight on my right leg. (I was lucky not to be involved in Andrews little encounter.) I went to A&E and was told that nothing was broken or dislocated just soft tissue injury. I'm currently hobbling on crutches so enforced rest for a week or two but hoping to be fit for a club run or two over the Christmas.

Lots of care and attention at home but having the p*** taken at work, they don't understand.

See you all soon
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Postby huw williams » Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:35 am

I'd just like to clear a couple of things up

1) I wasn't 'sitting comfortably' on Toks' wheel, I was chewing my bar tape all the way up the Merstham drag after the effort of chasing him down. So much for steady winter riding!

2) That wasn't a pipe - it was a fine Hoyo De Monteray cigar (rolled on the thighs of cuban women).

After recovering from that a handfull of ACCers had a great ride on Sunday in the capable hands of Ian Munnery. Another bitterly cold day of freezing fog patches and intermittent sunny periods meant we had to pick our way along ice-lined roads for the first hour and a half and at one point on a downhill bend just outside Lingfield I was horrified that the crackling sound coming from down below was actually my front tyre carving through some partially melted ice.

Things improved though before a very disciplined, high-speed thrash ensued along a couple of of the Surrey League's finest race circuits ended at a farm-shop cafe just outside Newdigate. My first time there and it was awesome - organic cakes eaten outdoors in a marquee (with heaters) while watching raw mutton and pork chowing down in the fields.

There were other fast women out on this ride too particularly Lisa Scarlett who having discovered drugs (the legal kind, to relieve asthma) was bloody flying!

Great ride and I'm surprised more ACCers don't go out on sundays, the roads are certainly a lot quieter.
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Postby Toks » Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:30 pm

Sunday and Saturday; that would mean more than eleven hours of cycling for me. It sounds tempting! But first has anyone got the number for RELATE. Apparently thats where I'd end up :(
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Postby huw williams » Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:33 pm

Most cyclists know this email address by heart!
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Postby Ian A4size » Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:01 pm

Another ripping yarn from the tokster 8) .

Ajay is back on the scene now and hopefully will be story telling as well.
I liked his 20 page story about 3 laps of a race round hillingdon last year :wink:
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Postby Toks » Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:20 pm

ha ha :lol: Ian you're lucky Soups didn't complete his 2005 etape recce report. The Col du Marie Blanc section alone would've been close to 20,000 words...I've been a right lazy bugger today I better go and get some work done! More reports to write; only begging Special Educational Needs Departments for more funding is a lot less fun. :x :x
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