Xmas CR programme

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Xmas CR programme

Postby huw williams » Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:00 pm

Could I remind everyone that the pre-xmas club run was traditionally always a time for an appaling hats contest. Monty won it it one year with a tall union jack top hat and AJ wore a fez which actually improved on his normall choice of headgear!

Now, who's around and riding over the christmas break?

I'm guessing that some riders might not have access to the forum over xmas so it might be worth posting up your intentions of riding plans here before the break.

Xmas eve is a saturday so there should be a club-run at least.
Which makes xmas day a sunday. Has anyone ridden around here on christmas morning? Believe me it's incredible. Absoulutely zero traffic. You could do the entire club run on the wrong side of the road and get round safely in 30 minutes!
Well maybe not but its good and worth the divorce proceedings when you tell the missus you're intending to get out for a couple of hours before the presents are open.

On the ride (if you're with a group) it's physically impossible to win a sprint for a sign or a hilltop because everybody's full of xmas spirit and trying to gift the win to everyone else. So it's usually a 12-rider tie at the line! Xmas dinner never tastes better than when you've done a couple of hours riding beforehand.
So if anyone's up for a short ride xmas am, post your intentions here.

The week between xmas and new year's eve is always a good time to ride and again any members planning anything special post your agenda on the forum asap.

The big day should be New Year's Eve, Saturday 31st. A couple of year's ago we did an ACC 3-counties 100 mile ride on the middle saturday of the holiday and I'll probably be doing the same again this year if the weather is ok. So if anyone's up for a long haul through some of the ToSH course down into Kent and the Ashdown Forest then back up through Penshurst and Ide Hill, let me know and I'll try and co-ordinate it. H
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Postby Ian A4size » Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:58 pm

I will be getting myself out on quite a few rides as i am off for the best part of 2 weeks, I will post here as to when i am going- the rides will def NOT be starting early- i am on Holiday and you know how much i need my beauty sleep. If any members are interested in riding but do not have net access they can PM me their mobiles so i can text them.
If its lashing down then i will be out on the mtb- any other ACC roadies want to have a bash at some CC round the north downs? I have been riding around them for the last 12 years so i know a few routes :wink: .
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Postby Ian A4size » Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:51 am

Well this is getting to be a very viewed message huw, but believe it or not- not a single reply :( . I always thought i had joined a bike club 8) . I will have to put it down to the forum PM part not working properly, as this has happened before :oops:
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Postby Gavin » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:20 pm

Up for a ride on new years eve.


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Postby Robbie Dread » Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:42 pm

I am up for the Christmas day ride and new years eve as well,i'll be happy to tag along :lol:
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Any body free

Postby Robbie Dread » Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:50 pm

Any body free this week as from tomorrow i would love to do few miles could do with some company :P
Last edited by Robbie Dread on Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ian A4size » Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:55 pm

I am about on Friday
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Postby Tim H (liquigas) » Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:52 am


i am up for saturday and xmas day

NYE sounds good too - need the long rides this time of year for winter training
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Postby Chris&Lisa » Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:52 pm

Chris and I are definately about from this Thursday onwards. We managed to catch up with family this weekend just gone so are hoping to get out most days. Definately up for New Years Eve. Not sure about Christmas day as we might have to help Ian make a christmas pudding :twisted:
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Postby ajay khandelwal » Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:31 am

I remember doing a ride on Christmas Day last year with an international crowd including Yoshi and his guest, one of the first Japanese women to ride a super long distance cyclo-sportif, Paul Brown and a few others. It was a beautiful day and we had lots of people along the club run who waved and looked out of their windows to cheer us on. Some of them must have laid bets on whether we would be out riding that day. The only low point was a few of us coming off on a patch of ice on the return leg. We soon remounted and the added adrenaline resulted in a sprint to CSS. Afterwards we climbed what seemed like a 20 % hill to Yoshi?s house in Sanderstead to see some pictures of his Sicilian Audax experience and eat some spicy snacks. After we left the hot spice caused a small rumbling in my stomach but it being Christmas there were no shops or restaurants open on my way home. I did think about stopping in a front yard to relieve myself but the fact I was dressed in fluourescent yellow from head to foot was hardly the best camoflauge. Let me just say I stood on my pedals and broke all previous records for my ride home.
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Postby huw williams » Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:52 am

The met office are showing a balmy 7degrees, dry and bright sunshine and not a breath of wind for xmas day. Perfect! So I'm gonna venture a 9.30am start at Butler's for a trip to Box Hill via Banstead and Epsom Downs then return the usual way through Chpistead Valley - very easy pace to top of box hill to accomodate allk standards of club riders then it's every man for himself back from there. 2.5 hours tops, back in Croydon at 12.30 latest. Fat and drunk by about 3pm! Any takers?
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