So to summarise a couple of the recent points it sounds to me like "Sod it I don't care, let's just keep having the same people have to do the work and we can have a jolly CR and ignore everything else".
What if the Club Run Captain and VCs decided they didn't want to continue to volunteer and give up their time for a CR?
As I pointed out a CR is an organised club activity the same as one of our race promotions, I'm trying to unify not divide. Why should it all be take and no give, and there's precious little that is asked to be given.
How many people know about the rule? It is in the club rules (which every member is sent by Phil) and everyone signs up to adhere to them when they join the club, it's your responsibility to read something and agree to it when signing up to it. They are also stated time and again when people are trying to get some help.
The AGM is open to every member of the club to propose and/or vote on anything they don't like, it gets very few attendees as...people can't be bothered to go.
Why would it so bad to lose some members who don't contribute anything to the running of the club and ignore rules that they signed up to?
"Something's got to be done".
"We need to change the situation"
How about something constructive then rather than just saying that asking people to help out clubmates very occasionally is unrealistic?
[EDIT: Sorry Aodan crossed over with your very good post]