ACC Club Survey

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Re: ACC Club Survey

Postby Dan_K » Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:16 pm

Hi Aodan,

I'm willing to help out if you need.
Check out my blog: [url=]Aspiring Rouleur[/url]
Twitter: [url=]DKNWHY[/url]
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Re: ACC Club Survey

Postby Paul H » Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:14 pm

I can help as well
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Re: ACC Club Survey

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:24 pm

Hi Aodan - I'll help out too if you need me....and if I'm around. Next three weeks are a bit chaotic :wink:
Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Club Survey

Postby higg » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:20 am

These are the preliminary results, I'll check through them later, let me know if you spot anything that looks odd.


PS Thanks for the offers of help but for now it's easier for just one person to do it. I'll be in contact later about getting a group together to look at the text answers, (probably next week).




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Re: ACC Club Survey

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:54 am

nice work Aodan - this is very interesting. At first glance....

We should rename the club to the Mamils!

Number of years sheet. Lots of replies from people who are quite new to the club. Does that mean they are maybe more engaged and more inclined to speak up the folk who have been here longer? Do we have an overwhelming bias in our membership of new(ish)comers? And does that mean that we aren't so good at retaining people in the longer term? I think we have a fairly static mambership in terms of numbers these days so the graph implies folk join, stay for a few years and go...? Dunno - but that graph interests me.

Lots of commuting going on - we need to adopt a caff in London

A healthy number interested in helping out, it will be fun thinking about easing the transition from intent to actual. It feels to me that maybe things have been a little easier this year? Not sure as I'm not so involved but I'd be keen to hear what promoters and organisers feel about this. Whatever it strikes me that a mood of encouragement is working better than a rule we don't enforce - so I think that's good.

News - so do we need to do something to make the website more interactive? I very rarely look at it, but a quick glance today shows me we are promoting brighton runs which finished almost a month ago. How can we keep the home page a little fresher without dumping the responsibility onto one individual to do it? And maybe the lanterne rouge, or something different needs to emerge from the world of email?

I'm sure I've missed loads but the above are what jumped out at me. What else y'all?

Cheers again Aodon

Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Club Survey

Postby higg » Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:24 am

The notes below are a summary of the answers from the second half of the club survey. (The graphs from the first half are published further up this post.)

In total, there were 113 responses to the survey, which is about 40% of the membership. Thanks to everyone for their support, to everyone who responded and to those who helped to compile the results. I think this serves as a good record of where we are as a club and gives some ideas of things we can do in the future.



Explanation of how the results for this section were compiled.

Condensing a large number of text answers into a few thoughts is never an exact science so this is how we went about it.

• The survey sheets were divided among 7 people from different parts of the club to give a broad range of backgrounds.
• Each person picked out the amount of times various ideas were mentioned in the forms,
• The scores for each of the ideas were then totted up and compiled.

The results are not exact because some people may have mentioned 2 or 3 items for a particular question and others may have mentioned only one item. By and large though, some ideas did show consistently among a significant proportion of the survey returns.

A summary of the findings are given below:

Why did you join ?

Three items showed highest among the reasons to join the club
• Friendly people
• to increase fitness/ become a better cyclist
• ride with others

Next were
• A good club run (20% of these specifically mentioned the different speed groups)
• Recommendations by family/friends
• a desire to take up competitive cycling
• local club

There was also lesser mentions of the website and the MTB rides

What does the club do well ?

• The club run stood clearly with many more mentions than the next item which was riding in a friendly and social group.

• People also like the fact that the club caters for all abilities, organises events (including the club TTs) and promotes racing well.

• The web forum and the ability to attract members were also mentioned numerous times

The following answers might appear negative but please bear in mind that the question asked for specific things that people don't like about the club, they do not necessarily mean people don't like the club.

What do you not like about the club ?

The most encouraging fact from this question was that some people specifically said there was nothing they don't like about the club and many others left the answer blank. 11% of the survey returns fall under this category.

However these the items that people don't like:

• A quarter of the survey returns didn't like that the club run always uses the same route.

• 11% of the returns mentioned that they didn't like the slagging and bickering on the web forum.

• The club run organisation also got some mention but under various headings, (poor communication, poor standard of riding, ride back form cafe disorderly, people not listening to VC's). In total 13% of returns mentioned one of these items.

• Some other items got a minor number of mentions. The following fell into this category; Committee and VC politics, the club is too large and club kit

• There are a number of other items which only got 2 mentions are less.

What else would you like to see the club do ?

There were many varied and different ideas mentioned here making it hard to summarise into a few points.

There were a number of ideas offered about how the club could arrange its organised rides. 12% of people like the idea of different routes for the club run. Similarly, many people asked for club runs on Sundays as well as midweek. Many people asked for MTB rides.

Away from the club rides there was also a call for:
• training/coaching days.
• the club to organise a sportive
• encourage youth cycling
• encourage more women to cycle
• more socials
• annual trip away
• get more involved in charity /community
• people volunteering to help
• new kit
• provide newsletter
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Re: ACC Club Survey

Postby Marek » Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:05 pm

Well done on pulling this all together, looks like it was a fair amount of work so good on you. Good to see that one of the areas is being sorted with Mr Malarkey stepping up to the plate to organise the sportive, and also seems like there are more varied rides going on.


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