Club run 18/09 - now a general discussion of the club run...

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Club run 18/09 - now a general discussion of the club run...

Postby Amy » Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:54 pm

Suitably depleted with the President's 10 and probaly the ToB finishing up in London, there weren't the usual numbers for the club run. In fact so depleted there were only two VCs, myself and Nick.

Nick kicked things off with a call for a TG but it seemed everyone was either elsewhere or taking it easy so a 19s made the first group to set off, followed by the usual groups. With Nick leaving in the 18s (which I had planned to at least start with) left me organising the remainder and eventually to lead out the last group of 15s.

Bit of a mixed group with a number of late arrivals, it lost and gained members as the faster ones decided to move on together. In fact, Nick and I caught several late arrivals on the back foot as they arrived to find their groups already gone :roll: Well, it was a bit fresh to be standing around, seizing up :shock:

In the end, I was left with 3 riders, Wayne on his third ride with us, Ian - suffering from hitting a BMW - and Pete who assisted me in keeping the other two on and then leading them back from Charlwood as I needed to get back to Sutton to go out again. Hope you were OK Pete! And thanks for helping out.

I managed to do most of the ride down to Charlwood in top gear which did make my legs ache a bit but I don't think I overstrained any muscles. Coming back was a bit different :shock: People were already leaving but the faster boys were faffing around so I left them to it and started off down the road. A slight moment of hesitation about whether I could jump on the back when they came past but then I did and was hanging on as well as I could until Dan G tried to do a DIY vasectomy :shock: just down the road as he hit a hole no-one had pointed out and also lost his chain. Paul H and I were behind and, though Dan swerved out of the line out of the way, we had already had to take emergency action to avoid running into him as he slowed down and that did it for me. I didn't have anything to recover and push back on so I just settled down to riding back pretty much on my own.

Caught up with a couple of others including two who seemed to miss the turn just before Hooley (come on, boys, how did you do that - ps if you'd carried on you could've taken the next left and got back on the route and missed that concrete slab road). Dan caught up and then rode on to get to the church regroup in time for the final dash into CSS while I just arrived in time to get on the back group and then drop off again...

The afternoon was spent in that wonderful centre of culture that is Morden, underneath the main road and next to the carpark at Tesco's or whichever superstore it was looking at the remains of one of the largest Austin priories known (before Henry VIII shut it down). Only the chapter house is available to view - the rest being reburied under the retail park having been found and excavated during construction in the 1980s. Also looked around the Abbey Mills - never realised how historic Morden was what with the Priory and the silk mills of Liberty and William Morris being powered by the little old Wandle river. Just goes to show what we can have right on our own doorsteps :shock:
Last edited by Amy on Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Antloony » Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:01 pm

Easy run down with the 18's for me, after 2 weeks off the bike I couldn't be bothered going any faster so enjoyed a lovely tootle along down to the cafe with the welcome sunshine warming us up. Wont mention the sprint, no point :lol:

Ride back was a little quicker, didn't push to hard until after the usual regrouping at the church. Steady pace was kept until the top of the drag when Dan lit the blue touch paper and wanted to go a bit faster, I hung back a bit and tried to get Nick H on my back wheel and tow him back to Dan and co but after a big push up the drag his legs alas said sod off. This left a gap for me to close back to Dan and 2 others so I just got my head down and slowly got myself on to the back wheel of the last man. quick breather then time to do some work on the front, Dan was going well and we shared places until I felt my legs get excitable so a quick burst out of the saddle, opened up a gap and that was it, I was gone never to be caught again....I do love that stretch of road :D I think before I start racing again next season I should give myself a 2 hour warm up as I always seem to go well on the return leg of the CR.

Thats all folks.....
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby PeteS » Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:20 am

Actually, there were 3 VCs there as I led a group on a ride down to Tulleys Farm in Sussex for great coffee and cakes. It was a good group,riding on mostly quiet lanes and great to see Dave Lovell who I used to ride with when we were both in the Paragon in the 80's.
As someone who doesn't go on the 'normal' clubrun beause I think it's too boring, in places very dangerous and with a very uninspiring cafe at its end. I have noticed that Monty has not been coming out recently and several times there has been a shortage of VCs at CSS. I think if the Club is going to carry on sending groups down one of the busiest roads in the South, passing the notorious M23/5 junction, then it needs to get the cover for the various groups sorted out. Monty has run the Clubrun as his own for so long and I think we need to know what he will now do to fill the gap left by his absence.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:16 am

[quote="PeteS"]Monty has run the Clubrun as his own for so long and I think we need to know what he will now do to fill the gap left by his absence.

Fair question. Is there any demand for an option for change? For example, if I were to put myself forward as a choice for club captain would anyone be willing to second me? Or what about anyone of the many people more suitable than me? I'd certainly be interested in working and thinking together about how we could make this club even better. Through asking and listening, trying to do something with what we learn and most importantly, creating a sense of encouragement. This is not in any way a criticism of the considerable efforts already going into running the club. And of course you may feel my suggestion is completely inappropriate. But - this is for real so please, whatever your feelings, I hope there's no need for mockery either way at this stage.

And please note, if this does progress I don't think this should be fundamentally about expecting someone to turn up week in and week out to organise groups out of CSS and down the road. Certainly as far as I'm concerned I would not be willing to personally undertake that, we would need to think about some different ways of keeping ACC successful and enjoyable, for as many people as possible.

If there's any interest then we can get into more detail but for now it would be good to see if this idea is even worth progressing with.

I will drop committee a note so they know I've put this up here.
Snoop Doug

Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Sylv » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:02 pm

Re safety out of Coulsdon - what about a route similar to this:


I'm not familiar to that area and it might be fairly hilly, but I'd be willing to go explore alternative route possibilities.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Andrew G » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:03 pm

I can't see your pic at the mo Sylv so apologies if I just repeat.

If people want to do the same CR but a safer less trafficy route out of CSS then I've often taken a group out via Chipstead Valley Rd and down Pebble Hill, straight over the RAB at the bottom to Brockham. Take first right then left at the fork and over through the village. Straight line to pick up CR route at Parkgate.

Plenty of options and variation are possible if people want to take a different route but the above is easy to follow and people could pick it up after one ride should they want to stick to the same route each week.

Any responsible and trusted member of the club who is happy to "point the way", not necessarily have to be labelled a group leader if they don't want to be, should be encouraged to do so. Over winter I'll be doing my usual mix of different routes and rides, some of which will be long ones / all dayers.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Amy » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:11 pm

Well, I was going to point out that the AGM is due in the next couple of months and if anyone wants to stand for Captain, please put your name forward (who to? PVT?)

In fact, I've been thinking of standing for Captain for some time now… And yes, like Snoop, I would make it more of a group thing and increase the number of VCs to help make things less onerous for all involved. I'm not really sure I want to do it as I do suffer from depression and if I did become Captain I wouldn’t want to be there for long if it was too much for me…

Of course if anyone else steps forward (within reason) as Captain of course, I'd be happy to remain as a VC. I'd like to think that I've proved I can get the club run organised and out near enough on time…

I have suggested an alternative over Farthing Downs and we could make Farthing Downs a summer meeting point with rides leaving all over the place into Surrey, Kent and Sussex, from morning rides to all day rides and for all abilities. Andrew's route is workable and sounds similar to what Sylv has suggested. With a Captain and VCs suggesting and leading these rides, we could provide a much wider range for people to come along and enjoy - we should be spoilt for choice!

Anyway, this was about enjoying the club run so let's get back on subject and put this discussion on its own thread.
Back on the club run, I forgot to mention that it felt like idiots in cars' day out - I had to fight a lorry at Wallington after he came up on my right - I was in the middle of the left hand lane to go straight over up towards CSS. I thought he was going to turn right especially as he slowed down as we set off but then I realised it was only a gear change and we were both aiming for the single lane opposite. You could argue that he never saw me… I mean the bottom of the cab was practically level with my head. I didn't really know what to do for the best so I sprinted and got in front of him where he did see me. Probably thought I was a stupid cyclist - would've been nice to have a chat just to see whether he did see me as he pulled up at the lights next to me. Then I had a car speed up behind me as I approached an island so I made sure he couldn't squeeze past after which he haired off again setting off the speed warnings… On the ride down to Charlwood, several cars came so close we wondered if we'd shaved and one passenger felt she had to tell us we should ride single file - so Pete told her to go read the Highway Code. Was it me or was it busy between Leigh and Rusper??
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Sylv » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:12 pm

Or up Farthing Downs, and re-joining the CR route just before Mertsham - only adds 1.4miles.

Bit hilly too but FD is lovely first thing in the morning.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Keith » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:14 pm

[quote="PeteS"]Monty has run the Clubrun as his own for so long and I think we need to know what he will now do to fill the gap left by his absence.

I'm not sure what the situation is? Had Monty stepped aside? Temporarily?

[quote="Snoop Doug"]
For example, if I were to put myself forward as a choice for club captain would anyone be willing to second me?

I guess the answer to the first question would help, but if there's a vacancy, I'd be very happy to second you Snoop.

[quote="Snoop Doug"]I don't think this should be fundamentally about expecting someone to turn up week in and week out to organise groups out of CSS and down the road. Certainly as far as I'm concerned I would not be willing to personally undertake that, we would need to think about some different ways of keeping ACC successful and enjoyable, for as many people as possible.

The rôle is Club Captain, not Club Run Captain, so coralling the masses on a Saturday morning is a very important job that has to be organised, but isn't necessarily the main function of a Club Captain.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Phil H » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:16 pm

[quote="Sylv"]FD is lovely first thing in the morning.

Ah, but what's it like by the time the CR normally leaves? :D

Actually, I like the FD route and I'm OK with the Chipstead Valley one, but Amy's route up (pause to look at map) Portnalls Road is nicer/quieter.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Keith » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:17 pm

Anyway, this was about enjoying the club run so let's get back on subject and put this discussion on its own thread.

:oops: Sorry Amy.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Jon H » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:27 pm

Sylv's little map is a fairly hilly route out, but it does have the advantage of going past the best named cafe in Surrey. Which reminds me, Fanny's Farm Shop is having a special day this coming Saturday to celebrate having 1000 Facebook friends.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Sylv » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:32 pm

[quote="Amy"]we could make Farthing Downs a summer meeting point with rides leaving all over the place into Surrey, Kent and Sussex

That would be a good idea, if we could find somewhere suitable there.

Or would some people think that this wouldn't give the club as much exposure as crammed in everyones' view (and way) at CS Station :roll:
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Paul H » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:51 pm

[quote="PeteS"]As someone who doesn't go on the 'normal' clubrun beause I think it's too boring, in places very dangerous and with a very uninspiring cafe at its end. I have noticed that Monty has not been coming out recently and several times there has been a shortage of VCs at CSS. I think if the Club is going to carry on sending groups down one of the busiest roads in the South, passing the notorious M23/5 junction, then it needs to get the cover for the various groups sorted out

Depends on the type of rider you are I guess if you think it is boring. Personaly I dont ride to admire the scenery.

As far as im aware, most of the ACC accidents occur down the country roads. Is it because they feel safe and do not concentrate. Perhaps we should use the busier roads so people think more about what they are doing. The 2 mentioned routes out of Coulsdon i.e. Chipstead Valley Road & Farthing Downs are more dangerous IMO.

I would like to volunteer my services as a VC. There are an increasing number of cyclists who need educating as to how to ride in a group and nobody seems to be telling them.
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Re: Club run 18/09

Postby Dombo » Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:14 pm

[quote="Paul H"][As far as im aware, most of the ACC accidents occur down the country roads. Is it because they feel safe and do not concentrate.

Probably because they were icy :wink:
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