Clubrun 2nd October

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Clubrun 2nd October

Postby PeteS » Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:31 pm

The weather is looking dodgy for the weekend but they changed their minds last week and Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day so maybe they've got it wrong again.
Last week we headed into Surrey, the week before to Sussex so this week it must be Kent. Depending on the weather we'll either do the route to Brasted or if it's sunny, we can go a bit further and end up at the great cafe that George recommended in Lullingstone. It's a lovely ride wherever we decide to go with good views from the Pilgrims Way then either a quick ascent of Toys or if we go the longer route, we'll head back over the top through Knockholt and Downe.
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Re: Clubrun 2nd October

Postby Sylv » Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:29 pm

a) Apologies for hijacking the alternative clubrun thread
b) I hope this will not be too boring to read.

I hadn't done the CR since end of July so was looking forward to that tired old route, riding with the usual TGers and being able to put the hammer down without second thoughts like it can be the case in a race. A good group of about nine, with a high percentage of carbon wheels, set off at 9.16 (some progress there).


We saw a Ferrari on the way but not this one.


Also Paul and I who got away on the Rusper steps almost got run in by a nasty little dog that was running on the grass and decided to cross the road in our path.


After Redhill we thought the road down the golf course would be flooded with the recent heavy rain but it wasn't the case so we avoided another scare


George was on his winter bike


I got away on the first climb before the Charlwood turn, but Andy E in his retro jersey that attracts bees, sprinted past me to the top which seemed to be a bit of a theme today


Paul was himself sporting a brand new jersey with flames


Also some good turns by Darren, Andy W, Ed O, Rogan, Rob W. Again got away on the climbs, to be shadowed by Andy who's going great has he been training??


By that point all of us who were wearing full finger gloves, bandanas and base layers were starting to feel a bit hot. A good though and off and after the DC, as the second set of lights were going green I made a cheeky move and got in a car's slipsteam


I wasn't thinking more of it but after the next roundabout, I got the chance to draft this time behind a bus, and as I didn't fancy a sprint against Andy or Rob W, went for it. The others were further delayed by traffic, but George thanks to a bit of off roading was soon bridging the gap. I eased off the smidge and once he was on it was time trial mode


George said he was cooked but I wasn't sure if I could believe him. We caught up the 19s group just before the sprint and a few got onto our wheels. Brian R pipped me to the line.

I had a nice banana at the café but don't think it was enough as I was starting to bonk later on.


I would carry on about the return leg, but I've bored myself silly doing this already :lol:
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Re: Clubrun 2nd October

Postby Antloony » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:06 pm

:lol: best ever CR report I've ever read.

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Re: Clubrun 2nd October

Postby higg » Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:23 pm

Great club run today, I had the intention of reece'ing the Catford and Bec Hill Climb routes today so when Pete said the "alternative" group were going to Brasted and Toy's Hill I thought that's close enough, I'll hitch hike for a while. It was a relaxed group with an easy pace and plenty of banter. I was also introduced to many roads I not used before.

The sun was out and the ground drying out as we enjoyed the views from the Pilgrim's Way. Then on to Brasted to a very civilised coffee stop. I mentioned I was ging to do a loop of Yorks Hill ansd it seemed to attract some interest as Pete diverted the group to do just "a little extra hill". I was a bit nervous leading the group to the base of the climb. Those who know the place will understand why, the road goes down and down and then levels out but just gets smalller and smaller and in my mind I knew what lay ahead but most of the others didn't. I hoped I wouldn't get lynched at the top.

I stopped at the Hill Climb start lay-by to make sure everybody at least got to the start. I headed off with enthusiasm, ah it's not too bad, 4th gear, then it's getting steep, 3rd gear, oh sh*t this hurts, 2nd gear, christ I might not get up, 1st gear was all that was left to honk the rest of the way up. Thankfully most made it up with only two of three succumbing to the gravel and the wet road.

On to Ide Hill, across to Toy's Hill and then a return artound Chartwell before eventually crossing the M25 again and a return up to the the back of Farthing Downs. All in all a good day out.
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Re: Clubrun 2nd October

Postby Andy E » Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:27 pm

Haha, great write up Sylv :lol: It was an excellent TG today, good to see the numbers growing again and plenty of good attacking riding. Went with Sylv whenever i could and we had a good sprint at the top of each hill :D Gutted you got away before Charlewood though, I was looking forward to the showdown on the flat. Sorry to say Sylv that I haven't done a lick of proper training since the week before the Ras last year, blimey that seems ages ago!! Just goes to show what a decent run in the TG does, it's only about 6 weeks ago i was hanging on for dear life.

Shame no-one else wanted to do Box Hill today, but the ride back was another good tear up with everyone having a dig at some point. Got back before the rain started too :D
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Re: Clubrun 2nd October

Postby Marek » Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:42 pm

Steve and I headed over to Box Hill for a bit of hill training, only 4 weeks or so left to do the Ballbuster. Saw the TSN guys out on a ride and quite a few going up Box Hill. Made the effort and did 3 ascents of Box taking in the Ballbuster route. At the end I nearly coughed up my lungs:


Then rode home before the rain came down, 100km on the clock and some good intervals.


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Re: Clubrun 2nd October

Postby Paul H » Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:00 pm

How long did it take to do a loop of the BB route?

Sylv - you forgot to mention George's new outfit


Good turn out yesterday and hope to see this continues through the winter.

I hope Jojo has enjoyed this thread.
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