Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

On road, off road, round in a big circle or down to the coast, we do the lot. We don't just do it at all speeds and for all levels, we do it Agreeably as well!

Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Mulberry » Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:26 pm

[quote]One suggestion I have is for the regulars who are going to be coming along is that it might be worth while doing a sat CR with just yourselves so once out in the lanes you can practice the T&O in the day light on roads you know really well and those who've done them before teach the newbies. Just an idea guys, not trying to teach you to suck eggs or take over, just trying to help.

Antloony - that sounds very good as it's much easier to practise in daylight on quieter roads.

Key thing we've found on CGs is communication. It's worth having a quick chat before and afterwards - we've even stopped halfway thru to try to say what's what! Shouting "last man" makes a big difference to ensure you've always got somebody following you thru up the chain. Also whilst it's OK to shout at people to give advice, experience has shown this can seriously antagonise some guys so if you can say it quietly, but directly as you go past that often has the desired effect.

The trickiest thing we always find is getting the strong guys to back off as it's v easy for them to stretch things too soon. With the length of the ACC route to LGW and back you've got long enough to test the legs of the strong guys on the way back esp with Merstham drag.

In late Aug & Sept we had smallish groups (4-6) often due to variable weather or other comitments, but this paid dividends as we were able to communicate v clearly and forced to ride smoothly for it to work with rapid improvements over the few weeks.

I'll try to get out on one with you guys soon and stretch my legs a bit too.


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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Antloony » Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:31 pm

[quote="Nick W"]I thoroughly enjoyed the run. A really good workout.

I must confess I was a bit unsure as to what to expect and I think that the mixture in abilities and inexperience made it more difficult for Ant and Serge to marshall ( but many thanks to them for keeping the pace up). That said if the idea is to do your turn on the front, for a greater or lesser period depending upon how strong you are feeling (and so's all get a good workout), and one then drops off (left or right as agreed) then that sounds simple in principle.

I'll definitely be back.

I think that's the best way for it to work Nick, spend 10 seconds or 2 minutes on the front depending on how strong you are then peel off, it is as simple as that. The thing is not to attack when you hit the front, just keep riding strongly but smoothly, save the banshee mad efforts for the last few k's back to CSS.This is a great way to increase speed and stamina.
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Amy » Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:41 pm

Well, I was going to say something but it took so long to log in and, in the meantime, I moved a chair from the lounge into the bedroom for the time being... and I've forgotten what I was going to say though I think it's all been covered in the posts that have appeared during and before this post :lol: There's some good comments and points coming out of this.

I would like to add my thanks to Serge and Ant for trying to control the unruly B mob. I did my best trying to keep things steady and together but I was also concentrating on just keeping up and keeping the breathing under control :|

But now people have had a go and hopefully followed this discussion, we will be better organised next time. I would say that basically it's like a normal club run - except at for the speed and if you blow, we'll pick you up on the way back or see you next week.. maybe...
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Sylv » Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:51 pm


Well, Amy started the ball so thanks to her!
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Dan_K » Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:07 pm

Must confess that I was the bus dodger. I saw him turning but was more worried about causing a pile up by slamming on the brakes. There were inches to spare anyway...
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Antloony » Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:43 pm

[quote="Dan_K"]Must confess that I was the bus dodger. I saw him turning but was more worried about causing a pile up by slamming on the brakes. There were inches to spare anyway...

Better to have a pile up than end up under a bus....still, guess you got some payback for all the times a bus has pulled out in front of you no doubt :lol:
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Rogan » Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:14 pm

[quote="Sylv"]So, is Thursday's CG still on then :wink:

Thursday night would be good if there are enough takers... :D
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Del » Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:33 pm

[quote="Antloony"]One suggestion I have is for the regulars who are going to be coming along is that it might be worth while doing a sat CR with just yourselves so once out in the lanes you can practice the T&O in the day light on roads you know really well and those who've done them before teach the newbies. Just an idea guys, not trying to teach you to suck eggs or take over, just trying to help.

This sounds a good idea.

Happy to try this on Saturday, as a number of us are normally at CSS on Saturday.

It would be good to practice the different rotations, although let's wait until we're past the bend after the golf club, as I could see us all ending up in the hedge! :?

Are you volunteering to lead this "Alternative Alternative Club Run" Ant? :wink:
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Antloony » Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:45 pm

More than happy to Del if there's enough of us to make it viable.
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Amy » Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:53 pm

Good to have all these opinions, comments and ideas coming out as it all helps - after all they are only opinions, comments and ideas which we can discuss and take onboard as we choose to :wink:

We tried Thursdays last year, when Serge tried to get things started but they seemed cursed but if we can get another chainganging day off the ground, go for it. I rather like Tuesdays but that was because last time riding on Thursdays I was so tired I couldn't really do justice to the Saturday club run two days afterwards :(

And don't forget to thank Phil for getting the physical chaingang run going by just picking a date and going for it - no faffing around :lol:
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Iliya » Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:56 pm

[quote="Antloony"]Antloony wrote:
One suggestion I have is for the regulars who are going to be coming along is that it might be worth while doing a sat CR with just yourselves so once out in the lanes you can practice the T&O in the day light on roads you know really well and those who've done them before teach the newbies. Just an idea guys, not trying to teach you to suck eggs or take over, just trying to help.

Ant, what is T&O?
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Phil H » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:19 pm

Iliya: Through and Off. As suggested, it's one rider taking the front of the line, hitting it for a bit then peeling off and joining the back. The theory is that by taking short turns, it can all be kept moving fairly quickly. It can go wrong in a couple of ways - if someone hits the front and stays there and slows down, or if someone hits the front and rides away. This is why I thought (as a novice myself) it might be better to start slower, get the changes right then start building the speed.

Sure riding normal CR style 2 abreast and doing quick rotations would also work, but it doesn't look as pro.
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Antloony » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:30 pm

[quote="Iliya"]Ant, what is T&O?

The Chain Gang/ Through-and-off :D

Two lines or riders with equal numbers in each line. One faster line sheltered from the wind (by the slower line) will be the pace setting line... line 1. The slower line we will call the recovery line... line 2.

The chain goes clockwise or anti-clockwise depending on the wind direction, to give shelter to the faster line. On a club run we will usually have the outside line as the faster line - as this works better in traffic.

You change speed when you reach “line 2” – slowing down (by about 1 mph) once you’ve changed lines at the front, and you accelerate slightly in order to rejoin the pace setting line... line 1 at the back.

Get it right...

Take a nice shallow line from line 1 into line 2 so that the lead rider in line 1 can latch onto your wheel easily. A sharp line across will put you into the front wheel of the preceding rider... you don’t want that! Don’t increase your pace or accelerate, just ride through maintaining the pace of the line. Increasing the pace at the front is strictly a no-no, all it achieves is to disrupt the group.

Ease off at the front when you have changed from the faster line 1 to the slower line 2 – don’t brake - just take the pressure off the pedals slightly and continue to pedal. The next rider coming through in front of you should not need to increase pace in order to come past you! The rider coming through should not need to look behind when doing this - taking a shallow line across will ensure you don’t collide with anyone - looking back while going forward is not a good idea - don’t do it. If you ease off too much the rider behind will have to take avoiding action and maybe brake sharply - you don’t want that - also the rider at the back of the line will have to accelerate hard to get back into line 1... so just ease off slightly.

Do not accelerate through... the only acceleration is at the back of the line from line 2 back into line 1. Again... the only acceleration is at the back of the line, from line 2 back into line 1. Don’t surge at the front.

When you’re about to rejoin the pace setting line line 1, start edging sideways towards the last rider, so that you can move smoothly onto the wheel. The last rider in the pace setting line should call “last man” as he is about to pass the last rider in the slow lane. This prepares the rider to start moving across, and get onto the wheel by accelerating slightly.

Don’t fall asleep at the back, if you miss the last rider and have to jump lanes and accelerate to close the gap - then everyone behind you will also be making a needless effort .

Generally a Chain Gang will ride at a constant effort - rather than a constant speed. If you’re the rider going through at the front, don’t try and maintain speed up a hill.... just maintain the effort.


If you’re unable to go through and intend to sit at the back of the group to recover, then inform the other riders.


Whichever line you’re in, don’t allow a gap to open in front of you - be on a wheel at all times.

Chain gang Do’s and Don’ts:

Don’t do anything suddenly and maintain the line and follow the wheel in front.

Potholes The lead riders should give clear warning of any potholes Any warnings should be shouted down the line. A gentle line should be taken around potholes, rather than a quick switch.

Braking - try not to use your brakes – try moving into the wind slightly to slow yourself down.

Gears – try and maintain 80-100 rpm that way you’ll always be on top of the gear and not struggling.

Junctions… the first rider should make sure everyone gets through before resuming the pace. Its not a race, there’s no reason to take risks on a recreational ride. A quick shout of "All On" is all that's required to ensure the group sticks together.

Keep your front wheel slightly offset from the rear wheel of the rider in front of you.

Accelerate only to rejoin the back of the line, after your turn. Do not accelerate at the front.

The lead rider should give clear warning of any changes in direction, stop signs etc. Any warnings should be shouted down the line. Ride smoothly and avoid any sudden moves, be steady and predicable.

The only time you should be accelerating is when you change lines at the back.

There ya go, simple as that. :D

*Thanks to gregarios website for the words and info with a bit of editing here and there from me. 8)
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Sylv » Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:06 pm

Not to be confused with

T&O Trauma and Orthopaedic

(or what happens when you go under a bus)
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Re: Reminder: Tuesday Chaingang

Postby Iliya » Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:09 pm

Thanks Phil! Thanks Ant!

Very usefull info for a CG novice like me.

Hope to see you on Tuesday (work permits).
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