CRR - 30 October

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CRR - 30 October

Postby Amy » Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:14 pm

Managed to get up and get organised to bring Toby's card out (thanks to all those who signed it). Rolled out with a small 17s group which included Rogan's Dad (did you spell that Booley? sorry brain not working well) on his flash bike matching Rogan's (what a poseur... :D ). Unfortunately I think we were too fast and Booley dropped back, I hoped, to be picked up by the next group. I feel really bad that you weren't even though you said you were glad you weren't caught by the tourists... (I won't mention that not only were you dropped by tourist but they were female :lol: )

The rest of the group managed to stay together though I'm sure we were at the higher end of the 17 mark for the ride average down to Charlwood - maybe I'll do the 18s next week. Grahame took the card from me at Reigate to the cafe as he was taking a shorter route; Pete Nobes was doing his usual pace powering off the front and blaming his friend Guy for not moving up to the 18s and the guy who was whingeing about wet feet after his girlfriend failed to return his overshoes faded completely on the climb from Rusper golf course. Sorry can't remember the other guy's name but he hung off the back of Pete and Guy, as they ploughed through that heavy downpour to get to the cafe, to wait for me - I slowed down because I could barely seen with the rain stinging my eyes.

Got to the counter only to find that Rogan's dad had made it following the road signs to Charlwood and had got there ages before us!! Unfortunately I couldn't escort him back as I was off to my parents near Esher to adjust the timer on the hot water/heating :roll:

Took a fairly direct route to Leatherhead via Dorking but as I pulled out of Leatherhead towards Oxshott there was a bl00dy big bang and I came to fairly abrubt halt to find that a spoke had gone in my rear wheel - the 2nd one to go on those wheels :evil: Managed to secure them with some thread meanwhile a car pulled up and for a brief moment I thought they were going to ask if I was OK .... then they said: "We're looking for Chessington..." I did ask if they had any tape :lol:

My makeshift repair got me to Esher where two cars U-turned in front of me and a cyclist overtook me and didn't even acknowledge me... Bought some zinc oxide tape in a pharmacy and rode the last bit to my parents. Almost managed to sneak out without my dad realising I'd done something to my bike but of course he noticed my backwheel was catching - he thought it was a problem with my mudguard...

Managed to find Cyclepedia in Surbiton but they didn't have my spokes in stock - a customer offered me a Scirocco wheel to get me home but I had to decline because it would've rather difficult getting it back to him. So I continued on carefully - the rubbing seemed to get worse even though I'd let the quick release off and the guy at the shop had eased the brake off even more. Got to Pearsons where - guess what!! - they didn't have the spokes in either :shock: The wheel is now due to be sent back to Roval and I've got a Vento back wheel on loan.

So what do people think of Mavic wheels (the top end ones ending in -irium - see Kit review thread)?
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Andrew G » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:11 pm

Ventos are bombproof so you shouldn't have a problem with that, although they can be quite hard to get some tyres on - stiff deeper profiled rim and the usual some tyres don't suit some rims. I found michelins hard with them but contis are fine.

Different CR for me this week as I did a recon ride of the sportive route with Alan. Okay I'm biased but I think it's a nice route with some climbs at the start and end and a few rolls and nice miles in the middle, and some lovely lanes. Alan's sorting a very nice midway checkpoint/food station. Will change a couple of right turns as the ones I had, when on the road, don't work, the benefit of that is that the second one being changed takes you up a beautiful but toughish climb. It's 85 miles.

What a day to pick to do it though! Chilly, breezy, and in and out of rain nearly all day, not keen on the real downpour as variety from the incessant drizzle :roll: . Bloody weathermen didn't mention rain when I saw them so no rain jacket :( , old school (tyre track) ACC winter jersey did a fine job keeping my body dry and warm though :). Should be nicer in June, not riding it at the end of October like a couple of fools :lol: . Including to and from the start/finish 100.1 miles on the clock and about 1,500m of climbing, I'm quite tired.
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Rogan » Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:26 pm

[quote="Amy"] Managed to get up and get organised to bring Toby's card out (thanks to all those who signed it)

Nice thought re the card and it was packed with names by the time I signed it - hope it was big enough?

[quote="Amy"] Rolled out with a small 17s group which included Rogan's Dad (did you spell that Booley? sorry brain not working well)

Yes it's Booley.

[quote="Amy"] on his flash bike matching Rogan's (what a poseur... :D )
Ha ha, I soooo subscribe to "all the gear and no idea" :lol: :lol: But sadly the bikes are merely factory seconds re-sprayed by a car body shop in Chessington :shock:

[quote="Amy"] Unfortunately I think we were too fast and Booley dropped back, I hoped, to be picked up by the next group. I feel really bad that you weren't even though you said you were glad you weren't caught by the tourists...

He was absolutely petrified at the prospect of being caught (and then dropped) by John's group

[quote="Amy"] (I won't mention that not only were you dropped by tourist but they were female :lol: )
:lol: Don't worry I will tell him!

[quote="Amy"] and the guy who was whingeing about wet feet after his girlfriend failed to return his overshoes faded completely on the climb from Rusper golf course.

I know how annon felt with wet feet.... My feet were wetter than an otters pocket by the end of the ride and had no one to blame for it but myself.

[quote="Amy"] Got to the counter only to find that Rogan's dad had made it following the road signs to Charlwood and had got there ages before us!!

Yes, I think he took evasive action NOT to swept up by 'The Tourists' by finding the shortest of shortcuts to the cafe.

Keith also got to the cafe before most and was doubtless pleased he hadn't been out when he saw the amount of water I was carrying in my shoe.

[quote="Amy"] Unfortunately I couldn't escort him back as I was off to my parents near Esher to adjust the timer on the hot water/heating :roll:

No worries, I didn't either :shock: Actually, I was too cold and wet and pressed on for home at a more heart warming pace with Ant, Steve, Peach, Rob W, Paul H (who had previously blamed me for the downpour :lol: ) and Andy. These guys are still carrying some end of season form and Ant seems to be getting even quicker :shock:

Darren P suggested that we start a new name and shame thread headed, 'Dangerous cycling within ACC' :lol: :lol: :lol: upon seeing Rob's amazing 'get out of jail' manoeuvre. Just before the Donnings roundabout Rob hit one of the wetter bends at some speed and the back end swung out under breaking with Rob holding (nay clinging) on to a rather nifty power slide with opposite lock i.e. speedway! Rob, we salute you for both staying up and taking a bow afterwards :lol:

Dad enjoyed the ride and club atmosphere so thanks for making him feel welcome.
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Keith » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:03 am

[quote="Rogan"]My feet were wetter than an otters pocket by the end of the ride and had no one to blame for it but myself.

It'll be interesting to see whether the cafe plant will survive, eh Rogan :wink: :lol:
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Dombo » Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:33 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan"]Great write up Amy, but hard to read.

Sit closer to the screen or use a bigger font
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Amy » Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:41 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan"]Great write up Amy, but hard to read.

Thanks, Sean, what would you like - bigger letters, shorter sentences and paragraphs? I know the punctuation isn't perfect :wink: Of course, there's always the opticians 8)

Good reply, Rogan! I caught up an old racing timer one day and he told me that one of his mates would give up cycling if he was caught by a female :lol:

As for that pot plant, you'd better buy Renata a new one - I doubt it survived that onslaught :shock:

I should get my wheel back next week so hopefully I won't have to struggle with the Vento... Otherwise I'll be out on the road even longer than Lucy :lol:
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Antloony » Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:12 pm

[quote="Rogan"]No worries, I didn't either :shock: Actually, I was too cold and wet and pressed on for home at a more heart warming pace with Ant, Steve, Peach, Rob W, Paul H (who had previously blamed me for the downpour :lol: ) and Andy. These guys are still carrying some end of season form and Ant seems to be getting even quicker :shock:

I just think everyone else is getting slower. :lol:

Just like to say thanks to Andy W, Steve B and Peachy for waiting for me while I fixed my puncture and to Paul H for going on ahead and getting a few peeps to wait for us all at the church on the way back, appreciated guys, thank you. :D
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Peachey » Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:44 pm

Would love to take credit for that act of kindness - but I caught up with Paul waiting for your guys to fix that puncture :lol:
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Antloony » Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:52 pm

Oh yeah, you abandoned me, how could I forgot :lol:
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby mark mclaughlin » Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:59 pm

Good steady ride out with the 18’s with John and Steve.
Sam was struggling a bit but we kept it together to the Café. Caught in the heavy shower going down the hill to Rusper. Was glad of my new crud guards, till a driver deliberately drove through the biggest puddle to completely drench me!

Saw the driver turn into his drive, was tempted to stop and ask him for some water!

Usual blast back, hung on to the training group before a few gaps appeared and they where gone. Better to save my legs to get me home I thought. Sun kept out too ☺
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Re: CRR - 30 October

Postby Phil H » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:18 pm

Well, I had a lovely ride with the boy through the quiet back roads of Gloucestershire with some Autumn sunshine. Only did 13 miles, saw about 5 cars and the boy finally broke 30mph. It was nice to be back on the roads I used to cycle when I was young (and thin). I'd recommend the area to anyone thinking of a cycling break.

On Thursday, on the way to my parents' place I rode through 6 counties and I swear the worst tarmac was in Surrey. Horrible headwind kept me down to 16.8mph average for 100.2 miles. Shattered. Was tempted to ride back today, but not that tempted.
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