2010 Club AGM - 8th December

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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Andrew G » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:39 pm

The attendance should be higher and contain a lot of regular club runners so they can vote on who they want to be their club run captain. Every paid up member has an equal vote and should use it, if you don't vote then you can't complain after the event.

The same applies to all committee positions, if you want your say then attend and either stand for a position or just vote on who you want to represent you for the next year.

Re proxy voting I think this would have to have been put to Paul to add to the agenda for voting to introduce next year. Personally I'd be in favour of it in principle if it was done by the day before the meeting so that votes could be added to those on the night for a result without a wait. Would need to be paid up members only so would need agreement from Phil or future Treasurers to check the names against their payment records. I don't think that would be too OTT but some rules would need to be attached to avoid block votes by x.
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Elliot M » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:10 am

I guess you'd have to have a system of proposing and seconding candidates in advance of the AGM too.
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Andrew G » Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:19 pm

Should be okay with that Elliot. All posts are put forward to those in attendance, someone says "I'd be delighted to do that" someone nominates and someone seconds, then everyone votes. I think you'd have to say proxy votes would only count if the person they voted for were nominated and seconded, and if there are proxy votes for them then logically there should be someone to do that if they were popular enough for the role to be aquiring proxy votes.
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Snoop Doug » Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:46 pm

Nice one Jon - here's to a fun AGM and a good future.

And re the other recent stuff on here yes - let's bring the voting system into this century please 8)
Snoop Doug

Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Elliot M » Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:52 pm

Not trying to be a wet blanket, but my point was that, in any voting system, I don't think you would normally be able to cast or count any votes (or indeed campaign) before candidates formally stand -- in order to reduce potential inteference between current business and future governance?

I don't know the in and outs, is there a best practice for UK clubs somewhere?
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Jon H » Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:14 pm

[quote="Elliot M"]I don't know the in and outs, is there a best practice for UK clubs somewhere?

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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Amy » Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:03 pm

I've decided not to stand for Club Captain - this year anyway.
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby djembi » Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:21 pm

why Amy?
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Amy » Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:53 pm

Why me? I don't know that but my reason for not standing for Captain - I'm concerned that it will adversely affect my depression that I'm already suffering from. I did mention this earlier.
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Jon H » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:28 am

Congratulations to our new clubrun gaffer Jon Camden.
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Grahame » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:37 am

Thanks to all those who bothered to attend the AGM. Especially for putting up with the cold and my bumbling efforts to chair the meeting. Sorry to all those whose names my brain stubbornly refuses to remember.
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:47 am

AGM Feedback

For those who didn’t go – here are my thoughts from last night. Warning – this is personal.

It was flippin freezing in that hall. Still – it kept everyone awake.

Monty is now a life member of the club. I wasn’t previously aware but the last life membership was conferred back in 1993. Rare. Well deserved and well done.

We have some more rules. And I think they are real clunkers. As a loather of bureaucracy I worry that clubs tie themselves up in unnecessary provisions for what might happen. I voted against one of the amends and abstained on another. For me – less is more. Really high performing organisations operate with the minimum of rules and procedure. If we had burned the rulebook we could have kept warm last night – just a thought.

I enjoyed listening to some of the reports, especially Paul Tunnell’s – useful reminders us of the diversity and range of what we do. And Phil’s run through of the accounts shows we’re in good shape. Good work.

Jon Camden is the new club run captain. Well done Jon. I think there were 36 folk at the AGM last night (good turn out) and Jon received 20 votes. I stood and received 8 votes so using my admittedly poor maths there were around 8 abstentions. My reasons for standing? I think it was healthy for the club to have a choice and though I felt a little awkward I’m glad I stood to offer an alternative. Earlier in the process I wrote:

[quote]In simple terms I think the club would benefit from more encouragement. For example, the CR is fine, and so are the alternative rides others choose to organise. It's not one or the other it's what folk want to support and organise together and do. Let's just encourage people to participate in cycling, and to participate in making the ACC club runs enjoyable and optional.

I think communications matters. I would bring back the lanterne rouge (or similar) and just try to weave that together with forum and web and other web sites and local paper too. I think that would encourage more involvement in and with the club.

A little more focus on racing, or competing generally could be fun and useful too. And I think learning from other clubs could be really interesting too. Not only on the competing side, more generally as well.

I'm motivated to help make ACC as good, as inclusive and as encouraging as it would like to be. I have experience of this kind of thing from my world of work, I enjoy this kind of challenge, and working with people and helping them get the best from folks genuinely motivates and excites me

And having studied the ACC survey I put forward the following as an addition on the night. As the Saturday Charlwood ride is already so popular and well supported I offered to be responsible for a Sunday club ride. Something we’ve talked and talked about and not really gotten off the ground.

I recognised this was a risky strategy and to the people who supported it (sorry I didn't turn round to see who you were) – I just want to say thanks. It takes courage to move out of the flow.

Conor sent me a lovely note this morning. And he reminds me that now it’s onwards and upwards. I look forward to participating in the club’s continued evolution.

Next time we agreed that the paperwork etc would be made available sooner. Improving procedural stuff should lead to a shorter meeting – got to be a good thing eh?

Cheers - Snoop
Snoop Doug

Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Ben » Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:03 pm

Keith raised the issue of yourself, Snoop, being voted on/ back on to the committee ? , something that you said you would think about ?
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Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:30 pm

[quote="Ben"]Keith raised the issue of yourself, Snoop, being voted on/ back on to the committee ? , something that you said you would think about ?

Cheers Ben and thanks Keith for the supportive suggestion. It's tempting and something I need to think carefully about - will take me a little while to do that.
Snoop Doug

Re: 2010 Club AGM - 8th December

Postby Tim Coales » Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:28 pm


Thanks to Grahame for chairing, Paul for all his work with the many jobs, Phil for managing the accounts and membership, and Joyce for all her continued active support of ACC, both at events and by making it out to talk to the riders on the club run each week.

Thanks to eveyone who came along to participate in the AGM especially in such cold conditions. It was good to see you all, and fitting to have a good crowd to acknowledge Monty's leadership over the last ten years and support the motion that he be made a life member. Great that you were there to witness it Monty.

I guess the major point of interest for many were the nominations and subsequent election of a new club run captain. This was understandable as it is where a lot of those present are most active. Both Doug and Jon presented good presentations of their vision for the development of the club runs (and more). It was obvious that these ideas were not incompatible and hopefully elements of both will be carried through, if we the members continue to be supportive and agreeable! Thanks Doug and Jon for all you have both done already and for stepping forward to offer leadership. Congratulations, Jon.
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