First thing part A. Monty I salute your lifetime award, very very well deserved
and I have always enjoyed riding out with you and the banter over coffee and cake. Please don't be a stranger.
First thing part B. Congrats to Jon our new club run captain Jon CC, your pedigree of 4 years of club runs has truley carried you to the post you have earned and deserve. very best of luck kicking butt and sorting out the rabble on Saturdays.
Lets hope you do a better job than Monty at getting people away on time
far too cold to stand around in the winter.
First thing part C and not least by far. Well done to Doug for standing to the masses and offering to boost the variety and scope of the club. Yes Doug you did get my vote, I felt my vote was for a broadening of the range of rides etc etc. Not saying that I didn't support Jon but it seems that Monty has left a legacy and backbone of our CR which will never fade, seems to be a perfect role for the VC's to start the CR.
That was my first AGM, no comment on the bla bla!!!!! but well done to Grahame and co for presenting it, very suprised on the level of red tape. Change to mid summer and i'm sure the turnout will at least double.
Marky Mark.