Road ride Monday 3rd January

On road, off road, round in a big circle or down to the coast, we do the lot. We don't just do it at all speeds and for all levels, we do it Agreeably as well!

Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Alan M » Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:49 pm

I also won't do ice. Need to catch a plane on Thursday so not going to put myself at risk. Metcheck says Gatwick -4 tonight and between -1 + 1 tomorrow and light snow.
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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Ian A4size » Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:55 pm

if it looks icy then we will go a bit later- I'm not strapped for time, currently it's 3deg here at 22.00, met check have a bit of a habit/guess at temps, last week it was supposed to go down to -197deg overnight- sufice to say it wasn't even close.
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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Tim Coales » Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:53 am

Ian, I was also thinking of riding in that general direction tomorrow, so will ride out via Coulsdon and down to the Feathers for 9.30am. I really am quite slow at the moment (as witnessed by Amy on the NY Eve and NY Day rides :( ), if I'm too slow for you let me know and I'll take care of myself! It'll be nice to see you guys anyway, unless it really is sub-zero :D
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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Kevin Rynne » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:41 am

Sorry not going to make it. Have fun all.
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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Dombo » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:03 pm

Excellent ride, thanks for organising. Did my usual faffing at home soleft a bit late to see the mini-peloton motoring along the A23. Jumped on the back and after a brief stop in the pub carpark at Merstham for Tim, Robert, Ian and Marek to join us we were on our way. As usual, in head down, follow-the-wheel-in-front mode I have no clue where we went other than that there were some familiar roads and some nice new ones. It was also my first venture out on the bike for over a month so I was reasonably pleased until the end near Rusper when I fell off the back. By the time I got to the Balamory houses near Reigate my sole focus was to find some food, flat coke and water serving only to rot my teeth and top up my caffeine levels, so a snack stop in Reigate to scarf down a couple of Snickers was called for. Got home eventually after 3 hours plus, having done 53 miles at just under 15mph average.
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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Marek » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:40 pm

Was a really good ride, enjoyed some of it, although my frozen fingers were causing me all kinds of pain which did hold back the enjoyment a bit, should have worn more clothes. They warmed up eventually but then had that horrible warming up feeling in them when the blood starts to come back. My fingers still hurt typing now.

Good to see Mr Munnery who I don't think I have seen for ages. Nice steady pace, I was getting a bit tired after Capel so headed back to East Grinstead via Charlwood. Managed to clip into a group which had Steve Cave in who I haven't seen for a while either. So all in all a very pleasant day. Needed something to get me out on the bike, now I need to knuckle down and work on improving the fitness levels. Only a few months till the racing season starts.


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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Toks » Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:08 pm

[quote="Marek"]Only a few months till the racing season starts.
Stop trying to impress the Newbies Marek, you know deep down you've given up that Road Racing nonsense :wink: :lol:
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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Marek » Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:30 pm

Did I mention road racing? You never know, I might rock up to a couple of the early season ones as they tend to be quite good fun.


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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Paul H » Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:32 pm

[quote="Marek"] now I need to knuckle down and work on improving the fitness levels. Only a few months till the racing season starts.

See you next week then

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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Marek » Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:43 pm

Just applied for my racing licence, see you next week, well, I will see you for the first 15 minutes until you drop me on the steps. Right then, better get the feather duster out and clean up the turbo trainer.


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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Amy » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:15 pm

Why did it all crash just as I submitted my report? Anyway, second attempt.

Dombo may not have known where he went today but I did - usual Bus route round the houses from Reigate through to Brockham, Newdigate and Capel then onto Forest Green and Walliswood. Took a short cut with Tim across to Okewoodhill where we bumped into the others again. Up Weare Street and back to Capel where Tim and I decided to cut loose and head for Henfold Lakes along with Phil who couldn't face going down the final section of the 10 course :lol:

Unfortunately Henfold Lakes was closed for their annual holiday - the WHOLE of January!! But sausage and mash at the Surrey Oak helped things gain a semblance of warmth though the barman didn't light the fire till a couple of the locals turned up and we were getting ready to leave :x

Lots of lovely lanes - good ride even if I wasn't quite up to speed and it was a bit longer than I was anticipating. Got back home with just under 63 miles under my wheels at an average of 14.5mph.

Took me a while to warm up enough to get into the shower but it was worth it :D Thanks Bus :D
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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Tim Coales » Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:27 pm

Amy, my attempt at feedback likewise disappeared when I hit submit on Monday. Too tired to try again on Monday and too busy to try again since... :(

Anyway, thanks to Ian for organising a good ride, and to Marek, Dombo, Alan, Robert, Amy and Phil for their company. Regretfully, I was a bit off the pace, although feeling stronger than on the Friday and Saturday rides. Ian, I hope you heard me yell "I'm going to Capel with Amy" when we crossed the A24. I just couldn't face continuing to Rusper once Amy and Phil were turning. However, Henfold lakes was actually closed so we stopped at the Royal Oak to test the sausage and mash and have a nice pint of Winter Warmer. :D

After that, it was first time up Boxhill in 2011. I said cheerio to Phil and Amy at the Tadworth RBT and popped into Nonna Rosa's for a latte and (gigantic) last piece of the fruit cake. Had a bath, and went to bed to listen to commentary on Palace v PNE. A WIN at last :D :D

Back to short commuting rides on the tourer, but hopefully try Boxhill again on Saturday. :wink:
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Re: Road ride Monday 3rd January

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:16 pm

[quote="Tim Coales"] Palace v PNE. A WIN at last :D :D

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :D :D :D :D :D
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