Women's "Meet and Greet" ride Sat 12th March

On road, off road, round in a big circle or down to the coast, we do the lot. We don't just do it at all speeds and for all levels, we do it Agreeably as well!

Women's "Meet and Greet" ride Sat 12th March

Postby higg » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:49 am

Addiscombe CC are holding a special women's "meet and greet" ride on Saturday 12th March. The aim of the rides is to introduce newcomers to the sport and also to give an introduction to local clubs around London. This ride is part of a series of rides being promoted by the London Women's Cycle Racing League.

This will take the form of an extra group or two on our regular club run starting outside Coulsdon South train station, meeting at 9am for a 9.15 departure. The ride will be a 35mile ride through the Surrey lanes with a cafe stop at Charlwood half way round.

This is open to all women interested in cycling, all women who would like to cycle with a club and find out about cycling in London. It is open to all levels; leisure cyclist, sportive rider, triathlete or racer.

For those who don't know the Addiscombe Club Run there is a good description here. [url]http://www.addiscombe.org/club-run/[/url] . Typically the riders are split into a number of groups of various abilities by our team of vice captains so there is always a group at your level. For this day we expect to have one or two women only groups but it will vary depending on who turns up.

So far the LWCR have held two meet and greet rides with 8 people braving a bitterly cold frost on 30th Jan and 20 turning up last week at the Dulwich ride from Crystal Palace. Let's give it some typical Addiscombe support.

More details of the London Womens Cycle Racing "Meet and Greet" rides are given here
(There is a link there to this post.)

LWCR Co-ordinator

PS Can an admin make this a 'sticky' ?
lives on this board 24/7!!!
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