Dynamic bike-fit presentation by Sound Coaching @SLH Clubho

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Dynamic bike-fit presentation by Sound Coaching @SLH Clubho

Postby nick de meyer » Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:24 am

We are hosting a bike fitting presentation with live demos for SLH Triathlon club and Addiscombe CC at the South London Harriers Club house on Wednesday 13th April from 7pm. The Bike fitting presentation lasts about an hour, with a Q&A session at the end.

If you experience any of the following when you're cycling, be it during, after a couple of hours or after, or all the time, then it could very well be that your bike set up is not correct. Your cleats may be out of alignment, fore and aft, or side to side, in or out, your saddle may not be set at the correct height, or you may need lemond wedges to support your feet in their natural postion:

Whether you are looking for increased comfort, or to go faster, produce more power and speed, or just enjoy cycling more then we can help. So have a scan through the list below, and if you suffer from any of them please get in touch on 07958635142 with Nick

Do you have any of the following?:

* Knee pain?
* Lower back pain and hip pain?
* Leg length discrepancy?
* Illiotibial band tightness and lateral knee pain?
* Do you pronate?
* Tightly clenched toes and/or aching on the outside of your feet during rides?
* Feet hot spots?
* Flat feet?
* Lack of power?
* Excessive movement of one or both legs while pedalling?
* One foot that never feels quite right in the shoe/pedal?
* One good leg, one not so good?

If you answered “YES” to any of the above then Sound Coaching can help make your cycling experience more comfortable enjoyable and efficient, which often results in more power for the same effort, less muscular fatigue, less over use injuries, and less aches and pains all round

Using a Computrainer Turbo trainer which utilises the “SpinScan” Pedal Stroke Analyser that helps you increase power and efficiency by up to 25%. The multicolour torque graph represents one full 360 revolution divided into 15 segments. The left /right leg percentage power splits give you the feedback needed to pedal in "circles". It will identify "flat" or "dead" spots in the pedal stoke where optimal power is not transferred to the drive train. A dynamic bike fit utilising SpinScan is an excellent way to take the subjectivity and guesswork out of the bike fit process. We also look at cleat positioning, forefoot tilt, lateral and medial knee tracking, and use wedges to correct leg length discrepancies which balance out the pedal stroke and enable more power to be transferred from rider to the pedals equalling faster speeds and race times.

Sometimes it will take 4-8 weeks to start seeing differences in power and efficiency, as your body will take time to grow stronger, recruit muscles differently, e.g., hamstrings and calves, as it adapts to your newer and more biomechanically sound position. We base our bike fitting on helping you to achieve an improved posture, by conducting flexibility and postural assessments, and looking at how you are actually pedalling on your bike.

All this puts your body in a more natural position, opening your diaphragm up for more oxygen intake, eliminating dead spots to help you generate more power all the way around the pedal stroke


“Since riding with the wedges my pedal stroke is more powerful, driving the bike forward. I really believe that I will be using the Wedges for the rest of my cycling career; the benefits are so big for what is such a simple but very effective piece of equipment.”

Nicole Cooke - Olympic Gold Medallist 2008

If you use a modern clip-in pedal system you may be exposing yourself to potential injury unless the foot/shoe/pedal interface is customised to your physiological requirements. Approximately 96% of the population has what is known as a forefoot tilt. This is where the front of your foot is not flat but rather has an angle or tilt. Modern clip-in pedal systems do not accommodate this tilt, instead forcing the foot into an unnatural flat position. The body compensates for this with a lateral (side to side) motion of the knee during the pedal cycle. The result of increased lateral knee movement over time will cause pain and injury in the knee and any of the above symptoms.


The BFS Wedge is a simple solution to this problem. These are patented, non-compressable, plastic shims that sit between the pedal cleat and sole of the shoe; they cant or tilt the shoe to align it with the forefoot maintaining the foot’s natural position inside the shoe. *It is important to ensure that all other factors of your position are taken in to account at the same time i.e. saddle position, cleat position etc.


The BFS Wedge decreases or eliminates knee pain by:

· reducing lateral knee movement –
· Avoiding premature fatigue –
· Improve ergonomic fit to your bike “ Feel more stable in the pedals and more poweful –
· Increase muscle recruitment and development –
· Increase foot comfort and contact which reduces and can eliminate lower back pain and hip pain.

BFS Wedges can also correct leg-length discrepancies. As the wedges are symmetrical, leg-length adjustments can be made by using a reverse stacking method.


Just some of the results and improvements from people within Addiscombe CC, SWRC and Redhill CC that i've helped make cyclists faster/ more comfortable/more powerful/ less pain/more efficient and generally just feeling better on the bike. Efficiency drills included with bike fit.

Rider 1 25% more efficient lower average heart rate, higher power, higher average speed
Rider 2 30 watts more at TT speed feels more aero, and a lot more comfortable and smoother
Rider 3 1km faster with no effort 20% improvement in efficiency
Rider 4 15% initial improvement in efficiency forefoot tilt corrected feels more planted and powerful with pedals
Rider 5 leg length discrepancy corrected with wedges and forefoot tilt corrected now says is flying and winning for 1st time
Rider 6 20% improvement in efficiency knee pain gone, forefoot tilt corrected and more power
Nick de Meyer
Sound Coaching



Find us on facebook: Sound Coaching

BTF Level 3, Diploma PT, BA (hons), IIHHT, IIST
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Re: Dynamic bike-fit presentation by Sound Coaching @SLH Clu

Postby Marcus » Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:16 pm

Nick are you offering the same favourable discounts you offered 1 or 2 years, if so what are the costs for the early takers?
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Re: Dynamic bike-fit presentation by Sound Coaching @SLH Clu

Postby nick de meyer » Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:48 pm

we're offering 20% as a special offer at the moment
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Re: Dynamic bike-fit presentation by Sound Coaching @SLH Clu

Postby fortuns » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:14 pm

Had my bike fit on my two bikes last week and am really please with the result. The saddle was too low and not in the right position. The ubiquitous wedges were inserted under my cleats. This has really helped my peddle action and power output. I noticed a considerable difference last week on the club run – esp. the last 5 miles (the painful drag from Merstham to the by-pass.)

I have also been suffering from a sciatic/hamstring problem in my right leg which I am hoping these changes will help with. early indications are that it is helping..

It was interesting too see the computer readouts live as I was peddling – the changes improved my efficiency and the imbalance from my right leg doing too much of the work.

Being completely uninterested in the mechanics of bikes, I have no idea what the plumb bobbing and lasers on knees were all about, but I was really impressed with nick’s methodology, his high tech equipment and the time he took – all very thorough.
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Re: Dynamic bike-fit presentation by Sound Coaching @SLH Clu

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:54 pm

[quote="fortuns"]Being completely uninterested in the mechanics of bikes, I have no idea what the plumb bobbing and lasers on knees were all about, but I was really impressed with nick’s methodology, his high tech equipment and the time he took – all very thorough.

Ditto :) My now stolen bike fitted me perfectly after Nick came round and helped me out. Highly recommended

Cheers - Snoop
Snoop Doug

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