Bit of a close run thing - we were still looking for marshalls with 5 mins to go
My mashall point got double booked so I carried on to find a free spot: thanks to the guy who was on point 4 for letting me take his place while he rode off to find any marshall point not manned.
Good fun watching the racing, as at least there's nearly always someone going by - and one little girl stopped at Darren's station every time round to have her gear changed down so she could go up the hill - awwwwww! Wish I'd seen that
I had a busy little corner with joggers and walkers coming up from behind me somewhere every so often. Only problem was that most of them had i-pods in so communicating with them was a little hard... but most seemed to know the drill.
One guy crashed just above me - thankfully Chris was nearer and dealt with it. From the other rider involved I take it he was going too fast for the bend... What happened in the other two crashes I heard?