CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

On road, off road, round in a big circle or down to the coast, we do the lot. We don't just do it at all speeds and for all levels, we do it Agreeably as well!

CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:41 pm

Dear Agreeables

Here comes summer! :D :lol: :roll: 8)

The proposed rides for SATURDAY 23rd July are...

the Regular Club Run to Charlwood...15,16,17,18,19 and 20 mph groups + TGA and TGB

Return Routes:
Regular (Horley/Lonesome Lane/Earlswood/Redhill)
Reverse clubrun:
Regular then via Rocky Lane, Fanny's Farm, Chipstead, Nonnas:

Alternative routes/destinations: Leader Pete S - Lullingstone :D :D

SUNDAY 24thJuly
Leader: tba


Leader: Marco - steady ride around the lanes - meet 10.00 @ East Croydon Stn :D :D
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Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby jptaberdo » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:46 pm

G'day mate

I thought we were riding to Brighton this weekend? Or is that next week? Either way, see you on Saturday!

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Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:48 pm

[quote="jptaberdo"]G'day mate

I thought we were riding to Brighton this weekend? Or is that next week? Either way, see you on Saturday!


30th July - Brighton :D
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Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby simon Lythgoe » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:56 pm

Cracking alternative/disagreeables ride today to Lullingstone.
Nice lanes, great climbs and even better descents! All with a very big group ably managed
Good to have the club captain along too!

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Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:06 pm

wow - the disagreeables were disagreeably fit today! :shock: It was great fun being out, and as I took in the lovely scenery going up Farthing Downs (usually I grovel up there at the start) I thought, this is going to be a good fun ride. And it was. It was also just a bit too quick for me so I turned back shortly after Titsey and went a scenic way home through Woldingham. 32 miles for me, ave HR 148, max 181, 2200 ft of climbing. Really tuckered me out. Oddly I did an almost identical distance ride on the Peak District two weeks earlier and was showing 33 miles, ave HR 106, max 176, 2840 feet of climbing. I found that one much easier.

Good turnout at Coulsdon nice to say hi to some familiar faces before we left and Pete did his usual super job of making sure no one got dropped. Echo Simon's point - good to have Jon Camden with us today too. I stopped at my Dad's on the way home and scoffed two Tunnock's caramel wafers and a nice cuppa - thanks Dad! 8)

See you all soon - I need a lie down!

Club run today: [url][/url]
Buxton two weeks ago: [url][/url]
Snoop Doug

Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:58 am

Great ride - one of Pete's alternatives this time to Lullingstone. A big group - 18 of us. Quite a fair old pace to start with with a good few challenging climbs thrown in. I was seriously worried I was going to fall off the back and I thought it was meant to be a social ride. :shock: Headed out along the downs and up to the Spinning Wheel where we came across a gathering of Dulwich Paragon all resplendent in their sky blue kit - we in contrast looked like a bunch of lycra clad gypsies :roll: (fortunately a few of us were keeping up appearences and trying to maintain ACC standards by wearing the gold, black and white - well done, I have noted names in my little red book! :D ). We waved and exchanged pleasantries - yes, they actually said good morning!!
John punctured just before the cafe and Connor punctured in the cafe :shock: . Nice chat (main topic of conversation was the dentist who found a dog's micro chip in someone's cavity and the story just had to be true as Pete's auntie's best friend's daughter in law knew the dentist :lol: ), nice coffee and cake and we were back on our way.

Returned via Pilgrims way - I said my goodbyes at the top of Clarkes Lane as I headed off to Redhill as the rest of the group turned down Beddlestead Lane.

Thanks Pete for leading the ride and everyone else for the company - great fun. I'd really recommend giving these alternative rides a try. :D

85 kms @ just over 24 kph door to door but my computer was playing up a bit so not sure if that's accurate or not. 8)
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Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:37 pm

[quote="Jon C C on a Bianchi"] Quite a fair old pace to start with with a good few challenging climbs thrown in.

Understatement of the weekend :shock: :lol: the last time I averaged 148bpm on a ride it was a 25 mile TT!
Snoop Doug

Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby Amy » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:08 pm

Get a few more riders out on these Agreeable Alternatives and we could start thinking of having another group riding somewhere else :D

Had a pretty good ride even though it was to the old faithful cafe at Charlwood. Did think we took it fairly easy on the way out - either that or I am getting stronger.... with Alex and Monty nattering away on the front like a couple of old dears :roll:

Decided to go to Box Hill on the way back just to get a bit of different, nicer route back. Couldn't quite hang on to the faster group up Russ Hill so ended up with a small group of myself, Alex P, Phil N and I can't remember your name - sorry.... :oops: Eased up, thankfully, as it was a nagging head wind and Alex was suffering worse than me.

Short break at the NT cafe and then back home for the Tour.
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Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby PeteS » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:39 pm

A good ride with some great scenery and climbs. After Farthing Down we headed through Marden Park, up to the top of Titsey then went through some tiny lanes down to Pratts Bottom; a final climb up then it was a great swoop down to Lullingstone trying not to be distracted by the lavender fields on the other side of the valley. After a coffee and cake with our chat about the dog's chip we climbed back up to Shoreham, along the Pilgrims Way then a slog up Botley before the final climb of the day up to Beddlestead. As Snoop and Simon have said, it was good to have Jon with us and I hope he'll join us again soon.,

The dog's chip was a 'true story' it was found in the back of a girl's mouth after eating a takeaway; the dog was my second cousin so I can vouch for the accuracy.
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Re: CLUB RUN SAT 23rd July 2011 - RUN LIST

Postby jon avery » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:12 pm

I can only echo what the previous posts have said. It was a great ride with great company :D I had the misfortune of having a puntcure just before the cafe stop and my tyres were only a couple of months old :( on the way back via Pilgrims way, I turned right to head back up Clarks lane, whilst I think the plan was to go straight on? So sorry if I messed the plans up. I rode back to Croydon with Simon and his mate John, Simon was flying and I was having trouble hanging on to his wheel! :shock: but it was good to blow the cobwebs out of the lungs :D Anyway It is Millwall for me next week, so no Brighton ride for me :( Those who are enjoy!
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