Next Sunday sees the two local classic hill climbs, Catford CC at Yorks Hill (Goathurst Common) in the morning - 10am first rider off - and the Bec CC on White Lane (Titsey) in the afternoon - 2pm first rider off. Both are fantastic events with big crowds and if you are around then well worth a visit as they are something to experience. Crowds lining the hill cheering people on like a Tour mountain stage and riders of all abilities turning themselves inside out to get to the top of a stupidly steep hill as quick as possible.
The startsheet is on their website for the Catford event and some of us would appreciate your cheers as we gurn and winch our way up

55 John Gargan 10.55am
64 Galeb Aqel 11.04
69 Ilija Trkulja 11.09
80 Andrew Green 11.20
Also give a shout to Matt Harris (#93) from Vectis RCC who's travelling over from the Isle of Wight with John "the old 'un" Lovell to tackle the climbs.