Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

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Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Marek » Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:38 pm

I had an off at the weekend and it was a really strange one and I am not sure why it happened. From what I can tell, I hit a small bump at speed and this seems to have caused my tyre to come away from the rim in one place, this then almost stopped my bike and I went flying.

The tyre is probably a year or two old and has done a lot of miles, but it isn't cut up or anything and I don't think I have punctured on it before. The wheels are a good probably 5 or 6 years old and have done a lot of miles.

So my question is do you guys think that the tyre is maybe faulty or the wheel. I was wondering whether maybe I had a slow puncture and hitting the small bump at speed caused the tyre to move off the rim. Never had anything like this happen before, anyone else ever had this or know anything that I don't. It might just be a freak accident but I am defo going to get some new tyres, just nervous that maybe the wheels need looking at.


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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Ian A4size » Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:53 pm

sorry to hear about your scrapes

I guess you were riding clinchers, it is possible that you flatted really quick and the tyre rolled off the rim and became stuck in either the fork or the chain/seatstay giving you an ejector seat style exit.
It may be a possibility that the tyre was fairly streched as it was a few years old and would roll off the rim fairly easily.
Some tyre/wheel combinations go on a lot easier than others and probably off as well.

Just a few random thoughts.
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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Marek » Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:12 pm

The tube still seemed reasonably well pumped up immediately after the incident which kind of confused me.
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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Paul H » Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:43 pm

I think the new kit is jinxed.
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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Andrew G » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:43 pm

Unless the wheel is damaged then almost certainly the tyre, but may not be faulty. Take the tyre off and check the rim very carefully to see if it's damaged. The only thing I can think of is if there's a flat spot which should be spotable.

Has the tyre always been well inflated or did you have to put a lot of air in recently from it going flat? If it was a bit flat then the bead may have come slightly unseated but not fully. So when you inflated it it didn't seat properly, so when you hit the bump it caused the bead to slip over the rime and then jam causing the ejection seat moment

Check the tyre bead when you check the rim to check that isn't damaged as well.

Glad you don't seem hurt by the off :) .
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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Sylv » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:03 am

[quote="Paul H"]I think the new kit is jinxed.

I'm wearing my old skinsuit tomorrow : )
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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby DavidKennett » Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:17 am

[quote]I'm wearing my old skinsuit tomorrow : )

Another win for a skinsuit :wink:

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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Marek » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:51 pm

Cheers Mr :mrgreen: , the bike shop has recommended a new tyre, so it was probably that.

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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:59 pm

...and cheaper than a new wheel :) . If a tyre goes down a bit over time always worth deflating and checking it's seated properly before inflating.
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Re: Technical Wheel/Tyre Question

Postby Iliya » Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:19 am

Hi Marek

I hope the recovery is going well.

Your accident prompted me to check my rims and to be honest I didn't know they wear out. So I searched on the net how to tell if they are worn and came accross this topic on CTC forum. I thought you might be interested in it: ... ms#p216771

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