The never ending Bo-Gilly vs Dombo thread

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The never ending Bo-Gilly vs Dombo thread

Postby Jon H » Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:41 pm

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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Mike I » Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:27 am

Talk about lazy journalism! No mention of the National 24 hour championship :roll: .
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Rob C » Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:45 pm

I'm growing this for Sky TV
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:46 pm

Looks like some right disreputable characters in that article, can't say I know any slippery chancers like that, thankfully.

It's about time they clamped down on this sort of nonsense, so it's always nice to see something being done about it.

Benefit cheating costs this country a lot of money - an estimated £1billion per year apparently. Although this amount pales into insignificance when compared to the [url=]£20billion in unclaimed benefit and tax credit[/url] - what's the matter with people why don't they claim what they're entitled to ? We really need to stamp out this "unclaimed benefit culture".

Anyways, it's nice to see that this present government appears to have the political will to clamp down on benefit cheats, £1 billion is a lot of money which under the present economic climate Britain can ill afford to lose - it could have paid for the bombing of Libya.

Yep, I get the distinct impression this government is determined to ensure that those who cheat the taxpayer aren't allowed to get away with it, and about time too.

Although bizarrely, they don't seem to be much bothered about the biggest cheats of all - the tax evaders. Anyone know what that's all about .... it seems very strange indeed.

And tax evasion is a big problem, in fact a problem 15 times bigger than benefit fraud .... just think what the money could be spent on.

[url=]Tax evasion costs Treasury 15 times more than benefit fraud[/url]

Quote :

"At £30 billion per year, fraud in the UK is more than twice as high as thought, with tax evasion costing the public purse over £15 billion per year and benefit fraud just over £1 billion."

Of course we do hear politicians talk about clamping down on tax cheats, but it doesn't seem to be 15 times more often than they to talk about clamping down on benefit cheats, and they don't seem to be making 15 times more effort to stamp it out. There doesn't seem to be 15 times more newspaper articles on the subject, or 15 times more TV programmes about it. In fact, it hardly ever seems to get mentioned at all. Yup....very peculiar indeed :?
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Paul H » Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:59 pm

Crimes are not prioritised on how much it costs the treasury fortunately.

Im sure nobody condones either but Benefit Cheating sickens me more than tax evasion. Who is the biggest cheater? Somebody who makes a fradulent claim by pretending to be disabled or somebody who does not pay their fair share.

Perhaps there are other social reasons why this crime should be prioritised. What example are these people showing their children.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:07 pm

[quote]Benefit Cheating sickens me more than tax evasion

Yep, benefit cheats as a general rule tend not to be very rich, so should be fairly used to not having much money. In contrast, Tax cheats are often extremely wealthy and therefore need all the money they can get their hands on to maintain the lifestyles they have become accustomed to - so at least they've got a reasonable excuse to cheat.

Here is an example of the sort of money owed by tax cheats who have been unlucky to have been caught :

Nasser Ahmed, 37, £5,102,644.00, Bristol Crown Court, 2005
Ian Andrews, 56, £16,250,000.00, Southwark Crown Court, 2007.
Alexander Bell, 45, £2,358,564.00, Kingston upon Thames Crown Court, 2008.
Jayesh Jobanputra Bhanji, 44, £1,202,815.90, Leicester Crown Court, 2009.
Robert William Briggs-Price, 55, £2,628,490.00, Nottingham Crown Court, 2006.
Steven Keith Chapman, 44, £2,487,529.33, Nottingham Crown Court, 2006.
Asad Hussain Chohan, 41, £28,602,059.61, Birmingham Crown Court, 2006.
Lawrence Martin Cook, 54, £1,421,824.38, Manchester Crown Court, 2006.
Raymond John Cox, 39, £6,831,340.00, Liverpool Crown Court, 2009.
David Lennox Dalrymple, 61, £3,667,999.42, Cambridge Crown Court, 2009.
Nicholas Andrew Davies, 62, £1,233,485.69, Southwark Crown Court, 2006.
Tariq Salim Din, 49, £1,279,835.00, Maidstone Crown Court, 2005.
John Robert Donnan, 54, £3,000,000.00, Southwark Crown Court, 2009.
Andrew Fergusson, 57, £4,431,199.00, Maidstone Crown Court, 2007.
Javid Iqbal, 40, £1,000,000.00, Preston Crown Court, 2006.
Craig Mathew Johnson, 36, £26,060,383.17, Wolverhampton Crown Court, 2008.
Daniel Jones, 53, £3,687,939.00, Worcester Crown Court, 2008.
Denis Paul Kearns, 65, £3,336,027.00, Stafford Crown Court, 2006.
Amarjit Singh Kullar, 41, £1,000,000.00, Leicester Crown Court, 2008.
Michael Marsden, 55, £3,688,980.00, Northampton Crown Court, 2008.
Leroy Samuel McIntosh, 54, £3,668,990.00, Northampton Crown Court, 2008.
Durgesh Mehta, 54, £1,008,428.50, Southwark Crown Court, 2008.
Amer Munir, 33, £5,404,460.00 (amount reduced on appeal or certificate of inadequacy), Manchester Crown Court, 2007.
Ayhan Mustafa, 42, £707,233.00 (amount reduced on appeal or certificate of inadequacy), Reading Crown Court, 2007.
Laurence Spencer Myers, 61, £4,447,927.00, Kingston upon Hull Crown Court, 2007.
Michel Namer, 51, £1,080,145.00, Guildford Crown Court, 2008.
Mohamed Nikolas, 43, £1,275,000.00, Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2005.
Thomas Joseph O'Connor, 43, £4,257,008.00, Blackfriars Crown Court, 2007.
Raymond Onaulapo, 56, £1,070,649.00, Isleworth Crown Court, 2005.
Iqbal Patel, 54, £1,666,667.00, Liverpool Crown Court, 2007.
Mubarakali Patel, 58, £1,666,667.00, Liverpool Crown Court, 2007.
Mustaq Patel, 56, £1,666,667.00, Liverpool Crown Court, 2007.
Michael Anthony Peries, 47, £1,281,552.81, Guildford Crown Court, 2006.
Anthony Perkins, 68, £1,467,225.69, Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2005.
Stephen Michael Pigott, 47, £1,498,887.60 (amount reduced on appeal or certificate of inadequacy), Canterbury Crown Court, 2007.
Simon Price, 64, £2,340,017.40, Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2007.
Mazhar Hayat Raja, 52, £1,711,672.70, Southwark Crown Court, 2009.
Amer Razman, 40, £1,877,171.05, Leeds Crown Court, 2007.
Mohammed Razak, 48, £1,060,576.21, Southwark Crown Court, 2007
Bhovinder Singh Sangha, 41, £4,729,006.14, Worcester Crown Court, 2007.
Clive Everton Saunders, 48, £1,258,066.61, Wolverhampton Crown Court, 2007.
Mark Jonothan Selby, 43, £1,378,596.65 (amount reduced on appeal or certificate of inadequacy), Southwark Crown Court, 2006.
Dean Thomas Simons, 41, £2,979,557.00, Northampton Crown Court, 2009.
Michael Tyrell, 62, £1,899,200.00, Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2005.
Brian Brendon Wright, 63, £2,311,371.00, Woolwich Crown Court, 2008.

Obviously these people who literally owed £millions to HM Revenue and Customs, needed the money to maintain their lifestyles - it's easy for the average person to forget just how important money is to wealthy people.

In the case of Craig Johnson who was ordered to repay £26 million, you can see what a struggle to would have been for him to maintain his mansion, Meaford Hall, and 22 acres grounds, he clearly needed every penny he could get :


[url=]Fraudster's 'pop star' lifestyle[/url]

Of course I'm not condoning what Mr Johnson did, but you can at least see that the millions he cheated could be justified in that it had a significant effect on his life. I doubt whether your average benefit cheat really needs the pittance he swindles to maintain his lifestyle. It also helps to explain why tax cheats cost the Treasury 15 times more than benefit cheats.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Paul H » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:01 am

Although bizarrely, they don't seem to be much bothered about the biggest cheats of all - the tax evaders. Anyone know what that's all about .... it seems very strange indeed.

Here is an example of the sort of money owed by tax cheats who have been unlucky to have been caught :

Nasser Ahmed, 37, £5,102,644.00, Bristol Crown Court, 2005

So they are bothered and doing something about it then.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:34 am

Oh yeah bothered, just not much bothered. Those 45 names over 4 years represents a few unlucky ones who got caught, a drop in the ocean no doubt, when you consider that tax cheats cost this country £15 billion every year. That's 15 times more than benefit fraud by the way.

If the government was really bothered by tax cheats then I'm sure we would regularly hear about it on the news and in newspapers. And at least as often as we do concerning benefit fraud, if not 15 times more often.

Seems strange doesn't it ?
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Paul H » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:05 am

The only thing that seems to strange to me is your point of view. Have a think about it.

Youve posted a news article about Mr Johnson and his £26,000,000 tax fraud which is probably over 1000 times more than the average benefit fraud. This is why you dont hear about it 15 times as often :roll:

Thats my last post on this matter.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:59 pm

If you want to reduce tax evasion, reduce the tax rate so people would have less incentive to evade.

Take for example somebody earning £250k a year - the last 100k of that is taxed at 50% rather than 40%, so 10k a year net loss vs previous years. Add in NI contributions to pay for index-linked gold-plated public sector pensions and you're looking at around £12k less a year compared to when the top rate was 40%. Sack the nanny, childminder, gardener, whatever or keep them on and pay them in cash? Unintended consequences of the politics of envy.

As for the £15billion lost to evasion, you could save half that by ending foreign aid - £7bn or so promised by Gormless Gordon and shovelled off to God know's where by the current shower.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Grahame » Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:18 pm

[quote="Dombo"] Add in NI contributions to pay for index-linked gold-plated public sector pensions

Don't forget the £850 billion given to the banks when their gambles didn't work out. :wink: :twisted:
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Tony » Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:13 pm

I think what disappointed me most about the story is that the yacht was was only 42' long - I mean that's hardly trying is it? :lol: ....not compared to Fred the Shred's payoff or the general trend amongst banks and senior execs to socialise costs on to everyone else whilst taking all the upside for themselves. Buy a bigger one next time Graham!
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:46 pm

[quote].....Mr Johnson and his £26,000,000 tax fraud which is probably over 1000 times more than the average benefit fraud. This is why you dont hear about it 15 times as often

Ah, I see......we don't often hear about tax cheats because they are a select group of wealthy individuals, and small in numbers. So you think it's true what they say about this government - they don't care what a few wealthy individuals get up to or whether they are tax cheats ?

Well I don't think that's very fair on our government, I'm sure they do care. Although I take your point - it does seem as if they hardly mention tax cheats because it involves just a few wealthy individuals. Even though the money lost to the government due to tax cheats is as much as the money lost due to benefit cheats.

No, hang on a second, I've just remembered ...... it's 15 times more.

Yeah OK, I think you're right........they not bothered because it's involves just a few wealthy individuals.

So to sum up :

£1billion lost to benefit fraud = very bothered indeed. £15 billion lost to tax fraud = not much bothered at all.

BTW, all those examples I gave of individuals getting shopped for tax evasion occurred under the previous government, so probably best not to offer them as examples of this government showing any commitment to tackling tax fraud. Specially when consider that one of the first things this government did on taking office was to scrap the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office as an independent prosecution body and passed its responsibility to the CPS. They also announced a 25% cut in HM Revenue & Customs budgets.

[quote]As for the £15billion lost to evasion, you could save half that by ending foreign aid

So allow tax cheats to get away with it and just stop all foreign aid to pay for it ?

Well done Dombo ..........that is without doubt the most crass remark I have heard in a very long time ! :D
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Phil H » Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:57 pm

Bo - Dombo is just trolling you. Giveaways include the use of Daily Mail stock phrases such as "Gold-plated pensions". Rule one: do not feed the trolls.

Anyway, I have a new unit I suggest using for measuring how much you rip-off the taxpayer. It's the Goodwin. By my measurement, Mr. Axford weighs in at 2.17 microGoodwins.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Marcus » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:58 pm

These points being batted back and forth may well be relevant to determining which is worst, tax evaders or benefit cheats. Criminals are criminals irrespective of the crime, but if you really want to know which is worst there is only one way to find out. FIGHT.......

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