The best cycling facilites in Croydon

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The best cycling facilites in Croydon

Postby Hal » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:35 pm

Does anyone know of any really good examples cycling facilites in Croydon or the local area, more aimed at local utility trips or routes suitable for beginners/youngsters things like:
- safe direct cycle lanes
- secure convenient parking
- cycle/pedestrian short cuts

I've offered to show someone around some good and bad examples.... but my good list it a bit short.


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Re: The best cycling facilites in Croydon

Postby George » Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:25 am

Best cycle lane is along the A23 ask John :(

Secure convenient parking is outside the Clocktower ask Alan M :(

Cycle shortcuts are through the tram tunnels to shirley hills when its snowing ask Snoop :D
Last edited by George on Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The best cycling facilites in Croydon

Postby Phil H » Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:37 pm

[quote="George"]Best cycle lane is along the A23 ask John :(

Secure convenient parking is outside the Clocktower ask Alan M :(

Cycle shortcuts are through the tram tunnels to shirley hills when its showing ask Snoop :D

The "cycle lane" on the A23 is fantastic. There are stretches where it's almost as wide as my handlebars and almost as long as my bike. Admittedly those bits normally have roadworks, skips, broken glass, parked cars in them...
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Re: The best cycling facilites in Croydon

Postby Andrew G » Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:06 pm

There are a couple of good cycle lanes near me that I use all the time. From Addington park (Gravel Hill end) there's one that takes you on to the dead end road by Addington Police Station, you then go on the road through the village. I use this to Spout Hill on my commute. For the return leg I take a left on to the pavement/cycle lane next to the Police Station and then cross at the lights by Addington Interchange and then I'm back on the road on the DC. You just have to be careful crossing the tram tracks if you're not used to them.

Also an extension from Addington Village, go past the old forge and at the end of the road there's a cycle lane that runs parallel with Kent gate Way down past the fields. I tend not to use this if heading out to Coney Hall as the road is fine and I'm happy on fast busy roads, but on the way back I do use it as otherwise you are a bit under the trees that line the mad mile and the road surface is rough from the tree roots.
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Re: The best cycling facilites in Croydon

Postby Hal » Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:03 pm

Thanks for those, useful, I had not thought of those bits you Andre mentions.

The best bits that I could think of (albeit small) were:
- the small link from Gerge St to College Road, just opposite East Croydon Station, it allows cycle only passage and there are some Sheffield bike stands there on the widened pavements. The only issue is that College Road does not really go anywhere, unless you fanct a trip around the multi story car park. This concept however does support cycle travel giving quiter roads and direct routes.
- Brighton Road A235 between South Croydon and Purley, not all of it, only sections where there are not obstructions and the lane is of a reasonable route. This road is actaully a direct route along a path of least resistance (hills) unlike many of the recomended routes which quite literally send you round the houses.

I've also though about what schemes may be useful to suggest, that I would actually use.
- Altyre Road, allow cycle access northbound direct to East Croydon Station
- Croydon High Street / North End, allow cycle access northbound direct to the shopping areas (a though route outside of shopping hours)
- Barclay Road / Fairfield Road, revert from dual carriage way to single lane with full width cycle lane (like the A22 by Whytelafe South Station)
- Wellesley Road ???? its just a nightmare for using or crossing.

Any one else got any other ideas.

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Re: The best cycling facilites in Croydon

Postby Elliot M » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:02 pm

wellesley road....

in one direction you have that vestigial cycle lane that solves the 'crossing tram tracks at acute angles' problem by spitting you out at right angles to traffic just in front of a junction and underpass entrance

in the other you have to work your way rightwards out of a series of 'pit lanes' to avoid getting swept into car parks, bus stations and west croydon...
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