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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:50 am

The Boat House in Hereford
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:32 pm

[quote]The IMF only had to bail us out because once again a Labour government had run out of other people's money.

:D Only because the Tories lost the 1974 general election and failed to form a coalition government with the Liberals ........ otherwise they would have gone to the IMF !

Three days after the general election in 1974, which had resulted in a hung parliament, Ted Heath approached Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe with the offer of a coalition government. He informed Thorpe that he had made preparations to apply for a loan from the IMF.

Thorpe turned down Heath's offer, and Heath had to vacate Number 10 for Harold Wilson (the jibe at the time was "there's a squatter in Number 10"). Heath therefore never had the opportunity to go 'cap in hand' to the IMF, as he had fully intended to, and which is minuted and documented.

However despite the economic mess left by the Tories, Wilson was able to hang on for another two years before asking for an IMF loan. The Tories would have simply gone earlier !!!

Don't believe me ? Well don't take my word for it then......take the Daily Mail's word, I'm sure the staunch and unwavering loyal Tory newspaper, is one which you both admire and respect.

[url=]How former Prime Minister Ted Heath nearly went to the International Monetary Fund for a loan in 1974[/url]

Quote :

The Tory prime minister was preparing to go ‘cap in hand’ to the IMF and to take ‘unpleasant measures’, archives reveal.

It is an embarrassing revelation for the Tories, who still make political capital out of the 1976 crisis when Labour chancellor Denis Healey had to submit to IMF supervision to get a loan.

The minutes read: ‘On a Privy Councillor basis the prime minister told Mr Thorpe that preparations had been made for a drawing [a loan] on the IMF.’

So nearly, but not quite......because the electorate kicked out the Tories ! :D

[quote]dictated to, by the all-powerful unions. Given that at least one of them, Jack Jones of the TGWU, was at the time in the pay of the KGB and therefore guilty of treason, quite a few of those old codgers should have been swinging from a rope long before good old Mrs T finally took them on.

Really mate, despite having read many of your posts I'm still shocked at the depths you're prepared to plummet. You are one of the few people I know that risks making Richard Littlejohn seem moderate.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:08 pm

[quote="Bo-Gilly"][[quote]dictated to, by the all-powerful unions. Given that at least one of them, Jack Jones of the TGWU, was at the time in the pay of the KGB and therefore guilty of treason, quite a few of those old codgers should have been swinging from a rope long before good old Mrs T finally took them on.

Really mate, despite having read many of your posts I'm still shocked at the depths you're prepared to plummet. You are one of the few people I know that risks making Richard Littlejohn seem moderate.

In what way? This was confirmed by KGB colonel Oleg Gordievsky who made the payments, and detailed in the official history of MI5:
But then I have old-fashioned views about traitors.

And I thank you for the compliment re Littlejohn - his and now Simon Heffer's articles are one of the reasons I enjoy the Mail, although I found his comments on air to Will Self to be gratuitously offensive; though from previous of my posts above you will see I peruse the occasional Guardian piece for balance. :D
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:10 pm

:roll: Yes Dombo, I am fully aware that allegations were made in a book published after he had died, that Jack Jones was a KGB agent. I am also aware that former Prime minister Harold Wilson is also alleged to have been a KGB agent.

But I am not going to entertain your mud raking attempts to cover your undoubted embarrassment over the fact that you have been repeatedly factually wrong on this thread, and unable to provide any coherent argument for your loopy extreme right-wing views.

"The unions were running the country", "Jack Jones was a KGB agent", "the Russians were in control of the UK !!" really smacks of desperation mate. It might well hold some sway with redneck teaparty members of the NRA, but I'm not going to even attempt to enter a discussion with someone who's been reduced to scraping the bottom of the barrel. Try to come up with something a tad more sophisticated, if you can manage it.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Keith » Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:24 pm

[quote]Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?

I'm guessing the full half hour.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:28 pm

No, it was a five minute argument..........I've been arguing in my spare time.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:46 pm

[quote="Bo-Gilly"]:But I am not going to entertain your mud raking attempts to cover your undoubted embarrassment over the fact that you have been repeatedly factually wrong on this thread, and unable to provide any coherent argument for your loopy extreme right-wing views.

No embarrassment here, I assure you. Feel free to highlight whichever facts I have quoted that are actually incorrect. Nowhere did I say the Russians were in control of the UK, but you have not been reluctant to attribute a false quote wherever it suits your purpose. Jones received money from the KGB, fact. The Labour Party received much of its funding from the Unions in the 60s and 70s, fact, so one would expect the unions to want some influence over Labour Government policy, just as you say the "bankers" now run the world.

Workings of the bond market credit standings of various countries, how they messed up and sums involved are facts also - feel free to disagree but, to paraphrase one of Sir Michael Caine's more famous lines, "I do this for a living"

The opinions you can rubbish as you please, as they are my own. Loopy extreme right -wing? Depends on your own point of view.

Not sure where the Tea Party or National Rifle Association come in re 1970s British politics? Doubt many of them could name our current PM or find the UK on map.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Grahame » Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:20 pm

[quote="marco"]Dombo, veering off from the figures for a bit (I can come back to them if you want) - if ever you meet a cyclist who claims to be a member of Hereford CC you have to ask them "What colour are the bicycle sheds at Hereford?"
It's the rules. :wink:

OK, I'll bite. Why do you have to ask them "What colour are the bicycle sheds at Hereford?"
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dan_K » Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:38 pm

[quote="Grahame"][quote="marco"]Dombo, veering off from the figures for a bit (I can come back to them if you want) - if ever you meet a cyclist who claims to be a member of Hereford CC you have to ask them "What colour are the bicycle sheds at Hereford?"
It's the rules. :wink:

OK, I'll bit. Why do you have to ask them "What colour are the bicycle sheds at Hereford?"

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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Ben » Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:34 pm

"Yes of course..........the present global financial crises is all the fault of Gordon Brown !"

Why did he give, permission to sell the gold reserves
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Amy » Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:51 pm

Just spotted an interesting, topical programme on next Tuesday on BBC2 at 9pm, called:-

Ian Hislop: when bankers were good.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Paul H » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:16 pm

Someone else who struggles to follow a thread - I didn't divert anything. Go back and check.

I think it all started with Tax Evasion.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:59 pm

[quote]I think it all started with Tax Evasion.

:? No, it all started with fraud. Including benefit fraud, rent fraud, disable parking fraud, and council tax fraud.

You can hardly describe mentioning tax fraud as 'diverting away from the original subject' .

Specially as you immediately responded to my comment concerning tax fraud without the slightest hint that it was off topic. In fact, you even asked me a question about it, ie, "I'm sure nobody condones either but Benefit Cheating sickens me more than tax evasion. Who is the biggest cheater? "

Which was particularly bizarre as I had already mentioned several times that tax fraud was 15 times bigger than benefit fraud.

Seriously Paul, you need to try and follow threads a little better :idea:
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby George » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:05 am

Hey guys lets all go out for a ride to blow off some steam :D
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Paul H » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:43 am

Various misinterpretations and lack of understanding of what others have said

Ok this is a wind up I get it. Youre really a Right wing activist pretending to be a lefty to make them look foolish.

Youre right George - im on my bike. Wheres that mud :D
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