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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:20 am

[quote="Paul H"][quote="Bo-Gilly"]
Various misinterpretations and lack of understanding of what others have said

:? What the hell you on about ?

Or is it safe to assume that even you don't know ?
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Andrew G » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:41 am

[quote="George"]Hey guys lets all go out for a ride to blow off some steam :D

Should be out getting the miles in :) .
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Amy » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:43 am

Anyone else think it's time we called time on this thread? It's all got a bit vicious and vitriolic on the part of some people and I think the main contestants have had their say...

Time to put it too bed and get back to riding the bike :D
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:29 am

[quote="Dan_K"][quote="Grahame"][quote="marco"]Dombo, veering off from the figures for a bit (I can come back to them if you want) - if ever you meet a cyclist who claims to be a member of Hereford CC you have to ask them "What colour are the bicycle sheds at Hereford?"
It's the rules. :wink:

OK, I'll bit. Why do you have to ask them "What colour are the bicycle sheds at Hereford?"

Great film:

Agreed. Possibly has the best car chase since Bullitt, later surpassed by those in the Bourne films and by last year's "The Town":
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dan_K » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:10 pm

Another good film and one of Ben Affleck's better performances.

Speaking of good performances in films i've seen lately - I was impressed by Cristian Bale in The Fighter. You seen it?

If it's car chases you want, you'll struggle to find more destruction that in The Blues Brothers :lol:
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:20 pm

Must revisit Blues Bros. Last saw it on a projector screen in Students' Union circa 1982 :shock:
Beer at 80p a pint, those were the days.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby RachelB » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:49 pm

[quote="Amy"]Anyone else think it's time we called time on this thread? It's all got a bit vicious and vitriolic on the part of some people and I think the main contestants have had their say...

Time to put it too bed and get back to riding the bike :D

Yeah said the same thing back on P.5 :( - It's been a great show, very good act...BUT sadly on for far, far to long :shock: .

BTW - Happy Birthday Girl for tomorrow :D
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:23 pm

BTW - Happy Birthday Girl for tomorrow :D

+1 :D
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:47 pm


Yeah said the same thing back on P.5 :( - It's been a great show, very good act...BUT sadly on for far, far to long :shock: .

And yet 3 pages later you're still drawn to this thread like a magnet. There's a multitude of threads on this forum which I never bother opening because the topic doesn't interest me.

So far you've made three contributions to this thread, every single one has been to complain that you're not interested, why do you keep opening the thread ?

Perhaps I should start opening the 19 page "Is it time to update the kit again?" thread, just to tell people that I'm not interested in discussions about club kit and to please stop talking about it......waddya reckon ?
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby RachelB » Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:06 pm


Yeah said the same thing back on P.5 :( - It's been a great show, very good act...BUT sadly on for far, far to long :shock: .

And yet 3 pages later you're still drawn to this thread like a magnet. There's a multitude of threads on this forum which I never bother opening because the topic doesn't interest me.

So far you've made three contributions to this thread, every single one has been to complain that you're not interested, why do you keep opening the thread ?

Perhaps I should start opening the 19 page "Is it time to update the kit again?" thread, just to tell people that I'm not interested in discussions about club kit and to please stop talking about it......waddya reckon ?

I never said anything about not being interested in the thread, I actually find this thread interesting, but a bit long winded, So I open the thread ( in answer to your question Sir - I'm assuming your male - :oops: ) - probably for the same reasons you do - because im interested in hearing others opinion :D - But yes I agree, I am a Lady with many, many complaints, and here's another one, where are the Jimmy Saville tribute's :?: yet I have not seen one.
How's about that then?? - that's what I reckon Bo..
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:16 pm

I well I'm glad that you found this thread interesting Rachel, despite the fact that all three of your previous posts were to ask for the thread to be closed, with the first one saying that you would rather talk about cycling. And I guess that I must have taken your "Yawn" comment meaning that you were bored, obviously you were just sleepy......interested, but sleepy. It's funny how things can be misconstrued over the internet :)

And yes, I'm a male, Bo is short for Bob which in turn is short for Robert (I'm thinking of shortening further to just Bee - waddya think ?) I am in fact that bloke called Bob which you've ridden with on the Weds rides. And I have to say that I'm looking forward to our next ride together........specially as I now know that you are interesting in chatting about benefit/tax fraud, the Greek crises, bankers, the IMF, etc. :D

Although it's probably fair to point out that there might be someone on the Weds rides who might find benefit/council tax fraud a bit of a touchy subject for discussion.........we might have to keep our voices down/whisper :idea:

BTW I have no idea who 'Dombo' is .........surely that can't be his real name ?
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:12 pm


BTW I have no idea who 'Dombo' is .........surely that can't be his real name ?

Now then, now then, boys and girls.

Yes you do Bo, we rode together on mtb last winter with higg, snoop and ceejay. Not my real name, That's Dom, short for Dominic but there was already one of those on the forum.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:44 pm

[quote]we rode together on mtb last winter with higg, snoop and ceejay.

higg, snoop, and ceejay ? What strange names the people you ride with have.

Nah, never heard of them.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Dombo » Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:56 pm

Aodan, Doug, Colin. It's a public forum - people used to put their full names and when discussing bikes owned etc it could be useful info to potential burglars, particularly given the location info in our sigantures. Not so much if you're John Smith in London with a Colnago, but Stavros Hindenberger for example living in Wallington with a brace of Cervelos would be relatively easy to track down and relieve of his toys.
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Re: Anyone we know?

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:08 pm

[quote]Aodan, Doug, Colin........................... could be useful info to potential burglars

You've just blown their cover :(
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