Fluid or mag turbo

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Fluid or mag turbo

Postby Iliya » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:00 pm

I decided to buy a turbo trainer and was wondering what do people think which one gives better training fluid or magnetic one? I never had one of these before so not sure what to look for in a turbo trainer?
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Re: Fluid or mag turbo

Postby Dan_K » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:22 pm

I've got both and think the fluid gives a more natural feel. The fluid one i have uses your gears to alter resistance.
Mine is a 2 year old version of this:
[url] http://www.winstanleysbikes.co.uk/produ ... ainer_2011[ /url]

I'd still rather ride outside though, regardless of weather. Sufferfest vids make it bearable.
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Re: Fluid or mag turbo

Postby Paul H » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:56 pm

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Re: Fluid or mag turbo

Postby Iliya » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:38 am

[quote="Dan_K"]I've got both and think the fluid gives a more natural feel. The fluid one i have uses your gears to alter resistance.
Mine is a 2 year old version of this:
[url] http://www.winstanleysbikes.co.uk/produ ... ainer_2011[ /url]

Thanks Dan. I'm more inclined to buy fluid one too at the moment. Thinking of [url=http://www.wiggle.co.uk/elite-crono-fluid-elastogel-trainer/]Elite Crono Fluid ElastoGel[/url].

[quote="Dan_K"]I'd still rather ride outside though, regardless of weather. Sufferfest vids make it bearable.

I prefer outside rides too but at the moment I'm not getting enough training so I wanted a turbo for quick morning sessions or after work.

[quote="Paul H"]Rollers

They are on my wishlist too :)
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Re: Fluid or mag turbo

Postby Dan_K » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:07 am

That Elite one looks good mate, especially for the price.

I think if I had the money, i'd get the Kurt Kinetic Rock and Roll trainer that tilts side to side. Think it would be a bit more fun but they're around the £400 mark.

I think rollers are a personal Marmite type thing. Personally, I don't get on with them. I thought they'd be an easier option for indoor training but I ended up selling them to a get a turbo as I couldn't get into a rhythm on them.

Once you get it, let me know and i'll sort out some sufferfest vids for you...
Check out my blog: [url=http://aspiring-rouleur.blogspot.com/]Aspiring Rouleur[/url]
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Re: Fluid or mag turbo

Postby Iliya » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:43 pm

Cheers Dan! I'll go for Elite and if I get on with it I might upgrade to Kurt Kinetic or rollers. I want to make sure I will use it before I splash more money on it if you know what I mean.

I'll order it this weekend and get in touch re vids.
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