Building a time trial bike

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Building a time trial bike

Postby arfajob » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:27 pm

I want to build a time trial bike and am looking for reasonably priced components. I have the frame, handlebars, and a saddle so still a fair way to go.
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Re: Building a time trial bike

Postby Andrew G » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:02 pm

Good choice, the race of truth.

For components check out ebay as I've got plenty of good as new, as well as new from there for cheap prices. Also the sales, for example GBs have a 20% sale around Christmas New Year. Also check out the classifieds on the time trialling forum.

You don't have to worry about weight so much unless you are going to be riding lots of hilly TTs so mid range kit is more than good enough and the £s you save are worth more than the lbs on a rear mech for example.

For wheels check out the deals on planet x as their wheels are excellent value and very good quality. A px50 front is a good wheel, as is the 82 but if you only have one front wheel don't go deeper than 50mm as they are good for all conditions, the deeper ones can be more lively on windy days.

For the rear I used a PX50 for a year until I got a disc. Discs are expensive and if you can't afford one, and arguably it's not worth spending that much on a wheel until you know you really want to do testing and make the investment, then you can get wheel covers which fit over a normal wheel to make it a lookilikey.
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Re: Building a time trial bike

Postby simon Lythgoe » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:34 am

There's good deals to be had on Sram Red kit as they're bringing out a new version
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Re: Building a time trial bike

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:34 am

wheelbuilderdotcom over in the states do wheel covers, and if they're good enough for RichV they're good enough ;)

I think I paid about $60 for mine - good value when compared to several hundred quid for a disk wheel
Snoop Doug

Re: Building a time trial bike

Postby Roy Green » Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:11 pm

You'll also need a good pair of legs and lungs, Arfajob! :roll:
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