Brighton & Back.

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Brighton & Back.

Postby Andrew G » Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:23 pm

A quick report before I give in to my heavy eyelids and pass out.

11 (I think) met at CSS at 9am for Paul Tunnel's Brighton & Back run, a nice managable size group. I was a bit unsure how I'd cope as I've never riden this far, and was concerned about how "steady" the pace would be.

The route consisted of beautiful rolling country lanes and a few nasty short but steep climbs, which normally followed a descent. This meant that the climbs started to the musical accompliment of pinging chains as we jumped to small chainrings and slid up the cassette. The ride down reverted to plan B when we got carried away on a decent and over-shot Paul's intended left turn. Instead we headed through Ardingly which meant a couple more climbs before Ditchling Beacon.

The Beacon - Never riden it before and want a lighter bike next time I do. A very hard climb which we all got up in our own time to re-group (collapse in my case) at the top. Can't comment on others as I was too busy clambering all over the front of my bike. I was pleased to still be aware enough to spot "Pantani" in faded yellow paint on the road near the top from the Tour's '94 journey over it.

Brighton - Nice sausage and chips lunch to refuel for the return.

To my relief we came back by a more direct route to miss the big climb(s). The pace was good and picked up noticable whenever Alan hit the front. My legs finally blew on the drag back to Redhill when the gradient increased slightly and I just didn't have the strength left to turn the gear needed to hold on to the wheel in front. Another re-group, which seemed to recharge my legs, at the otherside of the town before joining the final leg of the CR to arrive back at CSS. Top marks to all those who had done the ToSH on Saturday as well.

Thank yous:
Big thanks to Paul for organising the ride and sorting a very good route.
Thanks to all for waiting when I dropped off the back.
Thanks to Fizik for making the Arione and providing painless support.

88.9 miles PB
5h30mins PB
Ave speed 16.1


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Postby Alan M » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:16 pm

I can agree with Andrew's description and comments - a good day out and I too flagged on the last few miles with the combined effects of last wednesday evening with Huw and the ToSH.

It was a pity about an incident of a child hanging out of the window of car and I believe throwing an egg at Monty and hitting me on the back. I caught up with them at Coulsdon and the driver didn't want to discuss it! I have just spent an hour and a half at Croydon police station reporting the incident to a none too interested PC. It turns out that the car isn't properly registered and has no MoT or insurance and has recently driven away from a petrol station without paying. The PC feels it to be unlikely that the investigation will yield a result but we'll see. Monty I may need you to be a witness.

Thanks for an otherwise excellent day out
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Postby higg » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:09 am

Good day out. Thanks Paul for orgainsing it.

Alan, it is a pity about the egg thing. I didn't quite catch up with them again at the Purley lights but saw them heading up the A22. I didn't get a good look at the driver but got the impression he probably wasn't old enough to drive. I did get a good look at the kid throwing the egg though. He was only about 7 or 8. I dread to think what he'll be getting up to in another few years. It doesn't come as much of a surprise that the car's not registered etc.

Still if there's any positive to come from this, it must be that we still had enough juice to keep up with the traffic between into Coulsdon after doing the best part of 100 miles.

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What a good ride

Postby Robbie Dread » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:33 am

Thank you Paul,i had a wonderful time today 175 miles from Saturday to Monday,Huw nuff respect as well both rides were great love to do them again in near future but not with the pain i felt in my neck and my back O God it was horrible,i need a new bike though can some one help me to get one :lol: mine need to be in the bin where it belong.About the egg throwing thing we had one trown at us also me and Mark,it hit Mark i was trying to catch them up God knows why he never had me catch them up that was really bad after we had a wonderful day,Huw,Paul once again a big thank youuuuuuuuuu blessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
Last edited by Robbie Dread on Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Brian Nolan » Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:47 am

Hi chaps,

Just wanted to second the comments already posted . I had a great day out yesterday on the back of a good ride on Saturday on the TOSH. Alan was doing some fast turns at the front along with Rob and the tall guy on the Roberts bike - is it Mark ? apologies if I have got the name wrong but he was going well as they say....
Just as I was trying to catch Alan & Rob on the run into South Coulsdon I was shouted at by the very same chubby youngster in the old Peugot. He gave me the finger sign and called me a f***ing idiot.. I was a bit stunned at this and all I could think off as comeback was to shout " Fatty " as loud as I could muster... I think it did the trick as he shot me a dirty look and stuck his big head back inside the car !
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Postby Mark Leedham » Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:58 am

A great day out - thanks to Paul for arranging and to the rest of you for waiting for me - suffering slightly on the way back.

On the Egg question - An egg was thrown at me - but landed under my wheel. By the time i had realised what it was - ths car had gone.
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Postby Grahame » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:05 pm

Confession time:

When I commuted into London, I got "egged" a couple of times by yoofs in a Chavalier. I started to carry a golf ball in a pocket. The next time these yoofs threw an egg at me and attempted to drive into the distance, I accidentally let go of this golf ball at high velocity in the direction of the back window of their car. The result was a saltifactorally loud bang, bits of glass all over the yoofs in the back seat and a golf ball lying in the road for me to recover.

Of course, I would never contemplate such an action now that I'm all growed up and responsible. :twisted:
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Postby simonfrench » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:06 pm

A propos of not much, I saw the mention of comfy saddles Andy..

I think I need an Arione. The SLR on the nice bike is killing my rse whereas the old flite is still v comfy if a bit heavy.

Thanks for the recommendation. Everyone else who has one seems to like them too. Just got to find the cheapest place on t' internet now..
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Postby Tamar Collis » Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:46 pm

From Paul Tunnell:
Monday was really really good. We had a group of 12 - all good lads, and all similar ability. Thanks for putting it on the the forum. John (surname??) only a member since September came out having only done clubruns before and managed comfortably. Average speed was 15.9mph. Interesting route to get there as I was dropped on one of the early climbs and the group missed a turning. This meant we added 2 extra steep climbs to get back on course, and a sudden right turn at the bottom of a steep hill which proved interesting!!!!! Managed to get seats inside on the seafront as the wind was a bit keen. Good food and drink. Refreshed headed home. Why was I on the front for the first 10miles? Started up A23 to avoid Devils Dyke, soon turned off - not a nice road to be on, then up through quiet leafy lanes to Handcross. Once over the top, and on the clubrun route, it was eyeballs out. Took a back route to the cafe, then back up A23 at around 22mph!! I really lost it big time up Redhill. We regrouped, then struggled up Merstham, but over the top, engaged hyper drive (31mph!) to pull them back. Steady back from Purley.
My thanks to all of you for a really good ride, and look forward to doing it again soon - Anyone up for Worthing this Sat??.
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