Well the reason I wasn't at the President's 10 today was because I was pot hunting. I wanted the 10 trophy off Steve D .
Hardly the balmy day forecast but the surprise was the wind, there was a strong headwind on the out leg, very strong. So you can relax Steve the trophy's yours .
I actually came away pleased with my ride even if the time wasn't what I hoped for or wanted from the trip. I rode it well and the legs felt good, I actually started to feel like a racer again .
A simple way to describe the wind is with splits. The return leg was 3 minutes quicker and I averaged 30mph for the second 5 miles. Trophy chance lost on the way out in to the wind though and I finished with 23:00. Placing wise with a couple of results to come in I was 36th out of a full 120 field so not the only one to suffer on the out leg.
Not what I'd hoped for at the start of the day, but you can't have everything and happy with my ride and result in the placings.