Marmotte 2006

Are you thinking about starting racing? Ask about future events in here, find out what you can expect at them and who else is going so you can scrounge a lift off someone rather than riding the 30 miles to get there yourself!

Postby Tamar Collis » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:55 pm

I still haven't booked accommodation for Maria and me so if anyone wants to share....

Plus we're probably gonna drive down over a couple of days (with cycling breaks) and stay out to watch the Etape if anyone fancies coming in the car I'll get a roof rack or summat for the bikes.
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Postby Gavin » Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:49 pm

Is there anyone else from the addiscombe going to be there?

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Postby siwickm » Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:10 am

I am doing the Marmotte with Max and David Findlay. We still have not booked Accomodation yet any ideas anyone?
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Postby Gavin » Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:24 am

Most people recommend a chalet / hotel in Alpe D'Huez to make sure you get to the finish.

If you do that take a bin liner / old trackies for coming down the mountain is it is cold at that time in the morning.
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Postby Gavin » Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:31 pm

Hey all Marmottonians,

Hope everyone is getting prepared for the big one. Not long to go now.

I was looking at my time for last year 10:01:47 and the time for gold which is 08:29:00 and thinking essshh I better get out and do more training.

Is anyone up for doing a surrey / TOKA hills type thing on the weekend of the 24/25th.


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Postby Toks » Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:55 pm

[quote]I was looking at my time for last year 10:01:47 and the time for gold which is 08:29:00 and thinking essshh I better get out and do more training
mmm thats a lot of time to make up for Gold. Do you feel fitter than you were last year.
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Postby Gavin » Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:08 pm

probably a bit fitter but not that much.

However I have a lot more experience now.

We can but try I know It will be a difficult event but I should do better than last year.

By how much who knows..............
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Postby Toks » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:21 am

With just a month or so to go I'd just really try and up the intensity mate. I'm sure you've got the endurance but its probably more power thats gonna get you gold. Why don't you try and but in a couple of intense rides once a week before you taper with a week to go. They only need to be shortish <60mins but do them at time trial pace. Don't spend the next 4 weeks plodding about at club run pace - you won't get any fitter
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Postby Gavin » Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:41 am

I will have a better idea how the Marmotte will go when I tackle the Vaujauy on Sunday. I am hoping a good performance will get me a silver in the vaujauy which I missed out on by a long way last year (45 minutes).

Have learnt my mistakes on the Vaujauy from last year.

Take your time
Eat more
Don't drive 11 hours the day before....

Hope to see some people out on the various courses.
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Postby Gavin » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:14 pm

Well it all started badly and didn't get much better to be honest.

I attempted the Vaujany but had to abandon in tempatures of 39C after 120km. I had a sore stomach and felt really bad.

On the wednesday I did the Prix de Grande Rousses with Maria which was a little better. I was 10 minutes slower than last year.

In the marmotte just didn't have the ability really the legs were really struggling. I finished 11hr 53 minutes nearly 2 hours slower than last year. Was stuck at the top of the glandon for a while but it was a disapointing performance.

I saw Tamar, Richard V and Marek en-route. I also saw Paul T at the top of the galibier. He was there for the descents only though.....

More cycling next year I guess or retirement......


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Postby Andrew G » Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:35 pm

No matter how it went Gavin, congratulations for sticking with it and finishing. Nearly 12 hours on the bike up and down mountains, makes my head spin just thinking about it.
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Postby Marek » Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:44 pm

11 hrs 34mins and 8 seconds for me. I was only just in before you Gavin. I decided to take it really easy after the hold up on the Glandon, after my experiences in the past of blowing on these types of things I decided to sod the time and just have a great day out.

I really enjoyed the ride, I have to say that although it was very hard, taking it easy meant I had loads left for Alp D'Huez, although I did stop at every water station on the way up as it was bliming hot.

The most difficult part of the day was going up the Galibier. That is a horrific climb and I suffered with the heat and my feet felt awful. For some reason my feet were feeling really weird like a numb type feeling. At the top I bumped into Paul Tunnel who had ridden up the other side of the hill to cheer on the ACCers. It was good to see a friendly face.

Throughout the ride I was seeing Richy V and Gavin B all the time. Max and David who I was staying with had gone off at a faster pace and I had lost them early on. I also saw Tamar and Maria at the start. I think there were some more Accers there as I could see some shirts on the top of the Glandon after the crash but could not make out who it was. It was good to have so many familiar faces around.

I really enjoyed it and would do this one again, although I may try something else next year.



p.s. Alp D'huez is a bitch of a climb. For those who have not done it and seen on TV it is nothing like it is on TV. It looks flat on TV, it isn't it is bliming steep and in high temps is bliming hard work. So well done to everyone.
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Postby Maria David » Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:03 pm

Marmotte report :
Tamar and I represented the elegant sex for Addiscombe on the day.
7.30 start outside the Mairie de Bourg d'Oisans. Loads of cyclists from all over Europe (and beyond). Good chatty ambiance.

Rather chilly, but things warmed up on the 16mile climb up the col de Glandon. Steady climb with a couple of 10% ramps and the odd descent to give respite.

Lots of London based riders to say hello to (Norwood Paragon, London Dynamo, Pearson, Old Ports), though few ladies around.

Got held up at the top of Glandon for over an hour due to a nasty accident. Sobering thoughts led to careful descending down the steep twisty inclines.

Lots of wheels to follow/ down to St Michel de Maurienne.

Steady climb up the Col de Telegraph with lovely views over the Ecrin Massif. Began to get rather hot and some people suffered on the 8 mile climb.

Wholesale suffering took place on the dish of the day, 11mile climb up to col de Galibier - gradient started at about 6%, then got steeper and steeper, and bleaker, with no more chatting just personal battles going on. No respite on the gradients - the last couple of k's were purgatory. Many had to walk.

Long (cold) descent from our 2645m summit down to La Grave via col de Lautaret.

Hot sunshine during the 14k climb and 21 hairpins up to L'Alpe d'Huez. Lots of people on their knees, walking, stopping to rest at each bend. Others (myself included) twiddling small gears all the way up.
Dutch guys seemed to race up there like nobody's business !! Lots of support from the crowds, especially at Dutch corner (hairpin 7 I believe).

Finally crossed the line 12hrs 13mins later (with about 2hrs lost in stoppages). Apparently I got silver. Not bad for a pootle through the mountains.
Tamar enjoyed her ride too, and we all went home tired but happy.

Good to see other ACCers out - Marek, Max, Dave F, Hal, Richard, Paul T (who was supporting).

Definitely recommend this event, as well as the preliminary races during the week - Vaujany, Trophee des Grandes Rousse (which I did) and the Grimpee de l'Alpe hill climb. (incidentally the Dutch seem to win all these races.)
Real cycling village atmosphere, with around 5,000 cyclists milling around.
Great place for bonding/watching the Tour de France.
And for next year I need to find me a nice Dutch guy who can share with me his secrets of successful hill climbing !

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Postby Dr Frigo » Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:30 pm

Well done Maria and everyone, sounds like a great ride.

[quote]Steady climb up the Col de Telegraph with lovely views over the Ecrin Massif.

I've done some fantastic walks there as a kid. Once climbed to a 2977m summit (Pic du Lac Blanc) with my sister (who was only about 10 at the time!) and graffiti-ed my name on the highest rock. We found rusty shrappnels from an airplane that had crashed there during the war.

[quote]Long (cold) descent from our 2645m summit down to La Grave via col de Lautaret.

That's where we were staying when we went to the Ecrins, in a house lent by some of my grandparents' friends (the guy who invented the automotive "marbre" to correct the geometry of damaged frames, needless to say it was a very nice house!). Lovely little village. I want to go back now!
Dr Frigo

Postby Maria David » Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:34 am

Cheers Sylv

Tamar and I went up to the Pic Blanc and also to the Lake during our stay.
The Lake was beautiful, though I would have said it was more Lac Vert than Lac Blanc - it had a very rich colour from the minerals on the lake bed.
From Pic Blanc we had views all around - Mont Blanc was shrouded in cloud, but the views were still spectacular.
Then we fooled around in the snow - Tamar particularly enjoyed the snowball throwing - a high point (literally) of our trip.
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