Hillingdon Tuesday Night?

Are you thinking about starting racing? Ask about future events in here, find out what you can expect at them and who else is going so you can scrounge a lift off someone rather than riding the 30 miles to get there yourself!

Postby Matthew Ives » Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:19 am

[quote]Still, im a 3rd cat now, so whats it like Matt, Toks etc!!!???

Do a race at The Palace, and you'll find out :D

Well done mate on gaining 3rd cat status. I'm sure if you stick at the racing lark, you'll first win won't be far off with that sprint of yours.
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Postby Yohan » Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:06 pm


just wanna first say hope your chest infection clears up so we can see you back n the circuit....and secondly

..thanx for the advise on Hillingdon '..the average pace is 19mph' ...not sure if we're talking about the same track but mine clocked 24.2mph yesterday, an Adam advised it was 25mph last week....

..so Thats how you been doing so well!!!! :lol:
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Postby Matthew Ives » Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:29 pm

[quote].thanx for the advise on Hillingdon '..the average pace is 19mph' ...

Yeah, sorry about that.
Did I mention that I'm a compulsive lier ? :)

Now I think of it, maybe you're right. Maybe I've actually been racing in some new BCF category that hasn't been advertised yet. All this while I've been racing as an 8th cat. Yes, that explains it.

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Postby Toks » Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:46 pm

'...don't call it a come back. I been here for years...' Yeeeaaahhh its the return of Sir Yohan. I dare not ask about your debauched summer: alcohol excesses, beautiful women, football and lots of chilling to the max :D . [quote]....the final bend an i was out the saddle, the final 300 mtrs seemed to last forever but i managed to take at least 7-8 riders on the sprint to get a 7th place finish
And you still managed to place - fantastic work mate!...
Congratulations Adam! Ok here's the bad news. 4th cat level races at Hillingdon are generally moderately paced. In other words anyone who is comfortable in the 19/20mph group could survive them.

However 3rd only or 3/4 races at Hillingdon and elsewhere can be quite hard to a lot harder depending on the circuit, your fitness levels and the fitness levels of those you're racing against. The fact that you don't appear to have struggled too much to place in your races bodes well for your future as a third cat. Well done mate :)
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Postby Marek » Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:26 pm

Well done, now you can come and join the big boys on the proper road circuits. Thats where it is really at, on a proper road circuit with hills, something that Hillingdon is a bit short on. Not much left on the road racing calendar this season so need to get out and hunt down some races. Max has persuaded me to do the 1st cat race in the SERRL on Sunday, I think I must be mad.


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Postby Toks » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:51 am

[quote]..thanx for the advise on Hillingdon '..the average pace is 19mph' ...not sure if we're talking about the same track but mine clocked 24.2mph yesterday, an Adam advised it was 25mph last week....
Its always tricky trying to give out average speeds as an indicator of how hard a race will be. You can be cruising around on a summer's eve at Hillingdon in a bunch at 25mph and feel fine; but then at Eastway in an even bigger bunch at you could be dying at 24mph or worst still find yourself dropped from an even smaller bunch at Crystal Palace despite the average speed only being 23mph...The thing that both myself, Matt and others have tried to indicate is that if you feel ok at 19/20mph group intensity without feeling you're about to have a cardiac arrest you'll be fine with the intensity (pace) at Hillingdon in a typical 4th cat race

Sadly unlike in most TT's races good 'threshold' power is not enough to do well in crit races. If you don't quite measure up when it comes to negotiating hairpin bends, powering up short drags, holding on to wheels and responding to attacks your performance is gonna be seriously compromised, especially on some circuits.
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Postby Yohan » Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:57 am

[quote]You can be cruising around on a summer's eve at Hillingdon in a bunch at 25mph and feel fine; but then at Eastway in an even bigger bunch at you could be dying at 24mph or worst still find yourself dropped from an even smaller bunch at Crystal Palace despite the average speed only being 23mph...

Yeah spot on Toks, I worked much harder at Eastway an acheived a far slower ave, an compared to some of the training rides on sat CR where you have to dig in much more, an theres also less protection from the wind due to less numbers.

..Wheres theres a Question, Toks will always have the answer! :)
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