Saturday CR 26/08/06

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Saturday CR 26/08/06

Postby Nick » Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:17 pm

Come give us your reports of the days ride as we had the TOSH called off due to BAD weather.

Mine was was a super ride feeling very strong as I had it in my head for a very tough 100 miles of hill climbing.

Went out with the 18mph? (new to me) group, Had a great time stayed on the back for quite sometime then came through and done a bit. The through and off was more hit and miss to start with but after sometime it settled down and had a good run in. Coming to the sprint I found myself blocked in and had to shout rider coming out and made my way out to find the Polish guy 30 yards ahead going strong as he had all day. I began the chase and to my suprise there was that OLD TIMER :o Connor (Only kidding as he can whip me up any hill therefore much respect) sucking wheel and making speed with me. Had a great run into Charlwood. Left the cafe with 5 other riders for a 19mph group lucky if we was under 21 most of the way Adam and me on the front most of the way until we hit the climbs then it was Adam and some ankle snapper (sorry don't know your name) climbing like theyd just started to ride. We re-grouped and meet with the others from the cafe and set of for Coulsdon. I took the easy route and sat behind Paul Tunnel you dragged me most of the way until he put his hand up (OH S**T!) what do I do now? I clung onto Adams wheel then we about 5 of us had a great run into coulsdon Alan M doing as much work as the others a great ride. Thanks to one and All...

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Postby Marek » Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:10 am

The ride out to the Cafe was pretty good yesterday. The rain held off and we had a decent group with a few willing to do decent turns on the front. Rob looking like a tribute band to David Millar with Cofidis shorts and Saunier Duval top even went on the front and did a couple of long pulls.

With the training group every week we seem to be increasing the number of sprint points along the route which is great fun. Although every hill seems to be a race to the top. The first hill being Reigate Hill was quick this week. I attacked the bottom of the climb hoping to tire some of the legs behind me by making them chase, instead I just died half way up.

Adam and Paul came past and that inspired me to have another pop. Adam is riding really well and Paul as ever is strong on the hills, we will come to Aiden later.

I have not ridden with Adam before I don't think (Tribute to George Hincapie outfit yesterday), and he is going really well, definetly one to watch for next years racing season as he is already 3rd cat it won't be long if he plays his cards right that he will be knocking on the second cat door.

Down into the lanes and we kept a good steady pace, then we hit the hill just before the dual carriageway, this is the new sprint point. I led up the hill and Aiden managed to keep my wheel, then on the top of the hill he just started sprinting and came flying past me to take me by a wheels length. Not sure where everyone else was but I was still trying to swallow my lungs at this point.

Dual carriageway was fast and steady and then the run into the Charlwood sprint. We approached with a good through and off and then as we got closer it started to break down a little with people readying themselves, but the pace did not drop too much. I sat just behind Aiden knowing that he took me in the sprint a few weeks ago and on the hill earlier I needed to get my revenge. As we came into the last corner I went first and just get it going all the way to the line. I put in quite a big effort and managed to get a reasonable gap and got my sprint point.

On the way back a similar group with the exception of Adam who took the easy route went via box hill. We had a bit of a speedy session just before Holmwood and then we were onto Box Hill. Aiden had been talking up his climbing ability all day and this is where he proved it. Paul and I sat on his wheel and he was setting a blistering pace, around the first hairpin and he just kept going. I just sat in, there was nothing I could do, then aorund the second hairpin and I thought he is going to slow now. But all of a sudden he picked it up a bit. Well mentally that was it for me, good night vienna I went out the back. Leaving Paul and Aiden to fight it out. I didn't see the final as I was fighting with my legs but apparently Aiden sprinted the final section and left Paul standing. Extremely impressive climbing, but I later found that Aiden weighs in at a malnourished 70kg against my healthy and hearty 87kg. Backpack full of stones for Aiden next week.

A good fast run in from Box Hill down the fast roads to Kingswood was great. I am meant to be racing this morning but I have decided to give it a miss and maybe go for a pootle tomorrow instead.


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