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Postby Graham O » Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:50 pm

I got the times this morning, and was was dissappointed.

The Tob got a single column inch, and then the article focussed on the various crashes which to be honest were quite serious. I think that the actual race write up got a single paragraph.

Overall, I get the impression that people though that the race was a bit of a failure what with hacked off riders, crashes and all...

Personally, I think that the last lap was an awsome demonstration of cycling by the quick step boys....
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Postby John Cochrane » Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:57 pm

I do feel strongly that safety in cycle racing needs to be looked at. I have been horrified by what I've seen the last 3 years in the TOB. It seems the message has not got through that a cycle race is a RACE not a quiet meander through the countryside or round a town centre. Racing is dangerous to the competitors and spectators until that message gets through we will always have problems. I am compiling a long list of suggestions for British Cycling but I am not optimistic.

I marshalled on Sunday at the end of the Mall. There were no barriers erected across the right hand turn into Horse guards Rd. Practicing had been allowed and the first race was assembled at the start line and yet no Race Director had driven round the course to check that everything was in place and ready for practice and racing. In the end us marshalls took matters into our own hands found some railings and put them up. This sort of thing just should not happen.

On Strines it was clear that signing was required on some of the bends but none were in place. It was left to an outrider to stand on the OUTSIDE of the bend ON the bend with a little orange flag. No wonder there was chaos, some riders skidding and going straight on some swerving behind the outrider!! The warning was too late it should be on the approach and the outrider should not stand in the most dangerous position ie. on the outside of the bend.

Signing is poor and not properly placed. at the top of the climb outside Paddock Green the tour turned left off the main road into a tiny lane. the arrow marker had been placed towards the exit of the turn. An outrider did stop at the junction (in the middle of the road) and directed the riders. What was missing was a sign before the turn as well as one at the turn. Another example of a sign being too late. Ironically a Police Escort Rider came through a little behind the convoy and didn't know they had turned off. He missed the badly placed sign. Someway down the road at a roundabout he realised he'd gone wrong and had to retrace his steps.

There are many more examples like this the list goes on and on. They really are all basic common sense and should be in place.
John Cochrane
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