A proposal to add a fixed-wheel group to the ACC saturday club run has been muted.
Admitedly this was muted at a very drunken ACC social bash where there was plenty of big ideas on various subjects, but I think this idea has legs.
A few members already have fixed bikes and occasionaly show up on the regular club run on them, but it would be fairer all round if there was a dedicated group. (It would also be safer for the non-fixed fraternity riding amongst them).
Initially we'd probably do it once a month or once a fortnight to see how it goes. Myself and Simon Smythe will lead it (no it won't be fast in the winter) and it'll be the same route as the club run which is well hard on a fixed believe me!
Anybody interested? Post your names here and let's see if we can get it rolling, if we can get half a dozen out it'll be awesome.