Pouring rain and thunder on the way to the H25/1 course between Reading and Newbury, but things had brightened up by my relaxed start time of 9.33am. Indeed, council workers had even managed to clear both floods on the course by the time I got to them. Thanks chaps.
Anyway, I did a 1:03:38, a personal best for my final TT of the season, and nearly 2 minutes better than I did last year.
Rob R-E recorded 59:05 according to the timekeeper - but 'shurely shome mishtake', as they say in Private Eye. He looked to be flying when I saw him at 15 miles and, starting at number 53, was a minute up on number 55 at that point. That suggested a rather quicker ride than 59 minutes. The stewards' enquiry result is awaited.