leggings or 3/4 lenghts? (for the winter)

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leggings or 3/4 lenghts? (for the winter)

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:14 am

i feal the time has come for me to purchess some longer leg wear for the up comming winter, and shall be going tomoro after the clubrun.

but what is better....the full length legging things that go under you feet?

or the 3/4 length ones?

and also which one is cheapest/best value for money?



i dont want to spend toooo much money because i am self funded with no job, (would get my parents to pay....but it suits them at the moment that im old enough to buy my own things...they call it life experience...i call it tight !....but im still young enough to see the back of there hand when it suits them to !). and i still like to think i am a growing boy, and so dont want to buy something to expensive i will (hopefully) grow out of :D
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Postby Dr Frigo » Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:40 am

I don't like the restriction of long tights (say if you get hot half-way through the ride), so for years I've ridden through the winter with normal shorts and legwarmers, which I can take off if needed.

Last year I bought some great 3/4 length Nike bibs from Butlers for £40 (at the very back of the shop), and find now that it's rarely cold enough to want to wear the legwarmers. Well maybe under 2 degrees. Knees are sensible to cold but they are covered with the 3/4 lenths.

Be careful, a lot of tights and 3/4 length are made with very warm fabric, which feels nice and comfy when you try them on, but which I find way too warm for these shores. Especially when riding hard like you do!
Dr Frigo

Postby Dr Frigo » Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:47 am

On this subject, I find an invaluable help is having a thermometer outside your window. In the morning I just look at it and dress accordingly for the ride. I'll dress differently if it's 10 or 13 degrees - you can't easily tell the difference just peeking your nose out of the window!
Dr Frigo

Postby Ian A4size » Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:57 pm

Leg warmers are great, lusso do a cheapish version which are hard wearing and warm.
You dont need a thermometer to tell you the diff between 13/14 and 2/3 degrees! :wink:
three quarters are uncomfortable for me as they always seem to bunch up behind the knee
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Postby Andrew G » Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:31 pm

Not sure if it's an either or question. Quite like 3/4s and have just got some of the dhb ones from wiggle. Comfortable and only £30, bargain :D . No problems so far with bunching. Also have the Lusso knee warmers - very good.

If we have another winter that gets as cold as the last one you'll probably want tights.

I'd be careful taking knee warmers off too early even if you feel warm as knees have nothing to insulate them and don't like the cold which can lead to longer term problems.
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Postby Richard (Apples) » Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:43 pm

I've got a pair of knee length leggings....a bit on the small side for me . Be happy to let you have them gratis
Richard Appleton
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:15 pm

ah thanks a lot everyone,

been helpful...didnt think of leg warmers!

hey richard id love to take you up on that offer.

would you be able to bring them tomoro on the club ride or summit?

and do you no what i look like?...if not im the short one with brown hair, 16, 5ft6.5...if its warm enough ill be in black and white jersy (if its cold long sleeve acc jersy)...black helmate and the acc cotton cap, pale legs, santini shorts, sun glasses, blue mits, and will have a little folded map in my back pocket.

thanks a lot stuart...

P.S does gratis meen free? dont worry if it doesnt ill pay up :wink:
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Postby Ian A4size » Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:11 pm

As you go on just try and get the best kit you can afford/ blag. Look in the sales/ ebay.
Dont make the mistake ( like i did many years ago) of wearing waterproofs when its not raining- you'll sweat like mad and prob freeze, try and acquire a basic wind proof top, whip one from the back of a chair as you leave the cafe :twisted:.
A winter coat will not cost a fortune- you dont need to buy assos- gore do fantastic ones at a third of the cost. Also try not to make the error of over dressing just coz its a bit cold, it will take about 10/15 mins to warm up, good gloves are an essential piece of kit- i use specialized sub zeros and they are ace. A pair of thin liners will also work under normal long fingered gloves. ( Huw wears long fingered gloves all year but he has about zero body fat tho :lol: )
A good pair of winter overshoes are also fairly cheap and an absolute must.
Looks like you will have to be a helpful boy round the house for the forseeable future. :cry:
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Postby Marek » Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:41 pm

It depends on how cold it gets, but I tend to wear longs as soon as it starts to get a bit chilly. I have got some cheapy ones from


I have two types, I have the basic ones which are roubaix and keep you pretty warm, but I also have the really thick ones which are like wearing a wetsuit. I only wear these when I go to Poland and when it gets into the minus numbers over here. They are super warm.

I wear shorts underneath, so I don't buy the ones with the pad.


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Postby Andrew G » Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:13 pm

Bit early as we haven't hit the cold weather yet but [url=http://www.mikedyason.com/shop.asp?session_id=6e1ce2b168da89f14b529129f64c3941&no_category=15&text_company=UNDERCLOTHES]Mike Dyason[/url] does some excellent merkalon base layers (Norwegian underwear :shock: ). Thin so you don't have to dress like a michelin man and very good value. Although windstopper is said to only work on top I found their base layer with windstopper very good. Winter jersey and windstopper gillet or jacket on top and it covers all but the most extreme weather.

As Ian said good overshoes are a most but try them over your shoes in the shop before you buy to make sure you get cleat clearance. I use Look and only have size 7 feet and found nearly all of them impeded so I couldn't clip in. Ended up with some Karatti(sp?) where you cut the hole yourself, which work pretty well. Won't last as long as some of the others but they only cost £15 from GBs :D .

[quote]Also try not to make the error of over dressing just coz its a bit cold, it will take about 10/15 mins to warm up

I read somewhere that to gauge how much clobber to put on you should feel a little chilly as you leave home, that way you'll be comfortable once you've done a few miles and got the blood flowing.
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:30 pm

ah lads, what can i say.....your all LEGENDS!!!

thanks for all your adviseseses..



i think i would rather go cold!! :wink:
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