ACC team at Bec Hill Climb?

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Postby Jon H » Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:26 pm

Damn, I was looking forward to whupping his ass :lol:
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Postby Ian A4size » Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:39 pm

Well Jon perhaps you can get a start on the TDF pro-log and whip his ass round the streets o' london.
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Postby Snoop Doug » Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:05 pm

Hmmmm - appears rain is forecast for Sunday. Expert advice required - should I put tractor tyres on for this (still can't quite believe I'm willing to suffer this much pain for a red light and a fiver!!)??

Cheers - Snoop
Snoop Doug

Postby Andrew G » Wed Oct 18, 2006 7:22 pm

[quote]still can't quite believe I'm willing to suffer this much pain for a red light and a fiver!!

Pain...think of Mr Abrutat, a disabled bloke who's doing this on a handbike :shock: He probably has arms the size of my waist.

Also noticed there's a couple doing it on a tandem :shock: Something for Tamar and Paul to enter next year?

Having watched previous years they seem to turn up and suss it out, and if it's a bit slippery let some air out of their tyres.
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Postby Dr Frigo » Wed Oct 18, 2006 7:50 pm

Tony Kelly is doing the Catford climb. Shame we haven't got him on our team for the Bec!
Dr Frigo

Postby Jon H » Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:59 pm

Catford CC Hill Climb 22/10/2006
Yorks Hill (GH/32),
Ide Hill, Goathurst Common off B2042, near to Sevenoaks. (Map Ref 497517). The Hill is 652 metres long and has an average gradient of 12.5% with 2 stretches of 25%. The Hill has a good surface, but treaded tyres are advisable in wet conditions.
No Rider Club Start Time Notes
1 Anna Grundy Lea Valley Cycling Club 11:01:00 Woman
2 Peter Greenhalgh 45 Road Club 11:02:00 Veteran
3 Raymond Harrod Gemini Bicycle Club 11:03:00 Veteran
4 John Mankelow Lewis Wanderers* 11:04:00
5 Keith Coffey Bec Cycling Club* 11:05:00
6 Anne Bath Kingston Phoenix* 11:06:00 Woman Vet
7 Abigail Armstrong Kingston Phoenix* 11:07:00 Woman Vet
8 Jeremy Ponting Ride Venture Cycling Team 11:08:00
9 Ruthie Elliott In-Gear Quickvit Racing Team* 11:09:00 Veteran
10 John Percival 34th Nomads* 11:10:00 Veteran
11 Sebastian Ader Ride Venture Cycling Team 11:11:00
12 Roy Instrall Morden Cycle Racing Club 11:12:00 Veteran
13 Ben Pochee Rapha Condor 11:13:00
14 Theresa Bjorn Catford Cycling Club 11:14:00 Woman
15 Christopher Read San Fairy Ann Cycling Club 11:15:00 Veteran
16 Mark Winton Lewes Wanderers 11:16:00
17 Anthony Richardson San Fairy Ann Cycling Club 11:17:00 Veteran
18 Paddy Williams Bec Cycling Club* 11:18:00
19 Roger Smith Velo Club Etoile* 11:19:00
20 Geoffrey Smith Sussex Nomads* 11:20:00
21 Anthony Draper 34th Nomads* 11:21:00
22 Jimmy George In-Gear Quickvit Racing Team* 11:22:00
23 Deborah Percival 34th Nomads* 11:23:00 Woman Vet
24 Dominic Hill Bec Cycling Club* 11:24:00
25 Nick Dawes F&CCC/East St. Cycles 11:25:00
26 Adrian McTigue Plomesgate Cycling Club 11:26:00
27 Peter Barling Lewes Wanderers* 11:27:00
28 Steven Hall Essex Roads Cycling Club 11:28:00
29 Matt Seaton Rapha Condor 11:29:00 Veteran
30 Michael Hudspith Godric Cycling Club 11:30:00 Veteran
31 Julian Bray Rapha Condor 11:31:00 Veteran
32 Andrew Cox Lewes Wanderers* 11:32:00
33 James King De Laune Cycling Club* 11:33:00
34 Graham Little Dulwich Paragon Cycling Club* 11:34:00
35 John O’Brien De Laune Cycling Club* 11:35:00 Veteran
36 Duncan Murphy Cambridge Cycling Club 11:36:00
37 James Hughes Bec Cycling Club* 11:37:00
38 Christopher Howard Southbro & District Wheeelers 11:38:00
39 John Storms Tri Cyclist* 11:39:00
40 Jonathon Hemmings Addiscombe Cycling Club* 11:40:00
41 Simon Warren Norwood Paragon Cycling Club* 11:41:00
42 Ishmael Burdeau* 11:42:00
43 William Bell Gemini Bicycle Club 11:43:00
44 Justin Hoy Evans Cycle Racing Team* 11:44:00
45 Matthew Smith Gemini Bicycle Club 11:45:00
46 Jamies Newall Evans Cycle Racing Team* 11:46:00
47 Matthew Coodes De Laune Cycling Club* 11:47:00
48 Jody Crawforth Evans Cycle Racing Team* 11:48:00
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Postby Dr Frigo » Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm

Saw Tony's name on a start list, can't think of which one it was now. It's not Wigmore either.
Dr Frigo

Postby Andrew G » Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:15 pm

[quote]Bec C.C. 51st Annual Hill Climb
October 22nd, 2.00pm
Course : GH/31 White Lane, ’Titsey’, nr Westerham, Kent.

Carnival on the Climb…….News update No: 5

Hi All…..

Right then, pretty much everything is in place for the big show on Sunday, and it would seem, so are you lot.
There’s a definite air of excitement feeding back from a lot of the competitors, everyone seems to be in the starting blocks, and many are promising some fighting talk & top form for the day. It really does look like we are going to get an exhibition of some real class climbing, with some very close results, and who knows, maybe some real surprise times on this hard fought Alpe of the South
Judging by the amount of enquiries coming through to ‘Hill climb HQ’ from media people, we can expect to get a pretty good post coverage of the event, and thanks to all those that have helped the publicity machine in anyway up till now. A production guy that has contacted me, has said that Meridian TV News have agreed to take some race info etc from his company, so for those of you who live in Kent, set the video recorders, and don’t forget to smile for the cameras!!!

Anthony McCrossnan a Director of the new company Cycling TV (if you haven’t tried it yet, take a peek, its good) is going to be on the Mic, and is, as I write, researching your seedy little lives, sorry I meant CV’s.
Anthonys a real pro, and is sure to whip the crowd up into a frenzy over your efforts, and I’m sure you’ll give him plenty to talk about . We’ve hired a mega PA system for him, which although it looks like it came out of a WW2 Shackleton Bomber, but will, according to the hire company be loud enough to relay the race info across the South Downs & half of Kent, so spectators be warned just in case you stand in front of a speaker!!!

For those enquiring about extra start sheets for spectators. There’ll be plenty of programmes available on the day. Which are free, but if people choose to make a small donation, it helps us greatly in offsetting some of our event costs and would is very much appreciated. As also does our tea stall, which again helps towards the cost of running things. There will be several gastronomic delights available to excite your taste buds , and these should keep your supporters fuelled for when it comes to the shouting & hollerin part of the afternoon. Please buy loads (otherwise I end up living on stale cheese or ham rolls for the next month, and the rest of the Bec live on crusty cake!) and every penny helps.

I doubt theres many of you out there that didn’t make it along to the recent Bike show!! But if you didn’t, then you missed your chance to view the products of the New Kids on the Block ‘Pinnacle Bikes’. But don’t worry as ‘Pinnacle’ will be exhibiting a small selection of some of their ‘Pinnacle’ wares at the top of the climb on the corner of White Lane & the B2024 and ‘Pinnacle’staff will be on hand to talk you thru the all technical ‘Pinnacle’ stuff. Their gear is well worth a look, and is definitely worth sneaking on your Christmas wish list , just in case your other half, parents, grandparents, or Boss is struggling to think what to buy you this year
There will be one very special ‘Pinnacle’ out there on the day, but you probably wont get much time to see it till after the event, and it belongs to last years winner, Jody Crawforth.
Jody will be putting it to the test on the climb, and he hopes, assisting him to net the big pot of gold on the winners podium. But I know for sure theres several competitors on the start list who’s form shows that are going to make it a very difficult task for him.
Weighing in at 16.1 lbs, and specially built by the ‘Pinnacle’ technicians, this fella is certainly making sure of his preparations, and aims to leave no stone unturned in his quest for the ‘Bag ‘o’ sand’…
(16.1 lbs is the bike & not the rider, just before some s_ _ _ _ _ss trys to be funny!!)

The lads of Plowman Craven R.T have kindly donated a cartload of Brand new bidons to the event & these will be available to all riders when they sign on. Also, I’m sure if you speak to the PCA boys nicely they will be only to willing to discuss the possible sale of some of their end of season kit etc.

The hill itself is looking in good shape, and awaits you all to embrace its ascent. At a site visit on Wednesday there was very little debris up the centre of the climb, and that that has been washed down from the fields with yesterdays rain, will by Sunday be swept away to the best of our abilities.

Finally, could I please request that anyone arriving by car leaves a ‘long car parking space’ at the bus stop,(which is nr to the Pinnacle display) so that Competitor No1, can park his car. Dave is a disabled rider, and needs a little more access than the rest of us for his handbike, and its also very difficult for him to propel his wheelchair if the only space left is up on the grass verges. Many thanks in anticipation of your cooperation.

And finally, finally, I guess that just leaves me to say “See you all Sunday” and hope you all have an enjoyable ‘Carnival on the Climb’.

GB, on behalf of the Bec C.C.

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Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:51 am

I've been managing a stinker of a cold the last couple of days but determined not to let that put me off taking part in this. Mrs Snoop woke up this morning sick as a dawg and it has fallen to me to look after the little 'un which - devastatingly - includes a kiddie party at 2 this afternoon.

My first ever DNS and I am gutted - I've been psyching myself up for this for weeks, living like a monk (minus the Trappist beer). I've just called the organiser and left a message apologising. If anyone picks this up today and spots Garry Beckett at the event please could they say sorry on my behalf.

I never thought I'd feel so upset about missing out on so much discomfort.

Seriously P*ssed Off Snoop :( :( :(

PS - good luck to all the ACC ers taking part today, sorry I wasn't able to bring home the lanterne rouge.
Snoop Doug

Postby Ian A4size » Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:15 pm

you missed a cracker Sean, i dont think it could have been run under much worse conditions- superb effort by the boys in yellow!
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Postby Andrew G » Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:03 pm

Sorry you couldn't make it Snoop, Jon was also a DNS which was a shame and just left Mark, Sylvain and myself - still a full team but I'm afraid we were robbed of the £900 team prize. :)

Weather: Terrible.
Event: Great.

Was there early after watching the morning's Catford HC. That was run mainly in rain which continued all bloody day. Being chilly and very wet made a warm up a bit tricky as I just got wetter and colder, but managed a few miles twiddling to try and get some blood flowing.

I was aiming for a sub 3 minute run which I missed out on with a 3:16, but considering the weather and lack of a proper warm up I was fairly happy with that. The feeling you get as you hit the half way point and hit the wall of people and noise is incredible, gives you a real lift.

Top support from the noisy agreeables in fine voice. Thanks to you all for making it over in such foul weather.

Sylvain's time was 2:28 :D and Mark was a bit quicker than me at about 3:05 I think.

Definately be back next year to beat the 3 minute barrier.

Other stories.
1st time ever overall was a tie with the £1000 first prize being split. They did an amazing 1:49 (only 8th and 9th times 1:50's been beaten).
Handbiker made it all the way up in 8:00. It looked like he suffered a lot.
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Postby mark mclaughlin » Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:26 pm

What an event, can't be many times when you have a chance to ride against some of the top riders in he country.
Brilliant atmosphere, great support from all ACC,s who braved the weather. Don't think it could have been worse for a hill climb event, torrents of water running down the hill and gusting winds.
Meet up with Andrew and did a practise run, difficult one to pace go too hard at start go into red before final sprint to 1 in 4 finish!
Pleased got under 3 mins. 2.57. Great ride from Sylvain (Tony Gibb 2.16) and yourself Andrew.
So next year then!! hopefully better weather, not a good sign when your body's shaking with cold before the start!
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Postby Dr Frigo » Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:29 pm

That was soooo hard – never have 700m seemed such a long distance.

I left home under driving rain, as late as possible to be able to see Jon start 15 minutes before me, with plastic bags for overshoes. Got to the bottom of the hill a bit late, only to find out the sign-on was at the top, and it got a bit stressful as I rushed back up to pick my number, meeting Paul and Tamar under the tea and cakes tent. In the end the timing was near-perfect, as I got a good warm-up and no time to get cold. Jon was a DNS eventually, and Andrew was starting a few minutes after me. He said he’d ridden the hill earlier in the week and kind of died half-way, I wish I’d paid more attention to his words – I only vaguely remembered the climb from a couple of Huw’s spring hilly rides.

At the start I met Matt Seaton fresh from his win at Eastway. I was watching fast-looking riders as they were pushed off, one went out of the saddle from the go, but most started seated, so I did the same, in 39/23. Got a (too) fast start, catching a lady rider, until I started feeling the pain and jumped out of the saddle. Glancing at my computer I saw I was only 40” in, my heart sank but I had to keep going. It got steeper and I went up a gear, entering the tree-covered area with spectators on both sides of the road.

They were cheering but I didn’t see anyone, head down, and felt like I was going slower and slower every second. Got to the top in 2”26, too out of breath to even push it on the last few meters which were not as steep. 1”49 for the winners sounds unbelievably fast.

It was painful but the good thing is that the pain goes away quickly after. Stayed to watch the end, hoping for a mountain biker (Jody Crawforth) to repeat his win of last year, which sadly didn’t happen as he got 1”52. Saw a cold-afflicted Tony Kelly on the hill, and Mark and Graham at the top.

I enjoyed the technical aspect of this specific kind of race – some bikes were obviously hill-climb-only machines: no bar tape, single front ring, three-speed cassette, funky shaped bars, and some riders must train specifically for it too. A few were on fixed bikes.

Thanks to Marco, Alan and Bob who were there to cheer us on (were you guys really out in the rain from 10am?!). Ride back was a great rush, mad tailwind and tire-deep puddles everywhere.
Dr Frigo

Postby Jon H » Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:15 pm

Sounds like you had fun. Well, sort of.
I was another victim of the cold that seems to be going around. Thought about coming out to spectate, then saw the weather and stayed in.
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Postby Marek » Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:19 pm

Sylvain you are da man. Blimey mate, Eastway RR, Eastway MBR and followed up by a hill climb, your legs must be thanking you for a nice easy weekend in the saddle.

Your results for all three races aint too shabby either, nice one.


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